
Illusory Legend! II

Even after he overlayed all of his defensive shields and Auras among other things, he could only multiply them with the 500 Multiplier and achieve a total stacked defense of 30,000 that he could replenish every microsecond if it was broken.

But this was not enough to withstand more than 100,000 True Reality Damage Values that would be raining down every microsecond!

So Genevieve was taken into account as with her unlocked TABOO Nomological Edict and her being capable of dispelling the attacks of these three terrifying beings before, she should be capable of defending a range of 20,000-30,000 True Reality Damage Values.

That left over 50,000 Damage Values from this terrifying being for them to stop…or they would be turned into mere meat paste of stellar lights.