
Infinite Paragon

Evan a young man whos life had always been difficult contracts a deadly disease. After his life is saved by a new world changing piece of technology, he is assassinated in a bid to steal a chip implanted into his brain. Instead of death, or a typical afterlife, he is transmigrated into a new world full of mystery, magical beasts, and unimaginable power. Join Evan in his quest for answers.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Omega Industries

Feeling extremely confused, Evan quickly explained to his mother that he needed to finish somethings up at work.

"Honey you shouldn't be working like this, there's too much going on and you should be resting." She couldn't help but be worried.

"Look if I don't take care of this now, there might not be a later to do it." He quickly retorted.

"Okay. Please come over when you're finished, or would you like me to just go to your house?" She wasn't going to give him any space through this. She just wanted to take care of her little boy, regardless of his age he was still her little boy. This was mainly due to the guilt she felt for being such an absent mother in his youth, but it didn't matter. She just wanted to be there for him now when he needed it most.

Evan quickly called a cab, not feeling up to driving anywhere, and headed off to Omega Industries head office.

At Omega Industries

Jeremy Downs was excited. A year ago, there was a meteorite that crashed down in the Sahara Desert that they had managed to get their hands on. The significant value of which happened to be an unknown crystalline gem that seemed to be capable of storing and manipulating data, similar to quartz or diamond. The amazing thing about it was that it would manipulate the data on its own. This caused the crystal to actually add or remove data no longer needed. The crystal acted as its own artificial intelligence, learning on its own.

After a year of testing and experimentation, they discovered the medical applications are quite literally out of this world. A small chip could contain much more data than quartz or even diamond, giving major advancement to nano technology that has never before seen or even thought of yet. Through trial and error, they actually made a large leap in biotechnological replacements and prosthetics. They had created a nano chip that, after a brain mapping process, could actually work as a replacement for certain parts of the brain. Using the same processing crystal from the brain mapping chip, since it could learn and adapt to the specific pattern of thought, they could then implant the chip into a larger more advanced neuron processor in order to essentially replace that part of the brain.

This was the most amazing thing that they had ever created. Now they just needed the perfect person to attempt it on, after 6 months of 100% success in mice, rats, and pigs. They had approval for human trial they just needed a volunteer. This is why Omega Industries had been slowly pumping in a concoction of carcinogenic gases into Mr. Freemans office for the past 2 months.

*Knock, knock. Knock. *

"Come in Mr. Freeman." Jeremy was writhing with excitement.

"Hey Jeremy, your call was really weird. What's going on? How did you know I had cancer? I just found out myself." Evan was creeped out by the call, it happened right after he left the doctor.

"We have contact with most of the medical facilities in the area. They have a list of our important employees in which to contact us if there are any issues. We take pride in our important staff, and even though you aren't an employee we definitely value you. We put your name on the list and they naturally called after your diagnosis." Jeremy had concocted this method about 8 months ago. After their amazing success rate with the mice, he knew he would eventually have to use some dirty methods in order to make this plan work.

"Oh. Well, I genuinely appreciate that. What's up with this whole saving my life bit though?" Evan wasn't an idiot and knew this place must have some new experimental drug they would try to push on him.

"Well, first I need to know how long you have to live? We have a very promising method, but you need a minimum of a 3-month prognosis." Jeremy immediately turned professional, right to business.

"They told me that it was caught early, and with treatment I could live up to 2 years." Evan was honest, and the depression was starting to set in again. Every time he had to say it, all he would feel is the same dread he felt when he first found out.

"And without treatment?"

"6 months maximum."

"Good. That's plenty of time." Jeremy got a sly smirk, knowing he had gotten his way. He quickly explained the surgery to implant a brain mapping chip for 2 months' time. How they would then create a custom neuron processor, to perfectly fit his brain. Extract the tumor mass as well as the amygdala, and finally implant the "replacement" amygdala.

"Yes, this is brain surgery, and a risky procedure. I do want to tell you that we have had a 100% success rate in all animal studies though. Oh, and you will be the first human trial if you accept." Jeremy laid out all the facts for him even knowing he could still be rejected at the most pivotal moment.

"Be honest with me Jeremy. We've known each other for a while. I just want the truth. I've got a couple of questions for you." Evan had a couple questions and just wanted him to be blunt about it.

"Anything you need to know, I can answer." Jeremy was starting to feel very cocky.

"Why me?" Evan asked the most important question first.