
Dominium! IX

One unimaginable thing occurred after another.

Archon Basileus Al-Abalem impossibly felt a foreign authority actually encroached upon his Codex of Extremity, and the way it did so was enough to cause one to pause!

Not a direct opposition to his authority over it, but it was an encroachment beginning from the very Existential Domain itself that the Codex was connected to.

Once more, the culprit was none other than the Corrupted Seed.

Noah Osmont!

Yet before Archon Basileus Al-Abalem could divulge even more thoughts towards this…an interruption came.


When would his Existential Domain ever have guests? Anyone arriving at this moment would only be an enemy.


His Dominium pulsed as it read interminable weavings.

And his expression and the expression of Archon Basileus Ignatius changed rapidly as the tanned visage of Ignatius uttered out with disgust.

{The Leashed Dog, Lethith!}
