
Infinite Flow: ML… Where TF are You?! [BL]

AUTHOR NOTE 14.05.2024: Hello all! Sorry for the long wait, I wrote myself into a literal corner and realised I have to retcon a few things in arc 4 before I can move on with the story. Will try to get this fixed in the soonest! Really sorry for the wait TT o TT **** Infinite/Unlimited Flow horror BL novel Might be a parody. And MC might be a villain.... 1v1 Introducing: A suicidal and bored MC and… wait, where the f&?! is the ML?! *** Lam Thanh Van believes it’s about time someone ended his miserable life. But being an immortal has hindered his path to Hell. Scratch that, Hell is off limits with the terrifying speed his body stitches itself back together, no matter how much someone might hack him to pieces. With such a long and torturous life of trying to finish himself and failing miserably, he imagines that his death would be grand, like slaying a dragon - or a very persistent cockroach. Now, the only problem was finding a hero worthy of such a cause. *** [The last player has arrived. Players, prepare for briefing.] [Welcome to the annual 2023rd survival championship.] The grand doors to the dome slowly pulled close, drawing everyone’s gazes over to the lone figure standing by himself, like a rabbit frozen in the headlights. In front of the sea of players, fawn eyes dilated with fright. Fresh tears still clung to the lashes that framed the eyes so green they reminded the people of ocean waves crashing to the white sandy shore. Long limbs were clad in a simple T-shirt with a pair of washed-out jeans hugging his slim waist. Messy lavender hair and snow-white skin tinted with faint pink seemed ethereal in the scene. Like a magnolia tree growing in the desert… or a white lotus sprouting from a pile of bullshit. One brave individual broke away from the herd, cold eyes set on the last player. ”Stay with us if you want to live.” Lam Thanh Van raised his gaze up to the looming man, green eyes drenched with tears, his lips trembling as he could only muster a nod. [All players, scenario one will commence now. Good luck and try not to die.] —— When nothing is as it seems - who can you trust? ML: Not the author, that’s for sure. The synopsis is just one huge clickbait- *Author smacks this insolent child with a hardcover edition of the Bible*: Quiet, you! Or I won’t let you appear even after the halfway mark! MC: … You evil bish!! —- T/W: This is mature content. A sprinkle of horror, a teaspoon of gore, topped with a handful of clownery. Some papapa is added as a garnish at the end. Consume at your own digression. A/N: This is an original work by LinShui. The cover is not mine, as I have negative skills in any illustrative art. Will commission for a cover when I’m no longer a broke bish. Do let me know if this is your art and you want to take it down, thanks! #unrequitedlove

LinShui · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
135 Chs

1.5 Bottom-Tier Scum

[Each scenario will have its own rules and missions. Complete a mission, and you will survive into a second scenario. If you die in a scenario, your body will be left in the system, used as props in future scenarios.]

The mechanical voice continued, emotionless, uncaring that its first victim was still alive.

Kevin's face and body twitched as if jolted by small currents of electricity. His fingers trembled. Cold sweat peppered his visage, but he couldn't move his body, only quietly suffer a slow and agonising death. Instinctively, he tried to scream, but all he managed was a pitiful gurgle around the branch.

The tip of the branch drenched in blood never pulled out of the body. Instead, it snaked around Kevin's thigh, clasping his ankle before settling back to its original position, stringing the body up in the air, left to bleed dry in the open.

The players in the back finally saw what had caused the chilling silence.

Someone screamed, running towards the wall, kicking and pounding, throwing their bodies on the glass, but it didn't budge. Not even crack.

Like a tidal wave gathering speed, the people all over stormed towards the glass walls, kicking and screaming, wailing in vain, begging to be set free.

The unlucky got stampeded in the process, and others pushed against the walls until their lungs crushed, ribs cracked, unable to cry for help.

The air became unbearable, too heavy to breathe. The coppery scent of blood lingered, mixing with the fresh peach scent, sweet and treacherous.

Senior Wu no longer tried to fight Mo Yang. The two of them had retreated against the copper statues of immortals, out of the stomping crowds' way. Bodies of people passed out or stomped to death lined the ground before them, women and men alike.

CEO Kim's mind was racing a mile a minute as he retreated towards the centre of the dome, away from the chaos. The technology he had witnessed was far more advanced than anything Joseon or the world had ever touched upon. The prospect of money was long lost from his mind. No, with this technology, one could even rule the world.

[Each scenario will come with additional tasks. Once completed, you will be compensated with survival points which you can use in the point shop.]

Sergeant Kruger quietly memorised each rule to heart, not missing a beat despite the chaos that unfolded around him. This was war, but against who or what, he was yet to find out.

[As this is the 2023rd championship, we have made an exception. You now have a chance to decline from playing in the first scenario. Ten positions remaining.]

Green eyes twitched behind sergeant Kruger. What the hell was the system talking about? Never before had there been any exceptions to the scenarios. Until now, the first scenario had been best to lure out the weak. Cut the weed at its roots. The less cannon fodder to slow down the scenarios and rankings, the more exciting this game of survival and death was.

Even if the system used this tactic to lure out the weak, just killing them here in the dome was definitely not as fun or exciting as in the scenarios. Not to mention, ten people was hardly a successful elimination process. More lost their lives during the first scenario, the system might as well have not pulled these people to the pocket dimension at all.

Thanh Van hoped the system knew what the hell it was doing, or else he would have to pull the program code up. Now that if anything killed all the fun of the scenarios.

