
Subjugating a World II

Feelings of shame and fear were abundant, but the Rulers could do nothing about it as they had just watched an example of one of their strongest do what they wanted to do in their hearts, but he had faced death within seconds!

The Demons felt angry and stifled as questions many beings had asked in the past when they were moving freely began to pop in their minds as well. Why was it all so unfair? What did they do to deserve this?!


In this world, in the universe, what brought in fairness to all the trillions and trillions of struggling beings? Those who could not defend themselves or stand up for what was considered right and they died meaningless deaths, did their grievances do something or were their lives worthless? 

Some said that those who hold power and bully those who are weaker and poorer never really face their consequences. That they live freely and enjoy their lives while many more continue to suffer.