
Infinite Paragon

Evan a young man whos life had always been difficult contracts a deadly disease. After his life is saved by a new world changing piece of technology, he is assassinated in a bid to steal a chip implanted into his brain. Instead of death, or a typical afterlife, he is transmigrated into a new world full of mystery, magical beasts, and unimaginable power. Join Evan in his quest for answers.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
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45 Chs

God Flame

The next morning came quick and Evan realized how hungry he was. It wasn't until now that he had realized, he only had breakfast all day yesterday. His stomach was screaming at him for food, and his muscles were still tired themselves from lack of nutrition.

Evan rushed out of the guest room that Feldman had took the time to make up for Evan the previous morning. As soon as he left the room, he could smell the thick aroma of what can only be called bacon. Evan would never forget this smell.

When he rounded the corner into the kitchen, Evan's jaw dropped. The table was full of food. This was completely different from what Evan had seen since he had been coming here. There were plates full of breads and biscuits, a plate of bacon, another of sausage, and the largest eggs Evan had ever seen.

"Sit down and eat up, I slaughtered 2 clucks, and 4 eggs to make this meal. You better not let it go to waste." Feldman seemed to be in a fantastic mood this morning.

"What's the occasion?" Evan asked Feldman, more curious of his good mood.

"Today will be the last day of your training so you will go home tonight. I've already sent a messenger to your parents explaining your talent and unnatural amount of spirit energy. I received word this morning of their blessings. Going to the academy will now not be a problem at all. I thought I would have to use some underhanded methods to gain their permission, but surprisingly they seemed quite proud of you. They want to spend your last night with you though, and as a parent who has regrets, I ask that you at least give them that opportunity." Feldman was quite proud of himself. Everything went perfectly to plan and if everything went well, he might even be able to mend the relationship between Evan and his parents.

"Do I have to?" Evan didn't want to see them at all. They weren't his parents. He didn't know them apart from horrendous memories. He had no desire to see them at all.

"Consider it as a favor to me? As a friend who regrets much in his life and would do anything to talk to his children one last time." Feldman still felt responsible for Evan's situation and felt responsible to try and fix it.

"Only for you then." Evan gave in and gave a small smile to Feldman.

"Alright then eat up. Today is going to be the hard part. You found your spirit flame pattern yesterday, now you have to reverse the pattern to make the fire flow inside out. Not only will it take away the golden hue, but it will similarly reflect one of the other 10 Great Flames, the Olympus Flame. It is notorious for flowing backwards." Feldman was excited to get to work. Disguising a spirit flame was just a concept he had thought of back in the past. He never actually had a chance to try it, but according to theory there is nothing that should conflict.

Evan thought about what Feldman had told him and didn't think that would reverse the flow, but it would change the actual physical properties of the flame. Possibly changing the flame completely. The pattern that he had found last night was just another word for the blueprint. They were the same thing, so wouldn't changing the pattern change the blueprint. They should become total opposites.

Evan sat in his spirit state for the next almost 6 hours. He tried the same thing over and over and over again. It was impossible to change the pattern after it left the body. Evan was ready to give up when Feldman called him over for lunch.

Feldman didn't instruct him today like he did last night. Feldman couldn't control any spirit so it would be impossible to instruct at this stage. He could only give his theories and explain the best he could. The rest was up to Evan.

Over lunch Evan had explained his difficulties. How he could control the pattern to reverse the physical flow of the flame, reversing the energy flow was seeming to be impossible. If he reversed the physical flow of the flame, it would still hide the aura, but it wasn't an instant change. The aura was still visible for a few moments after being summoned.

Feldman gave a few ideas, none of which seemed to be useful from Evan's train of thought. Feldman's theories sounded like they would be worthwhile, but Evan knew from experience that it wasn't possible to influence the energy flow after it was outside the body. It was like the flow was solidified to that specific pattern.

Evan wanted to try this internally but there were a few times when he had caused an explosion from stopping the energy flow completely. The flame would lose the spirit energy qualities and combust rapidly.

He had been at this all day. He was sitting down recovering his energy. He was sweating, breathing hard and just wanted to sleep. He was trying to think of a solution. He couldn't, no matter what he tried or what he thought of he came back to the same problem. He can't change the pattern outside the body.

'I have just enough energy to try one more time. I'm going to try it.' Evan had decided that the only way to do what was required would be to change the pattern while still internal. He just had to be sure that he didn't allow a pause in the flow. If it became static, the Refinement Fire would turn him to ashes in just a moment.

He started to summon the Refinement Fire while on the way to his exit pathways, and right before exiting, he pushed his mental forces to the maximum. He was forcing the pattern to reverse so hard that he felt a small pop in his physical body as the flames exited.

[Congratulations of creating new Inner Spirit Flame.]

[Flame is a combination of user will power and Refinement Fire, the combination has the unique aspect of dual purpose. Fire is capable of tempering and refining. This is a trait exclusive only to Personal Flame]

[Personal Flame unlocked- Personal Flame is the Evolved grade of spirit flame based on the inclusion of tempering ability]

[Please name Personal Flame]

Evan was too shocked to think of a name, all he could think was. 'This is just godly, with the ability to temper and refine at the same time. I can completely eliminate two steps that. Even I can't believe that this should be possible.'

Since this was such a godly ability the name was pretty obvious. The look of the flame just enhanced the name of the flame, it was solid gold, with a crimson hue. The golden hue wasn't just inside of the flame but had actually become the base of the flame, which increased the power 10-fold, but didn't require any additional energy.

'God Flame' Evan gave the instruction to the system and could feel the flame being added into his body, completely replacing the Refinement Fire that he previously had.

Now that he had finished his task, he was supposed to get ready to go home, but there were still a few hours to go before dark. He wanted to use this time to cultivate Speedforce. He was pretty sure he was at his limit last time but that was before he had upgraded his body. He didn't think he would make any progress, but it was worth trying.

Evan entered his spirit state and focused on the spirit beads inside of his body, trying to find a bead in the same area he had been working in before. This was not nearly as difficult as it had been before, it almost looked like he was able to slow the beads speed down at will. He knew it was just his perception. He felt as if his comprehension had grown since the alchemical fusion breakthrough, and again as he created the new flame.

One of the positives about Speedforce was the ability to cultivate as he replenished his energy. So, he was able to start cultivating as soon as he had created the God Flame. 2 hours had passed quickly before Evan was able to change the trajectory of his 3rd bead. This was around the same amount of time as last time, but he was much more tired than before. It seemed as if the ascension was going to be imperative before he can improve.

Evan was finished with his cultivation, but he didn't want to see his parents. He was trying to put it off as long as he possibly could. Fate and Feldman had different plans for Evan though. Feldman soon called for Evan to come back to the house.

Evan walked back slowly, taking almost 10 minutes for the short walk back. This is the same distance he had ran in a few seconds just the day before.

"Are you finally ready to go home, my boy?" the dreaded words from Feldman almost made Evan cringe.

"Yes, master."