
The True Emperor and his Quintessential Boons! III

Passive Aeonic and Passive Extremity Refinement.

Effects that the Infinite Reality Passages could now provide after they were supported by the Boundary of Manadynamics!

Noah felt their full fruition at this moment as the Passive Aeonic Refinement meant these mountainous Passages would now passively refine his Aeonic Soul, while Passive Extremity Refinement…

The effect of this was stupendous as Noah felt the incandescent Reality Passages pump our seas of pure transparent essence that entered the depths of his Soul and soul the area of his Soul that tightly coiled around his Boundaries- this essence beginning to refine these Boundaries as the effect of Passive Extremity Refinement was to passively refine the Boundary Layers of his Boundaries towards EXTREMITY! Towards achieving even more Boundary Layers!