
Infinite lives : the path to immortality

This novel is about a series of light stories full of cliche plots of a transmigrator that gets to live more than she asked for. It will include almost all gender(not horror) . please do read my novel and leave your opinions in the comments or and review. Thank you

tanyka · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 1 Where it all started

What is the purpose of our life?

What do you live for ? Or who?

The purpose of our life is to be happy.

What makes us happy differs from person to person.

What happens when you desire that happiness but you're helpless in achieving it yourself? When you see your short life pass by year after year and keep sinking in grief, sorrow, unhappiness and uselessness?

You star dreaming! Dream about a better life, different choices maybe a different life altogether in a better place, a better environment or maybe a different environment filled with adventure, friends, love, family and so on.

But what if all those dreams and fantasies end up happening to you someday? What are the choices you'll make? How would you live your life then?

Now imagine all that but having infinite lives, every one more special and different than the other but that's not all. What if you could retain your memory from each life and use that experience in all the other lives?

This is that kind of story!

Welcome to your endless Life!!!


The Begining

In a small town somewhere on the map of Europe there lived a girl. She had dreams just like everybody else. Dreams about a career, a loving family and a happy ever after. But what are dreams? I think the word is self-explanatory,dreams are images, thoughts, or feelings that occur during sleep, dreams are our own desires that we try to reflect into reality.

But what did our female lead get? She has no career, a narcissistic husband and a family life that although not bad but definitely not the loving and happy family she dreamed of.

Now at the end of her life she was filled with regret. Although her children loved her and all have their families now she still yearned for that loving man she always desired and for the successful carrier. Although she had a career eventually she still felt that she wasted all her youth on an ungrateful man and missed out on all the things she could've done.

She felt bitter about this.

I guess some desires are so rooted in us that we can't let go of them even in our last hours.

Surrounded by all her children and grandchildren our female lead finally took her last breath.

'I guess this is it huh? Finally it's time to find out what is on the other side. I just wish I could have still experience that kind of love ...sigh.'

These were the last thoughts of our female lead before she drifted in the oblivion...


System Restart: Host found

System Restart: Verifying target

Beep... beep....

System Restart: Target verified

System Restart :Host compatible with the restart program


System Restart: Initiating library installing program


System Restart: Install complete

System Restart: Host's compatibility with the program is 100%

System Restart: Initiating phase 1

System Restart: Good luck Host..... live to your hearts content :)