
Profane! I

A declaration was laid down as a shockingly powerful enemy suddenly appeared!

From the follower of the Tao of Ginnungagap that was wrapped in the weavings of purity, there was actually a hidden agent of what Nuntius Eshkeri referred to as an Agent of Anti-Life.

Everything about his existence was concealed and stable, and the only reason everything became unveiled was because of a single man's actions.

The unraveling of Existence allowed what was hidden behind to unfold, and the grandeur of the Outerversal Morphon- Ginnungagap, made its appearance.

In the blacked sands of the Arena.

Noah's figure was taking everything in as unbelievably, his Atlas of Existence remained bright.

The Declaration of the Outerversal Morphon stated that weavings of Existence in the surroundings were denied and rejected.