
Mors Apokalypsis! IV


After destroying one, Noah was able to fully and without a doubt understand these creatures before him!

And what shocking process did they signify.

What shocking reality they were bringing forth!

All of it…was related to Mors Apokalypsis!

{The Extremity of Loot has extracted from the target 36 Fragments of the Endocarp of a Fruit of Existence!}

{The Extremity of Loot has extracted from the target 41 Fragments of the Mesocarp of a Fruit of Existence!}

{The Extremity of Loot has extracted from the target 51 Fragments of the Exocarp of a Fruit of Existence!}

{The Extremity of Loot has extracted from the target 21 Fragments of the Seed of a Fruit of Existence!}


It's blood and bones.

It's very being.

Everything about it…was powered by nothing else than the Fruit of Existence.