Inside the dome, a sudden silence had fallen over the rest of the crowd after the announcement. No one banged on the walls. Confusion reigned.

Th… they could just decline? Then why would anybody want to join this fucked up game, to begin with?! But wait, were they being tricked? Wary gazes rose to look at the twitching body. The blood dripped to the white tiles below like a leaking faucet, 'drip, drip', forming a puddle of crimson.

No one dared take the chance after witnessing such brutality-

"I- I decline!" A high-pitched voice announced amidst the crowd.

CEO Kim shot a surprised gaze at secretary Wilson. Of course, the man wouldn't want to be part of something so remarkable. But still, to think that they could simply decline and walk away after two days of imprisonment, and a brutal murder out in the open - how brave… or rather foolish.

"I, A-Arthur Wilson, want to decline."

The crowd took a step back from Arthur Wilson, fearing that if they stood too close, they too would fall victim to the silver branches that hung above them like spears. The poor secretary was left to tremble alone in the middle. Still, his fingers curled into fists, nails digging into his palms. He didn't want to play, if it had to come to it, might as well kill him now!

The little lost lamb in sergeant Kruger's camp peered at the cowering secretary, interest shining in his eyes.

[Rank F, player no. 999, do you officially decline from scenario 1?]

Secretary Wilson flinched as a light suddenly shone from his chest. A hologram badge had appeared on the front of his suit, burning bright orange with words:

[ Rank F ]

[ No. 999 ]

"Y-yes!" Secretary Wilson's words were shaky as he tried to brush away the hologram as if it was dirt, failing miserably. "I don't want to play your games! J-just, please let me go home!"

The rest of the players held their breath, gaze flickering between the man in the middle of the dome and the still branches.

Silence hung.



[Declination accepted.]

The hologram on secretary Wilson's chest disappeared.

[Rank F, player no. 999 exempted.]



Seconds ticked by slowly.

The crowd held their breath.

Nothing happened.

Something warm wetted secretary Wilson's pants as he let out a relieved sigh. He collapsed on his knees, sniffling loudly, thanking God and the system.

[Still 9 open spots for players to decline…]

One by one, people woke up to what had just happened. Just like that, secretary Wilson had been freed from having to enter scenario 1!

People pushed and shoved, screaming to be exempted from the games, fighting for the last 9 spots of freedom.

[Rank F, player no. 901, do you officially decline from scenario 1?]

[Rank E, player no. 855, do you officially decline from scenario 1?]

Sergeant Kruger cast a worried glance in Ruan An's way. Why didn't he ask for exemptions? Was he scared? "Why not ask for an exemption?"

Ruan An blinked, having been lost in his own thoughts until now. Without much effort, green, misty eyes glanced up at sergeant Kruger, overflowing with sorrow.

"I… I have nothing to live for. I have no parents and am just an unwanted guest in my uncle's house. It would be selfish for me to try and take away someone else's chance for freedom. Someone who needs it more than me."

Such words would touch even the hardened heart of a soldier. However, to Ruan An's dismay, Sergeant Kruger merely nodded. "Bravery comes in many forms. I salute you."

"Mm." Ruan An dropped his gaze, the back of his neck blushing prettily. Out of sight, the mist was blinked away in a second, the green irises bright and deeply amused. So the beefcake was a tough nut to crack, huh? This little lost lamb would make the wolf's head fall at his feet. Just wait and see.

[Rank B, player no. 364, do you officially decline from scenario 1?]

[Rank A, player no. 200, do you officially decline from scenario 1?]

"I-!" The model was ready to shout his own name when Mo Yang covered his mouth, smothering him.

[Rank B, player no. 409, do you officially decline from scenario 1?]

[Rank D, player no. 771, do you officially decline from scenario 1?]

Senior Wu bit into Mo Yang's palm, but the man didn't yield, only pulling him deeper into the shadows cast by the statues. The model kicked and moaned, stomping on Mo Yang's Toes, but the man wouldn't even flinch.

[Rank C, player no. 669, do you officially decline from scenario 1?]

[Rank C, player no. 611, do you officially decline from scenario 1?]

"…Hm!!" Senior Wu felt sorely betrayed! The spots for freedom rapidly decreased before his eyes and he could do shit about it. This little shitty junior, just wait, once he is free, he will cut his balls off and dangle them from a damn Christmas tree! "Mhm… MHOM WHANGh!!!"

Mo Yang froze to senior Wu's surprise, but no matter how he trashed, the fucker's hold didn't budge!


[Rank F, player no. 1000, do you officially decline from scenario 1?]

Mo Yang's hold suddenly loosened and Senior Wu spun free, ready to kick the man's balls up his throat - then his eyes fell on the hologram glowing bright orange over Mo Yang's chest.

[Rank F]

[No. 1000]

Mo Yang's face remained cold, eyes cast down on himself in contemplation.

Senior Wu, on the other hand, was bursting by the seams, slender fingers stabbing at the fucking traitor who stole his spot!

"Mo Yang… You- you really are the bottom-tier scum just like your ranking!"

"…" Mo Yang's brow twitched at the stabbing words, but he remained silent. He had a bigger problem at hand. Like how did he rank lower than that ratty, snivelling secretary Wilson?

[Rank F, player no. 1000, do you officially decline from scenario 1?]

Oh, right, Mo Yang raised his dark eyes to meet senior Wu's foul mouth. He was in quite a pickle.

Still stock pilingggg, regular updates will take me some timeeeeee…

LinShuicreators' thoughts