
Of Interminable Descent! II

When it came to the current phase of battles, the concepts one had reigned supreme as no concepts were grander than Existential ones.

They should be able to blur the lines between the Gradations of Extremity, especially since the enemies they faced only had a single Existential Extremity Authority to rely on!

Noah knew this well as he now sat with four Existential Extremity Authorities.

And the most recent one…still had an overabundance of surprises left in store as it gave Noah a unique but dangerous perspective.

The Extremity of the Protagonist.

It's Extreme was Noah, and the weaving truly lived up to this as even Noah himself had the perspective right now that he was the Protagonist of the unfolding reality!

It gave him a sense of bravado that everything would always be okay. That since he was the Protagonist, everything would somehow turn out okay.