
Infinite power

A ten-year-old boy named Alex dies and meets A Rob and Gets three wishes Iets to see his journey in his new life .........

killer_beee3345 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Having fun


Lee POV: Well I think she's enjoying my gift but I can get too complacent am weak in the grand scheme of things for example if I were to go to The Misfit of Demon King Academy Anos would destroy me in less than a second I need to get stronger but I also need to understand my powers I am one of the strongest beings in this world but in the universe am quite weak here am only second to Superman but again kryptonite can't affect me due to my Amazonian genes but still am sure if I were to fight Superman in a one on one I would lose not die but lose but thanks to the system I can control my strength to a current degree but I have to learn to control it my self but know I can have a little fun

Meanwhile The US Army base


Superman POV:Have you found anything useful on that kid lee

Random agent pov: No all we could identify is that he may possess the same power set as you superman what we have gathered The boy has super speed and flight and we haven't identified yet, but he may possess also super strength and endurance

Superman POV: How could the search for a person go unnoticed for this long

Random Agent pov: No social media birth records or certificate it's almost like he appeared out of thin air


Lee pov: I have just bought a new phone the first thing I did was download games what did you expect am 10 yes I act mature for my age but I am still a kid after that was done I decided to test my endurance I flew to an active volcano I first threw my clothes away and even though I was scared beyond my wildest dreams I still flew in when I entered it was like I was in hot water but then I got used to it then after that I decided to go to the Arctic Ocean without my clothes I decided to check how much cold resistance I said there for like five hours I wasn't cold I just got bored then I decided to check my endurance I swam to the deepest parts of the Pacific Ocean was it me or I so a monster I just ignored it the pressure doesn't affect me but it was getting dark and there is one more race I want to get I finally reached the surface use skill world travel



Next thing I knew I was in invincible at the beginning

Lee pov: I should find a world where I can settle okay time to get the race I want since it is almost night, I was standing outside we're Mark worked I so him running out of the store I pretended to bump into him and I used the ability copy on him


Race: Viltrumite

Abilities :{ Superhuman strength, } {stamina, } {speed}

{Nigh invulnerability}


{Enhanced healing factor}

{Decelerated ageing}

The host has acquired three extremely powerful races does the host want to categorise them or leave them as is

Lee pov: Categories

A new race is being formed: Sapien

Name Lee Yang

Race: Sapien

Age: 10

Abilities: {World travel} {Copy} {Amazon male Physiology}

{Combat Specialist}

{Demigod Physiology}

{Enhanced Craftsmanship}

{Exotic Human Physiology}

{Large Size}

{Magically Enhanced Physiology}



{flight} {superhuman strength, } {x-ray vision}, {heat vision} {cold breath} {super-speed} {enhanced hearing} {nigh-invulnerability.}

Superhuman strength, } {stamina, }. {speed}

{Nigh invulnerability}


{Enhanced healing factor}

{Decelerated ageing}

Lee POV: Am only 10 but my skills are no joke not to be arrogant but I think I can kill Omni man I think I will stay here for a while after that I decided to check my phone I did some tweaking on it to allow me to see what is happening in the main Universe I checked on

youtube and what I'd seen made me shocked the world of Invincible has changed because of me I even went on my wiki page and I so I was a weaker version of Superman if only they knew but for some reason, my race is unknown wait then I remembered something didn't my race change

Yes host your race has changed to sapien an extremely powerful race you are the only one in existence your race can copy an infinite amount of abilities

Lee Pov: So I have infinite potential so in the omniverse where do I stand

The host is very weak you are still too young to unlock your true potential my advice to the host is to first grow up as well as get more abilities host in this world is one of the strongest beings on earth host can easily destroy the planet or other planets in the world of marvel you can be classified as beyond omega level your strength rivals the God of strength or even surpasses it that's why if the host was to ever go on a rampage he would most likely destroy the entire solar system so it's advised that you keep your emotions in check

Lee POV: Wow I never knew that I had such power just a few days ago I couldn't even destroy a building but now I can destroy solar systems but I can worry about that tomorrow I flew up to the sun and slept on its surface yes I slept on the suns surface


Lee POV:I woke up in a happy mood, yes my clothes were burnt off but I could buy new ones it's not like I am dying any time soon

I flew back down to earth I flew into an abandoned alley new a store I immediately ran in and. out with my speed I easily got enough clothes to last me a year and of course, I paid am not a monster then I realised something can I put my money in like in a credit card or something like that because it can be sus if a ten-year-old can pull money out of no were

Yes the host can make something similar to a credit card but it will be linked to the host's soul it's like another dimension with infinite space

you can keep Gold, diamonds, Platinum and other things if the host wants to begin the process say yes

Lee POV: Yes and at that moment felt something link to my very being then an object came into my hand it was a card that said 25 at that moment I started putting money into the card at the end I had 833,333,333,325 dollars I think that's enough money then I realised I was still nude so I put on a white shirt with grey shorts with some Nike ✔️ shoes then I decided to go to a nice restaurant when I entered the waitress greeted me I just sat down and wait for the menu one of the waitresses gave me I ordered for the most expensive meal they looked at me in shock but still gave it to me I finished my meal within an hour and they gave me the check I pulled out my credit card they took it I put a random code as my password paid and then I left I called for an Uber it arrived in a few minutes I then got in and I asked him to take me to Reginald Vel Johnson High School yes the high school of the mc today was the day the Flaxans attacked

A/N I know I have skipped a lot but I don't care