
Infinite Kryptonian: Journey to omniscient and omnipotent

John has been living a tough orphan life for past six years, since he lost his parents at the age of 12. But at his 18th birthday, fate gave him a chance to turn over, when he acquired an extremely powerful and infinitely improving Kryptonian Bloodline. See how John turns from a destitute tramp to an omnipotent male god who shakes the universe and is arbitrary for eternity.

Saif_Ali_9715 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Excitement and Planning

The fresh breeze caressed John's cheeks, and morning sunlight shone on his eyes, making his brows frown.


John woke up from the coma and looked left and right, he was a little dizzy.

It took a while for him to come to his senses.

Then John's eyes widened, and he jumped to his feet in astonishment.

"Am I still alive?"

John remembered the blinding light that crashed into him.

It looked like a meteorite had fallen on him.

When John was puzzled by the circumstances, he suddenly felt there was an extra piece of memory in his mind.

He quickly checked the information.

This look, he was excited.

"Developed, developed, I am developed, hahaha"

John was trembling with excitement.

It turns out it wasn't some meteorite that crashed on him, it was his golden finger.

He had just briefly understood, what all his golden finger was about, from information in his memory.

In short, he has a Kryptonian bloodline (P.S. refer to Superman DC), and not just some ordinary Kryptonian bloodline.

The bloodline he got was Infinitely improving Kryptonian bloodline.

It means, that as long as he basks in the sun, not only he will get stronger, but his bloodline will get stronger and stronger with him.

And the efficiency of upgrading will get stronger and stronger as his time in the sun gets longer.

For example, if his strength improves by about 1 ton for basking in the sun today, then tomorrow it will increase more than 1 ton, and the day after tomorrow it will increase more than it did the day before.

And the most buggy thing about this is, that it will continue infinitely.

There is no potential cap, there will be no bottlenecks, like it was for Superman from DC comics.

Superman from the Bronze period needs to stimulate his potential to enter the Silver Superman period, and similarly for later periods.

This problem doesn't exist for John, he only needs to bask in the sun, 

and his strength will become stronger and stronger, infinitely.

'It seems we need some change of plans' John whispered silently.

Before obtaining this bloodline, John had already planned to leave Mexico and go to New York, or some other bustling metropolitan.

Try his luck with some 9 to 5 job, get married, and spend the rest of his ordinary life, peacefully.

But the way things were now, he was considering abandoning this plan.

He will still leave Mexico, but he will not take a 9 to 5 job route.

After all, if you can do it yourself, why work for others?

Deep down in his heart, he wasn't willing to live an ordinary peaceful life.

After all, if he wanted to live an ordinary life, then what's the point of time travel and this awesome gold finger?

"Let's do it"

John made up his mind, he abandoned his previous plans and decided to do something new and exciting.

"How about controlling this world's underworld" 

John touched his chin and thought.

"It's feasible, but needs proper planning"

John was excited, after all with Kryptonian bloodline it wouldn't take long for him to become invincible in his world.

By the speed at which he is getting stronger, he estimates that it will take no more than 2 years, even nukes will not be able to kill him.

After all, he has just been baking in the sun for a total of an hour, and he can feel his strength, defense, and speed are continuously increasing.

In this little time, his strength has increased so much, that he thinks he can tie with Mike Tyson.

And in coming days the speed at which he will get stronger will continue to increase.

It isn't an exaggeration to survive a nuke, even if he is at the center of an explosion.

So, it won't be long, before he can even ignore, mankind's greatest weapon.

Then his life will become dull, but with proper ambition and some stimulation, he will live happily for at least some time.

As for after that, let leave it to future.

"How about establishing a worldwide assassin organization for fun" John planned.

But it isn't thing easy to do this, especially since he is planning on establishing a covert organization.

As for why it will be a covert organization, well John has decided to be as lowkey as possible, till he is strong enough to not care about any threat in this world.

Although he has the potential to be strongest, it's just a potential.

If the potential isn't converted into strength, and he dies halfway, then it will be a big loss.

So, lowkey first, then when he is strong enough not to care about anything, he will debut.

"To make an assassination organization successful, we have to have, intelligence organs, action teams, fund sources, and of course solid enough online platform to get assignments"

John was brainstorming, he could feel as his strength enhanced in the sun, his brain was also constantly getting stronger.

His thoughts were becoming clearer, and some things that he forgot at a young age were also becoming more solid, even things from his previous life were frequently churning in his brain.

"It's so strong" John exclaimed at the extraordinary of the kryptonian bloodline.

After some planning, John sorted out his thoughts, and he decided on a feasible plan of action.

First things first, he decided to solve the problem of funds.

And for this he decided to learn hacking technology first, yes, he will become a top hacker, after all for top hackers money is just a number.

It just needs some operation on a keyboard, and money comes rolling in.

With the help of Superbrain, he was a god in the field of learning, so it wasn't difficult to become a top-notch hacker.

All it will take is some time.

Time passed unknowingly in John's thoughts.

By the time, it was time for lunch, John had already finalized a solid plan to realize his ambition of a worldwide assassin organization.

Now, he just needs to follow the plan step by step and see where he will reach.

John quickly had a simple lunch, and he was again on the rooftop to continue basking in the sun and feel the joy of constantly increasing strength.

John decided to postpone the matter of the house transfer.

He will pick a cloudy day to complete such trivial matters, otherwise it will waste a lot of time.

He wanted to get every chance he had to enhance his strength in the sun.

If was so comfortable in the sun that John's eyelids kept fighting and he unknowingly fell asleep.

When he woke up, sun had already set, he lay there for a few minutes to get his head clear.

After a moment he stood up lazily, he could feel that his strength had significantly increased.

It wasn't a problem for him to to bend a steel pipe with his bare hands, his defense also increased, he touched his skin, it was at least twice as hard then yesterday.

John felt that even a sharp knife would only leave a white mark on his skin and wouldn't be able to injure him.

His speed and nerve reflexes were now able to see a flying trajectory of insects around him as if they were in slow motion.

His eyesight and hearing have also been enhanced, he was able to see and hear everything clearly in a 30-meter radius around him.

His mind became more sharp and the speed at which his mind processed thoughts became faster.

As John was happily checking his strength, his thoughts were interrupted by a loud snoring sound, coming from the doorway of his house.

Because his hearing had been enhanced, it felt like someone was bombing his ears, in short, it was super irritating.

John quickly tried to lower his senses to the level of ordinary people.

He was not proficient at first, but with the help of a computer-like brain, it took him a short time to get the hang of it.

John quickly lowered his senses by a notch, it was finally quiet.

John came in front of the doorway with a dark face, Mortini was sleeping in his old place, drunk.

John wasn't polite, he picked up Mortini by a collar, like he was carrying a chicken, opened the door, threw Mortini out, and closed the door with a bang.

"ouch" came a painful scream behind the door.

Then there were some curses in a mumbling tone, and after some time it was finally quiet.

John exhaled a long breath.

He decided to sell this house as soon as possible to get this drunkard out of his life.

As he just had sleep, and due to enhancement in his strength he was quite energetic.

He picked up his old laptop to get going with his hacker plan.

He wasn't going to do anything else, except learn, as this machine was quite old and not suitable for intensive operations.

He decided when he had a solid grasp of what this hacking was about, he would buy a new machine, and use it to get things done.

It wasn't long before there was a crackling sound in the quiet house.