
Infinite myriad

Power,resources and women all these things come easy for some while others struggle to live their daily lives. Elk Raiser the main characters strives to obtain strength with a horrible attitude while fighting against geniuses and being branded as a villain.The only way he knew to become stronger was a book is mother left for him however he caused to big of a scene and was nearly killed for it. The greatest sinners are those who have treasures with no power to protect them.

Overlord_E · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 9:Battle of beasts and prisoners [1]

The cage rattled as the beasts were rampaging inside.Elk stared at the cage with curiosity as he had never seen a beast yet.

"Release the beasts!"

A voice resounded through the arena and the cage flashed as the doors opened.Three beasts then walked out of the cage,three wolves.Their energy rippled as they started hungrily at Elk and the the other man.

They were two level 5 and one level 7 wild beast.The level 7 wild beast had red eyes indicating it was an alpha wolf while the other two had blue eyes indicating they were betas.The growled at Elk and the other man and rushed at them.

The alpha went after the other man as it sensed a greater treat from him while the betas went after Elk.Elk was about to release his shadows when he remembered what the man with the lighting ability said.

'It all about control.'

He then used his fog to enhance his body,like other Ability tier awakened,and his eyes were covered with dark fog.The first wolf arrived and jumped at him,he slid under it and lifted his hand touching its belly while fog infiltrate it.

It landed and staggered as if it had been hit hard.The other one then attacked Elk and bit his arm ripping off flesh.

Elk grunted and stretched out his other hand and grabbed its throat allowing fog to infiltrate it shutting off his energy.Its struggles lessened and it eventually stopped entirely.Elk let it go as to not show he was able to wither it away.

He remembered the fog shadows telling him they always interfered with the runes that where observing him.The people only knew he had a fog like ability but didn't know he was able to wither away bodies.So he only took enough to take its life without destroying the body.

Elk knew that this effect had a limit as some beings far stronger than him took longer to wither while some are even able to ignore its effects entirely.Like the man with the lightning spear did.

The other wolf whimpered as it looked at Elk warily and backed off.He ignored it and looked at the battle between the alpha and the other man.

The wolf was already an Armament tier while the man was a Magic tier.They had already been in a deadlock for a while.The man kicked the wolf back and separated from it,the wolf growled and light green runes started to appear its limbs.

The wolf then accelerated toward him and slashed out its claw causing wind blades to form because of the speed and pressure of its movement.

Elk looked at this as it was the first time he has seen an enhancement type ability.

'It should be something like accelerate and it seems to be of the wind attribute.'

The man's pupils dilated gathered his ability.

"Ice gauntlets!"

Ice began to gather on his hands and spread to his forearms forming two gauntlets.He crossed his arm into a X infront of himself attempting to block the wind blades.


The wind blades struck him and with every wind blade he gets pushed back five meters.


When the last wind blade struck the man's gauntlets were finally broken and he was sent flying into the wall causing a loud explosion.


Rocks went flying in all directions because of the impact.Elk looked at the wolf with astonishment when he saw how powerful the wind blades were without it even being the wolf's ability.His dark eyes flashed.

'So that's what control looks like.Being able to extend your own ability without it losing any power.'

He looked on with amazement when he saw this because before when the man explained control to him he didn't really understand but now he understood completely.

The wolf then turned its head towards Elk and saw one of its pack was dead while the other one was growling at Elk from a distance.


It then howled towards the other wolf calling it back to it.When the wolf arrived at his alphas side a synergy was created between them and the alpha was strengthened,it then growled towards Elk preparing to attack.

It it ran with the other wolf and arrived infront of Elk instantly and clawed at him.Elk swiftly lifted the dead body of the wolf next to him and threw it at the claw attempting to stop it but the claws sliced through it like butter and arrived infront of his face.

Elk was sent flying even faster then the man before and rolled on the ground before slamming into the wall.

What Elk didn't know was that alpha isn't just an empty title wolves have,it gives a power to the leader of the pack allowing it to form connections with every wolf in its pack 100 meters close to it,in the Refinement stage,with every wolf boosting its power by 5%.

Although thus is limited to only ten wolves at the Refinement stage it gives an overall 50% boost to the alphas speed,strength and defense which is insane.

Elk was still stuck in the wall while the man had already climbed out looking miserable.He looked up and saw the two wolves looking at Elk in the wall warily while ignoring him.He suddenly realized the wolves now treat Elk as a bigger threat than himself.Smiling at this he sat down while trying to not attract the wolves attention and recuperate.

He knew all he had to do was wait for the wolves to kill Elk then he would be let out allowing him to survive and live on.

The alpha looked at its claw in confusion because the second its claw touched Elks face some black gas seeped out and into its claws blocking it from using myriad energy for a moment.However it did not seem to affect its bodily speed and power,and since beast rely more on their own bodies than myriad energy the wolf wasn't affected that much but affect nonetheless.

Now its vigilance has changed from the man with the ice ability to Elk.

Enjoy the chapter!!!!

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