
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 13

Feeling his hand about to snap from the wrist, Julian finally let go of my hand and took a few steps back. The next moment ,my escort for today's outing and father's personal knight, let go of his hand and stood protectively between me and Julian.

"Ahem...I apologize Lady Alida.I just wanted to have a talk with you if that's okay?"

Starring at me intently I could see it in his eyes, his confidence that I would not reject him.

"I'm sorry mister Edelman, I'm quite tired and wish to go home to rest. Goodbye."

And with that I turned around and left with my whole ten people entourage.Going straight for the exit I never once turned back. Climbing the carriage we went straight home.

By the time we arrived I was so exhausted that all I could think about was sleep. Descending in front of the house , I thanked the knight who's name is Darius, for his impeccable timing to wich he responded that it was his job to protect me .

Upon entering my room I flopped directly on the bed on my tummy, my head sideways, closed my eyes and drifted into sleep.

Unbeknownst to Alida, the knight named Darius made a visit to the Patriarch's office, recounting Lady Alida's outing including the argument and everything that was said inside the private room of the restaurant plus Mister Edelman' s behavior.

After a power nap Alida resumed her meditation time until it was time for dinner. Changing her clothes into more proper ones she descended the stairs in a hurry since she was a few minutes late. Upon her entry, everyone at the table looked at her.

" Hello Alida. It's good that you came, please have a seat." Father said to me with a twinkle in his eyes and a small smile.

I took a seat beside Aryan since tonight mister Edelman was not at our mansion.

Jane started fidgeting and meekly looked at me. I, of course saw all this since she was right in front of me but said nothing, just let her squirm some more until after a few minutes she decided to speak.

"Uhmm...sister Alida...a about today.."

Raising my head and looking at her she already had tears in her eyes.

" Today? What happened today?" Aryan asked curious.

Mother and father had their heads down and were eating their dinner seemingly not bothered with us.

Looking at Jane with a confused face I said " Today? What about today?"

Jane started to fidget more giving the air of a bullied victim.

"Uhm...sniff..at the restaurant..today..lunch ." And right on cue her tears started to fall. Only saying fragments of her sentence, letting the rest to be interpreted by everyone how they wishes.

With the way she was acting and speaking you would think that someone actually bullied her.

Now, the old Alida would either flare at this sight or just plain ignore it with a look of hatred in her eyes.

"Did something happened to you at the restaurant after I left? " I asked feigning worry.

" You two had lunch together? " It was Aryan's time to speak but not giving Jane a chance to confuse people more i quickly spoke.

" Yes, we did. After my visit at The Church of Sun and Moon we stopped at Malloy's diner to eat and Jane and Julian were there in our private room. Seeing as they invited me to have lunch with them I entered. I didn't stay long, after eating, some of Jane's friends came over and so I left so as to not disturb them."

"Really? If I knew...sigh."

Clearly Aryan wanted part in the fun too.Oh the woes of being the next patriarch..poor Aryan...all work and no fun.

Putting a hand on his shoulder, I patted it lightly and said " Don't worry..if you want ,this sister of yours will have lunch with you whenever you are free " And blinded him with my biggest smile.

" Haha ..sister ..you're the best." Clearly he was pleased by what I said.

" But Jane, looking at you one would think that something bad happened. Did something happened with your friends?" Tilting his head , Aryan said this much to my delight.

Like a deer caught in the light , Jane jumped in her seat flustered.

"Ah? No..no no... nothing happened.. nothing. Everything is fine."

"Then why are you not speaking properly? You're making us worry about you." Like the good brother he is , Aryan kept going : " You should speak properly or else people will misunderstand you, and please stay straight, your head held up high when you speak, you're a Burgess not a five year old ."

Baamm....Aryan my dear brother I love you so much . Hehe...of course I only thought this , not said it aloud.

At this moment the patriarch had his head down, not one saw the glint that flashed in his eyes.

The Madam also ate gracefully with a neutral face not saying anything.

Jane, seeing as there was none to stand up for her, rose from her seat , excused herself flustered and left the dining room in tears.

" Ah? Jane?"

Seeing Aryan ready to go after her, I quickly but a hand on his shoulder and pressed it down, indicating for him to sit .

" Brother , leave her be for now. "

"But ...." still wanting to say more I raised a hand to stop Aryan from speaking.

" You were right Aryan, she's not a child anymore, in a few months she'll turn eighteen, not to mention she's a Burgess. It's time she matures a little. What would people think if they still see her talking like a bullied sheep? Won't they say that we are cruel and mistreat her ?"

"Sigh... you're right Alida. It's time she leaves this childish phase behind and act as a proper noble lady. Look...even you, my dear little sister left your dark phase behind."

" Dark...?" i murmured , I can't believe he took a jab at me.

"Pfft. ahem."

Sweeping my head to the right with the speed of light, I looked at father with an incredulous face .

' Did..did he just laugh at me?'

Aryan had the same expression as me, looking at mother ,I saw her hiding a smile behind her napkin.

" Sigh .." with a twitch of my mouth I could only agree with Aryan. Honestly, it's not like he is wrong.

After this short discussion, we finished eating then everyone went their way preparing for bed.

I of course did my one hour of meditation and then went to sleep.

First chapter for today. Hope I'll be able to wright another.

tanykacreators' thoughts