
Infinite Holy Lord- Start from Hogwarts

Become Tom Riddle just after getting Hogwarts admission letter. Awakenen Infinite Holy Lord System and get Body of Holy Lord and 12 divine powers along with Immortal Yin-Yang Army at start along with Infinite Indestructible Soul Defence. 1). Infinite Immortal Soul. 2). 12 Divine powers & Holy Lord Form 3). Infinite Indestructible Soul Defence. 4). Immortal Army 5). Infinite World Space. 6). Chat Group 7). Dimensional Travel

Fantasy3104 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

7. Talk with Dumbledore and Joining of dumbledore

"So old guy do you want to join my army, how isn't immortality good, by the way you can call me tom"

"Thanks for your concern tom, but I'm still in my prime and still one of the most powerfull wizard in modern times."

"Yes indeed you are powerful and knowledgeable but it's not that you can't be killed, look isn't by fireball beautifull, after you join my army if you don't mind I'll give it as a gift to you daily. Also muggles will soon develop nuclear bomb capable of blowing up entire london into smithereens and it is still the type that can be mass produced. By then wizards will like be rats hiding in holes and still holding bullshit pure-blood supremacy. Do you think you will be still alive if bombed by them."

Dumbledore shuddered hearing first half(sure enough this little guy is too scary) and after hearing second half his face paled with shock of horror lamenting muggle technology and it's dectruction power. But breathed a sigh of relief after recalling all kinds of hiding capabilities of wizards and smiled.

"You must be thinking that wizards can hide, what can muggles do by then. Don't worry unless entire muggles are destroyed their progress is unstoppable and I'll be the first person declaring war on wizards if they try to control them, even to the extreme of destroying ministry of magic and declaring myself minister if persuasion doesn't work."

"My subordinates are Immortal and so am I, If muggles one day plan to destroy wizards then too I'll be the last holy land for wizards giving them eternal shelter, off course both parties must pay price which is to become my army and ultimately what wizard, what muggle. I'm just a human being and one day there will be no wizards or muggles but only humans, no ministry of magic or human states just holy kingdom. come I'll take you to see its foundation."

Without waiting for dumbledore to respond louis came to Immortal dimension which looked like having no ends just light and darkness. With tom's call a total of 118 people were gathered and knelt down to salute king. watching muggle police uniform and magical energy within 9 guys even dumbledore was puzzled. seeing this tom smiled and called officer captain.

"Hello mr. wizard, before becoming army of lord we were blasphemous and dared to attack but lord still showed mercy and accepted us and as soon as joined army we were also transformed from ordinary to wizards and even better because unless lord dies which is impossible we can't die and will be ressurected same as before infinitely."

Hearing this dumbledore shuddered and finally had to admit that what was in front of him was definitely a god and a god having world of his own. He also tried to apparate but it was impossible not to mention endless magic power in surrounding and infinite amount of space which is humanely immpossible.

"These light and shadow are just beginning just as chinese mythology, when the world was first born there was nothing, energy of magic is also like this nothing, then there was yin and yang, then five elements and so on due to which world is formed and this world is not only earth but sun, moon, innumerable stars and etc contained is called world. In short Universe. As long as these elements are added then here will also become a world, a kingdom and heaven where I'll be the only god."

"Also if I'm not wrong you want to ressurect your sister Arianna, Don't worry when I'm strong enough not to mention ressurecting arianna, even salazar slytherin is not immpossible, of course only if you join my army and be a teacher to new 'students' in your leisurely time if you don't mind. Also you can always call me tom in school and no need to kneel and except you even if dippet comes he has to lick my shoes and call lord"

Dumbledore was silent for a long time and finally hope of ressurecting his sister made him bow down his pride to his student. Anyway student's are already more powerfull than teachers and even unstoppable without humilating oneself. ("system, how many points are needed to make legendary wizard level contract)

[Ding- host needs 1 million, current having 23,045 points] ("nothing just get rank according to strength using normal contract)