
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 11

Not paying attention where I was walking,I actually bumped into someone wich almost made me topple to the ground , fortunately I decided to wear pants and not a dress thus made it easier for me to stabilize myself.

Hurrying to straighten myself and glad that I didn't made a fool of myself more I quickly raised my head to apologize.

"I apologize...i wasn't paying attention where I was goin..."In front of me was a man , mid to late twenties, white hair , red eyes,thick eyebrows, medium size nose, strong jaw and perfectly long and somewhat full lips, but not as much as mine.

'Woowww.... perfection ' That's all my mind could process right at this moment.

I'm pretty sure my eyes could fly right out of their sockets right now. I was gobsmacked at this divine sight in front of me.

"Grrr.." And with that the man turned around and left, taking with him that perfect frowning face, leaving behind just his lean, strong and broad back.

"Did he just growl at me..?"

Now I was dumbfounded for a different reason.

'What's his problem?' I thought this inwardly,his image burned in my memory forever.

Turning around myself I left to my previous destination, the primary Temple. Along the way I searched in Alida's memories who the man was. I didn't find anything about him but from his appearance he should be from the Moonlight Family, Archduke's Sonata Moonlight. Probably the man is his son Cain Moonlight, since it's said that only the boys inherit the full appearance , white hair and red eyes, more precisely the first born.

" Cain Moonlight..." i murmured his name , smiling without me noticing.

Arriving in front of the temple and going up the hundred stairs me and Flora finally are at the main entrance. Pushing the door open , we entered trying not to let our heels make to much noise on the marble floor, walking almost up front to see better the whole interior.

While Alida was watering the floor with her mouth..ahem..admire the interior of the Temple and the two statues of a man and woman that depicted the Sun and Moon, in a carriage that was going quite fast a man was thinking about his own problems but unfortunately or fortunately for him a girl's face kept popping in his mind.

Cain Moonlight, the only inheritor of his family, was currently troubled by something. Remembering his day until a few minutes back, nothing went well for him today. The Archbishop refused his attendance again, this was the second time he made a visit to the Church this week but apparently he was not available, something urgent came up and couldn't make it, that was the first excuse, the second, the Archbishop had to leave for the Royal Palace.

Gritting his teeth in frustration and ruffling his perfectly arranged hair, a girls eyes kept appearing in his mind, bothering him for some reason.

When he first saw her, he was mesmerized by her beauty, those gorgeous purple eyes filled with life, her black hair and those perfectly plump lips..not to mention her proportions where perfect, big breasts, thin waist and a perfectly round bottom( wich he eagerly admired when she almost dropped to the floor- not that he would ever admit it).. a strong urge to conquer her came over him. Good thing he was a Moonlight, he rapidly reigned himself just as the urge came and his stoic face didn't crack.

Cain expected for the girl to follow him and start a conversation with him, as most noble ladies would do everytime one saw him, he was ready to be rude so she could leave him alone but unexpectedly, even after 5 minutes there was no sign of her. This left him baffled and a little disappointed.

Shacking his head several times to shake her out of his mind, he tried his best to concentrate on his work.

In the Temple, Alida finished her 'work' , meaning : salivating at the architecture and pretending to pray.

After all this , she decided to go visit a restaurant to eat lunch before going home.

After instructing the guards and coachman about the plan they headed to a restaurant called Malloy's diner where her, Flora ,the guards and the coachman started to eat.

Upon entry in the said restaurant, a server quickly came and ushered her into a private room reserves for The Burgess Family.

Alida was lead to a beautiful room especially arranged for her family but to her surprise, instead of being alone in the room, her stepsister Jane and her fiance Julian were already there.

Hesitating for a brief moment and contemplating whether she should enter or not, she decided that she should join them eventually.

"Sister..?" Jane was the first to spot me. After the surprised moment she quickly put on an act appearing fearful and hesitant. Julian was the next to turn his head towards me, surprised as well but his eyes scanning my body much more longer than he should have.

Arching an eyebrow at him for his rudeness I was the first to speak .

" Hello sister , mister Edelman."

" Alida..." Julian started to say but i quickly interrupted him.

" Lady Alida or Lady Burgess mister Edelman."

Popping his eyebrows and eyes at me , clearly confused and dumbfounded Julian said " Excuse me?" .

Not being one step to late I retorted .

" Please address me as Lady Alida or Lady Burgesses mister Edelman seeing as we are not friends or that close to each other."

" Ah..?... o, okay.. Lady Alida. "

" That's better" i responded with a smile. " Fancy seeing you both here, care of I joined you for lunch?"

" Uhm... well..." This time Jane stuttered, clearly not wanting me there but Julian beat her to it.

" Of course we don't mind, right Jane?"

"Hmm .." Biting her lips she nodded meekly.

"Please have a seat. " and pointed to a seat for me, beside him but I went around the table and plopped myself beside Jane.

' The nerve of this man. Clearly his fiance is beside him and he dares to oggle me so openly and offer a seat beside him? Tsk....poor Jane, I pity you.'

Of course I only thought this inwardly but smiled on the outside.

finally finished another chapter for today. hope you enjoy. please leave a comment and vote

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