
Infinite Immortal Lord-Start From Hogwarts

Mc is reborn as Harry Potter. On the day of birth he awakens Infinite Immortal Emperor System. Novice gift pack is Immortal soul and Infinite body ressurection after 1 second of death and 100 quotas for Immortal relatives and friends. When Voldemort comes to attact lily and james are already immortal along with lupin and sirius. Due to death of Voldemort HOST completes novice mission and gets Infinite God Space with inital space that can occupy one Earth and any object or living thing is in time freeze restriction unless freed by host. *Note* The content is purely fictional and there is no relation with original work. First plane - Harry potter World Second Plane - Full Time Mage/Versatile mage/quanzi fashi Abilities till now:- 1. Immortal Soul and Infinite body ressurection 2.Immortal Subject quota(10/100) 3.Infinite God Space 4.Infinite Language and Voice 5.Infinite Talent Potential 6.Indestructible Loyal Artifact Quota 7. System Panel 8. Omnipotent faith system

Fantasy3104 · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

26 Deal with China and announcement to the world of return of Holy Beast Clan and Archangel Michael's Death

Back to office old men took a long breath and some calmed down and admitted that it was not an illusion because after sometime someone came to report that a planet outer space was burned by strange flames and had fallen. 

After accepting reality they acted as if seeing their superior.

"So how is her strength several old men and how about a deal" hearing this they said "simply god" and nodded about proceeding the deal.

"The deal is as follows everyone in the city and if possible china will pray and devote their faith to me as Dragon God her as Phoenix Empress in exchange of which humans will be protected from all upcoming disasters or emperor level beings if they run rampant as for Holy City don't worry we'll go there and discuss with archangels and even if they don't understand our politeness then simply rub them and holy city under our feet and make them obey how are you satisfied."

"Satisfied Satisfied No problem" three old men nodded like chicked nodding their heads.

"Okay then you go and start the process and announce that Holy Beast Clan has awakened and are ready to shelter china so there is no need to pray tribute to Holy city and no need to fear them. Also Invite all Archangels within 7 days if not Phoenix Empress will go there."

As soon as they heard it they shuddered and quickly went for important high level meeting with Magic Association and Judgement Council. Soon all the high level members knew about the truth of Supreme Empress and destruction of planet which made them realise sometimes gap between people is like gap between heaven and earth.

After a lot of discussion news was announced by all of Chinese association and judgement about Holy Beast Clan and about the invitation to Archangels.

When people in china heard this news they were happy while Black Vatican was also paying attention was also at loss about what to do.

When the news reached Holy City the Holy mages and arrogant Archangels didn't care simply called to come if the so called Phoenix Empress would dare to come Holy city they would beat her out of shit.

As soon as this words reached bao fengs ears her blood was boiling but was calmed down for the time being by harry and announced to kill Michael who slandered her just wait for 3 days.

As soon as her declaration came out there was an uproar in the world only Chinese high level members were silent due to knowing internal news and terrifying strength of Empress and couldn't help but gloat at the once arrogant Archangel Michael and began to countdown happily for his death.

As soon as the news of Holy beast Clan and Phoenix Empress reached Bo City Commander Zhan Kong was drenched in cold sweat that fortunately he didn't offend such a god.

Of course as a Grandson and high ranking offical he also knew truth about Supreme Mage level and clenched his fists. If he had just 10% of her strength his lover would not end up as heretic under false accusations of Holy city.

Now that he knew Michael was already dead he was simply too exited to express his happiness.

As Mu Zhuoyun was also one of High level members in Bo city he also learned truth about Supreme Emperor level and shuddered and then secretly felt happy about having such close relationship with Wang Tian as his son in law.

Black Vatican also had many spies among high level and were deeply shocked after hearing truth of strength of Phoenix Empress but because they haven't witnessed it with their own eyes they couldn't believe it either and thought it as a conspiracy of Chinese High Level members and similar thought like these were in minds of other countries.