
Simultaneous Formation of Seeds of TABOO! II

The concept blooming before Noah's eyes was astounding enough as he paused incoming prompts to focus on it ever so briefly.

<Randomized Loot Crates>:: Depending on the slain target, different Tiers of Loot Crates will arise from White, Blue, Purple, Gold, and Black Gold. In higher Tier Loot Crates, the rarest items that appeared in Resplendent Treasure Caches in the past and other items similar to them can be obtained. The Bloodlines, Skills, Cores, Edicts, and any other potential loot will be utilized in exchange for the formation of the Randomized Loot Crate…

Different Tiers of Loot Crates existed as Noah got more information on what he could obtain from them! 

Apart from the items that had appeared in the Resplendent Treasure Caches in the past, he could also attain similar items as an example would be the Warring Emperor Set items that he had gotten only 2 of so far…he would be able to now get similar items and stand a chance of completing the set.