
The Extremity of Quintessence! I


The chants were like a neverending chorus.

Across the Vacuous and Vitalis Hyperversal Domains, they thundered out!

In the Vitalis Hyperversal Domains.

Within the folds of Records, across the vast Vitalis Annals of Extremity.

An isolated domain existed that had a floating landmass the size of a small world pulsing with Vitalis Hyperversal Authority, with transparent white grasslands waving gloriously alongside tall oak trees radiating Vitalis.

In such a place, the figure of a woman adorned in a white robe and silver hair could be seen floating with her hands outstretched- Vitalis Hyperversal Authority gathering under her gestures as it flowed into a forming Vitalis Planalith Krystallos!

In such a critical period of time during her Refinement…


A booming chant exploded out from the Records all around her that instantly destroyed her concentration and flow of Vitalis in the surroundings.
