
A Moment of Infinity, A Leap of Quintessence! II

As she stared at Noah's unbreakable confidence, Extremity Solarium continued to gaze at him calmly and silently for a full 10 seconds before she nodded.

{Very well. Let the hunt begin!}

Her pairs of wings flapped.

A terrifying radiance unfurled as they beckoned the events about to unfold!

Far away from the Supernal Haven of Helios where Noah's Reified Wealdian Source of Indefatigable was standing next to Extremity Solarium.

Within the Nether Haven of Helios outside of the Extremity Vein of the Seven Havens.

In the domains of the Inheritance of Infinite Extremity.

The surrounding reality held floating mountains that seemed like stellar bodies of suns stationed in space, their numbers reaching a few hundred as atop each golden mountain…Aeonic Treasures of Extremity were forming.

The golden mountains were akin to starry floating islands that dripped with waves of Helios onto an endless sea of Helios before.