
The Conclave of Quintessence! II

Half a day.

This was how much time had passed since the Anchor that was the Dream Dimension had been 'destroyed' as in this period of time before the Dimensional Conclave was convened, a shocking event had taken place in the Niflheim Dimension!

The Dimensional Deceiver had moved with shocking speed and power as she revealed an unbelievable card up her sleeve- a renowned Commander that was prominent in the Last Age returning as an Undead Emperor as he wielded power that was enough to best two Dimensional Hellion Rulers!

Her battle did not have any suspense as before she even made a move, her mere words had moved half of the opposing Dimensional Rulers to surrender as no Nature Integration expert wished to put their long life on the line for the sake of those they were merely allied with.

This left the two Dimensional Hellion Rulers of the Niflheim Dimension besieged on all sides as the result of this…