
A Life Worth Dying

In an abandoned warehouse, somewhere upstate of New York City. The tall beams and rusted metal walls trapping in the cold chilling air. Bryan and Killa Kill are sitting across from each other, with a short barrel lit fire flickering soft glowing flames onto the dirty concrete floor.

They both turned to the large open door as a tall red-haired woman walked in. Her bright red heels clicking and clacking against the concrete.

"Miss Eiko?" asked Killa Kill as the woman's shadow inched closer.

She stepped into the window framed moonlight.

"Yes, it's me."

Bryan turned his head, he looked at her rose-colored cloak, her rose-colored makeup, her cold blushing face, her rose-lit eyes. He stood up. His black hood hanging over his head.

"I want an explanation Eiko! I want to know everything about Demophon, about the Immortal Horses."

Miss Eiko quickly walked over and sat down on a small wooden box on the other side of the warehouse. She looked at Bryan as he stood across from her.

"Bryan, I came here to tell you something important... The Immortal Horses are over. The word about the Immortal Necronomicon being stolen got out, and all our allianced Witch Families immediately retracted their contracts with us. But worst of all. I lost contact with Demophon, and she's the route cause of all of this."

"Then what about the others? The other True Immortals?"

"Well... Hahahaha..." She tried to laugh, but the seriousness took hold of her, "like usual they all went back into hiding. And it will be a matter of time before Demphon catches them. But you... You're safe. Since you don't have any lingering ties with her or anyone else in the organization except for me and Killa."

"So then what's our next step?" asked Bryan as he looked out into the night sky, through the cracks in the roof.

"That's what I came here to you... I... I want to create a coffee shop, and start from scratch."

"A coffee shop?" repeated Bryan.

"And you want us to work for you?" asked Killa Kill with a jokingly smirk.

"No, you two are free from me... I... I'm giving you the organization. I'm giving it all to you Bryan. You are going to become the new leader of the Immortal Horses. You are going to save the world. You are going to change it. You are going to get the Immortal Necronomicon back and unite the families once again."

"You're really going to give me the organization?" questioned Bryan in shock.

"Yes... From now on you have all my assets, and whatever is left of the Immortal Horses around the world. But... But don't get too caught up in it. You don't want Demophon catching wind of this."

Bryan watched as Miss Eiko stood up and walked to the open door near the other end of the room.

"Goodbye Bryan, Killa Kill."

"Bye," waved Killa.

"Thanks," smiled Bryan.

She left the warehouse without another word left to say. And she walked down the dark empty street. The dirt roads leading from warehouse to warehouse. The small brick-stoned towns. The trail pathed forests. She reached a river, the rushing water. She kept walking until she reached a small phone booth in the middle of the forest.

She waited for two minutes until a Purple Man showed up.

"So you're the Purple Man?"

He bowed his big purple bald head, "yours truly."

"So then how is this going to work? You going to poison me or something? Cause that won't kill me."

"Lady Demophon sent me. She told me about your deal. The lie you told her. All to save the True Immortals, the Immortal Horses, and the world."

Miss Eiko smirked, "ha, I never told a lie. Everything I have ever said has been truthful. She's the lying bitch."


He took major offense to Miss Eiko calling Lady Demophon a bitch, but before he could get heated, he calmed himself down with the idea that this woman would die soon.

The Purple Man smirked, "you know I was listening in. All that talk about running a coffee shop?"

"I will run one... I will... In hell! I hope you'll show up."

He walked up to her, giggling.

"Funny-funny. Your one funny old woman."

He touched her bare skin wrist and then watched as she slowly turned purple, as she slowly started to bubble, and bleed, and turn to mush. But unlike the cops and Burn Witches, she wasn't dying. She was actually healing. Healing so fast that the purple was starting to fade.

"Hahaha, of course, that wouldn't work. You are a stronger Immortal than me. Of course, you could resist it." He pulled out a small black metal box, "I guess there is only one way left to do this, now."

He opened it up and pulled out a syringe.

"What's that?" asked Miss Eiko as she stared at the reddish-golden blood inside of it.

"This isn't just another toy... This is a remarkable piece of a god. Of a woman so strong, so powerful. This is the blood of Lady Demophon. The mother of all Immortals."

He injected the syringe into her wrist without any resistance. Miss Eiko watched as he injected all of it into her. The glittering blood flowing and mixing with hers.

"I don't feel-"


Miss Eiko fell to one knee. She looked up at the purple man, at his smirk.

"You should be happy Eiko. This is the end for you. Lady Demophon destroyed all of yours and your other True Immortal's extra lives. There is no more coming back. No more living. This is death!"

"Death? Death... Ha... Ha..."

In her final moments, all Miss Eiko could think about was her coffee shop. Her time on this earth, the people she met, and the places she went. All she could remember was wanting to die. Wanting to do something. Wanting to have a peaceful life. But for how long she lived, and for how many decades and millennia she walked, the human race never stopped causing trouble. And for how much she learned and for how much she fought, she could never fix a single damn thing.

And as her time finally reached its end, all she could think about was Demophon, and why she gave up the Immortal Horses. And all she could think about were the reasons for why she-


Miss Eiko fell forward. Her face in the dirt. Her body motionless, lifeless.

She was dead.


Damon woke up in his pitch-black room. He looked at his alarm clock.

[12:40 pm]

"Uhhhgggg... Why...?" He slammed his face back on the pillow, "why does it happen... I'll be like this for another fifty years. Always..."

He tried to stuff his ears into the pillow but nothing could block out the constant ringing in his ears. The constant sound of Luna dying. Over and over and over and over again.

"How do people get over this...?! How...? How...?!"

He thought about Aria. He thought about her mindset. Her ability to disregard death. To look toward her goal. To kill all Immortals. He then thought about why she would be doing it. For what reason she would be killing innocents, for what reason would she be going to such length.

He couldn't understand her mindset for so long, but he still rolled with it. He still went along with it. And maybe he didn't realize but he was doing the same thing as her. Whenever someone would die, instead of thinking about it, he would try to forget it, try to kill that memory in his head.

So when someone close to him died, and Aria still didn't react, he realized that there was something deeper within Aria to cause this mindset. It had to be something so horrific, so evil, so mind-bendingly sad. Then it clicked. He realized why she was still moving forward. Why she was still fighiting.

He sat up and looking into the darkness around his bed.

He realized in that darkness that she wasn't fighting to fight, or forget, she was fighting for revenge. He realized that she was already fighting for someone she lost. That she had no time to think about revenge because she was already doing it. She was already fighting for it, for Luna, for all the people she's killed, for all the people she's lost. For him...

He realized that she was living off revenge.

But he still slept. He slept on it for five straight days before coming to the realization. Before finally understanding how he could get over this depressed slump.

Revenge for Luna? Why couldn't he just do the same?