
Infinite Power System: Dual Cultivation

A man with a fascination for novels of cultivation awakens in an unfamiliar realm. It dawns on him that he now exists in a different dimension, one filled with the marvels of magic and martial arts. The incredible nature of his situation becomes even more intense as he is startled by a resonant voice within his mind, and a translucent hologram materializes before his eyes. [System Installed.] [Welcome to the world of Nusa, Renxian!] [I am called Infinite Power System!] From that moment forward, he ventures through a domain inhabited by supernatural creatures, tremendous abilities, mysterious sects, and splendors that challenge reason, all reminiscent of the novels he once devoured. Yet, Renxian bears a crucial mission: to embark on dual cultivation to shatter his limits and elevate his level. This undertaking proves to be a challenging feat. To perform the ritual and cultivate it in tandem, he must forge meaningful connections with them. ••• https://discord.gg/AHM7swVsvJ

Kiverance · Eastern
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102 Chs

Before Sunrise

Renxian, in a surprising lack of resistance, assisted Kirisu in removing his top. The lantern's warm glow painted his broad chest and impeccably sculpted abdomen with a yellowish hue, creating an alluring scene that captivated the room.

Kirisu was hesitant for a moment until she smirked, her chest burning with the desire to venture onto his skin. But she looked up to face Renxian who was slightly taller, bringing her complexion closer to him before their noses touched each other.

"Don't move," she whispered in a soft voice, their warm breath intertwining as their lips met.

In contrast to the previous stiffness, the kiss transformed into a wild and passionate exchange. Kirisu deftly explored Renxian's mouth with her tongue, leaving him overwhelmed by the intensity. Simultaneously, her hands traced every contour of Renxian's body, thumbs encircling his nipples with a seductive touch.