
Infinite Immortal Lord-Start From Hogwarts

Mc is reborn as Harry Potter. On the day of birth he awakens Infinite Immortal Emperor System. Novice gift pack is Immortal soul and Infinite body ressurection after 1 second of death and 100 quotas for Immortal relatives and friends. When Voldemort comes to attact lily and james are already immortal along with lupin and sirius. Due to death of Voldemort HOST completes novice mission and gets Infinite God Space with inital space that can occupy one Earth and any object or living thing is in time freeze restriction unless freed by host. *Note* The content is purely fictional and there is no relation with original work. First plane - Harry potter World Second Plane - Full Time Mage/Versatile mage/quanzi fashi Abilities till now:- 1. Immortal Soul and Infinite body ressurection 2.Immortal Subject quota(10/100) 3.Infinite God Space 4.Infinite Language and Voice 5.Infinite Talent Potential 6.Indestructible Loyal Artifact Quota 7. System Panel 8. Omnipotent faith system

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28 Chs

07 Voldemort is ambushed and killed

October 31 1981

As soon as voldemort got the news he went to potter's house like a crazy beast wanting to devour sheep. 

Soon he came outside potter's house and daidn't notice the abnormality that he came without much obstruction and the went to the room harry and lily were.

Harry was looking a his mother who was acting begging to voldemort about sparing Harry's life but how could the dark lord listen to her he just laughed out and said.

"Those who oppose me will certainly have to die..... Avada Kedavara" as soon as he uttered the curse it hit lily and lay on ground and was revived after 1 second and shocked but still choose to lay on ground so as to not attract voldemort's attention. Her play indeed succeeded.

As soon as voldemort had cursed James Lupin and Sirius who were lying in ambush also hit him with death curse which caught him with a little surprise but soon he regained his calm and continued to attach.

The three also attached without caring about their own lives. A green light hit James and he too fell down but didn't get up soon other two wee overwhelmed and were too hit and fell down. Seeing this voldemort became happy and angry at the same time due to ambush. Then began to cast Cruciatus curse on harry for anger.

While he was still laughing 4 green lights hit him from behind and he subconsciously looked back only to see in horror that the potter couple as well as other two were as intact as before the battle and their death curse had hit him. As he was about to collapse he only heard a childish voice.

"How is the gift I prepared for you voldemort pettigrew did a good job betraying you"

As soon as he heard this he fell down and dissipated along the wind due to backslash of death curse as well as death curses of the four remembering pettigrew deep in his mind.

[Ding the cost completes Novice Hidden Mission of defeating Voldemort the dark lord. Congratulations for gaining ability- Infinite God Space]

[Infinite God Space- As host's leve increases or unlocked space is filled it will continue to expand infinitely. At beginning the space unlocked is Planet size space into which any object or living thing stored will remain in time freeze restriction until host gives it freedom to bypass the restriction. Anything that host touches or is within host's perception will be included in Infinite God Space]

(Awesome system, Simply Love you to death)

[Host please restrain and also you are immortal]

James and others asked "Harry why did you tell him a lie that pettigrew betrayed him"

Harry "Because in Future he will be ressurected by peter and unless he is ressurected he cannot die completely at that time I will kill him myself until then let him enjoy...hahahaha."

Hearing this everyone laughed out at how could a child think such deeply and contacted dumbledore.

As soon as dumbledore heard the news he was once again shocked believe that the dark lord who ruled so many death eaters was in the end played by a child and also shocked about the fact of voldemorts ressurection and Harry's deep planning.

Harry also told to everyone especially sirius that it is not the time for revenge so let's forget it for the time being and enjoy on which sirius looked embarrassed and finally everyone agreed .