
Infinite Mana In The Oasis

Meet Eren Idril, just your average Joe trying to navigate a world that's gone full sci-fi bonkers. We're talking flying cars, holographic pets, the whole shebang. But here's the kicker: amidst all the flashy gadgets and mind-bending tech, there's something even more mind-blowing going on—mana. Now, this ain't your run-of-the-mill magic trick. Nope, mana's the real deal, and only the elite, the cream of the crop, the Rankers, get to play with it. They're basically like the cool kids in high school, but with superpowers and a really fancy title. But here's where things get spicy. While everyone's busy flexing their mana muscles and living it up in this brave new world, there's trouble brewing on the horizon. Like, end-of-humanity kind of trouble. Turns out, Earth ain't the safe haven it used to be, and now folks are scrambling to find a new place to call home. Enter Eren Idril, the ultimate underdog in a world full of heroes and villains. He's not your typical protagonist, more like the guy you'd find chilling in the background, minding his own business. But when he stumbles upon a power that everyone else thinks is busted, well, let's just say things are about to get interesting. - Grayback

Grayback · Fantasy
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284 Chs

Possible Solution?

"Can we do that though?"

Eren asked while observing adventurers coming into and leaving the hall. He had observed that they were wearing all kinds of armor and gear. Some looked archaic while others looked like they had been industrially manufactured.

And they all seemed to be in their element. Like it was normal for everyone to wear any outfit or gear. He was thoroughly undressed compared to them.

"Do what?"

Miranda asked. Reece had left the duo alone and had moved ahead to check up on a few things displayed on a spectral screen that was floating in the air. She was selecting a mission for Eren. Against her wishes, he had decided to commemorate his entrance into Gilahaan by embarking on a mission.

"You know… die. Can we die here?"

Eren asked and stopped looking around. This question's answer would determine how to behave in the Numbered Oasis.

"Didn't you read the information that was given to you?" Miranda asked.