
Chapter 2 Let The Games Begin

'God that hurt.' Cyril thought as he got up and looked around. Near him were other people from his school specifically those from his year which were about 80 people in total. Next to him was also his friend Jack.

Soon everyone started waking up including Jack. Some people started screaming but everyone else was still in a panick apart from Cyril all he could he think about was 'IT'S NOW IT'S NOW WHEN I WILL REACH THE TOP FINALLY YOU KEPT ME WAITING FOR A WHOLE DAY!'

Most would think he was deranged but considering he came from another world he's probably one of the less crazy ones.

After a bit Cyril was about to start talking to Jack when a presence appeared in the air it was a glow of light.

"Initiating Planetary Evolution and Defence system beginning the human race's evolution."





Some people started freaking out due to the glow of light which sounded like a robot but soon it began to explain.

"Hello Race 214 of Planet 21465 of Galaxy 10503 of Universe 134902 I am AI 0294326 or 02 for short. I am also known as the designated guide of your race and planet. Right now all children between the ages of 11 and 16 will be having this discussion with my various incarnations. You will all be people that will evolve beyond the limits of humanity and lead it to a new age. One of either hope or despair. But before we get into that I will like you all to know a set of rules. What you shall know and acquire here must not be told, used in front of normal people or shown etc or you shall receive punishment repeated violations will result in you forgetting everything that happened here and losing everything you gained here."

"So first things first I shall explain to all of you what will happen now one by one you will all spin that wheel in front of me." suddenly as soon as it said that a huge spinner wheel like one in game shows appeared in the dark oblivion. Soon after it started to shout out various people's names and then it started.

"First one up is Jane. Go and spin that wheel there are 3 possible powers the first one is sniper with a 40% the second is swordsman with a 59.9% chance and the last one is haki master with a 0.1% chance. You will all learn what haki is after a while you can all use it but a haki master has special benefits when using haki apart from that the other 2 are pretty clear as to what they are."

Suddenly the girl named Jane was compelled by a force and was moved next to the wheel then reluctantly she spun it unsurprisingly it landed on swordsman.

While everyone was struggling to understand what was going on Cyril was leaping in joy in his head as he realised something. 'So all the powers must be fictional powers at least the ones in my year are from my world so I have a greater grasp on what's going on and not only that it must be from One Piece since there is a haki master. I must get it, it will probably boost my haki training speed which is vital in the One Piece ladder of power.'

While Cyril was thinking about this more and more people went up no one had obtained haki master yet it was mostly just swordsmen with a few snipers in the mix but soon it was Jack's turn.

"Good luck." Cyril said as Jack walked up and spun the wheel. Although most would probably hope for sniper Cyril knew that although it's more likely to be a swords men that in direct combat it was overall better especially later on if they could create sword waves. Knowing Jack as well Cyril hoped he would get swordsmen.

Cyril also speculated that sniper was rarer as it had various utility as shown by Ussop when after he acquired his new slingshot and various new ammo after he was sent to that island by Kuma but there was no such island on this planet so unless those same items appeared later or better ones sniper would be pretty useless.

But soon after that Cyril thought again 'WAIT what if there are high tech superpowers like Tony Stark's mind or something? With the repulsor ray blasts and a snipers accuracy an Iron Man suit would be quite deadly more than it originally would be.'

Although Cyril thought that, it didn't matter cause there was no way to rig the wheel and Jack had at that moment landed on swordsman anyway.

Soon Jack walked back sighing "Well too bad I didn't get haki master it's seems interesting but at least I got swordsman I don't really like the feel of sniper personally anyway."

After everyone was called up apart from Cyril. 02 was quiet for a while before he suddenly called out "Cyril go and spin the wheel."

So Cyril walked up although he would have an edge against the others anyway with his knowledge of One Piece he was still nervous since the wheel would assumably determine his faith from then on. 'Please be haki master please.' he thought as he arrived in front of the wheel.

Then he spun it.


The wheel continued to spin as it stopped landing on the small line inbetween sniper and swordsman. 02 soon announced "Cyril obtained power Haki Master. Now before you are all teleported let me tell you all something. Be careful your world will change dramatically in the coming year. DO NOT BY ANY MEANS BREAK ANY OF THE RULES. Using loop holes is not allowed you are only allowed to use your powers outside after a year or if you are in a life threatening situation. Before you are all sent out you will obtain an item for your ability plus a book on how to train haki. They will be stored in rings so you can keep them out of site. Do not show anyone. If someone accidentally sees one of the items make up an excuse. Well good bye for now."


As quickly as they arrived they all dissappeared soon even 02 left and the oblivion crumbled into nothingness.

Somewhere far far away beyond human understanding someone laughed


Well that was a bit infoey to sorry it had to be done honestly I have a hard time wrapping my head around how this is going to work so I am trying to explain in detail. I was originally going to use Naruto but I didn't know how to implement it with out making them too op or ruining everything with chakra. As well I only know stuff about Naruto from Fan Fiction while One Piece I am pretty deep into as well it's much simpler at least for now.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts