
Existential Destroyers! II

The words the Manifestation of an entity uttered out in front of Noah were heavy ones that may make any layman shocked!

The Imperium held another name on their banner- but it was not one they took on themselves.

Existential Destroyers.

The destroyers of existence itself.

Entities who incarcerated an entire Omniversal Lineage and every possible branch that was a part of such a lineage to be Seeds inside Existential Domains!

|If you are truly what they term a Seed from one of these Existential Domains, then somewhere in your blood…there may lie trace amounts of an Omniversal Lineage long forgotten through time. The distinction of a Seed is demeaning to your existence- and the existences of countless others. You are no Seed, nor am I some filth that should merely be something to be butchered under the swords of the Imperium.|