
Infinite Evolution System Made Me Too OP!

[Ding!] [You have killed Elder Fuk Yu!] [You have obtained 108 Quadrillion Evolution Essence!] [Ding!] [Would you like to Assimilate the Stats or roll for a Racial Trait of Elder Fuk Yu?] "Roll for a Racial Trait." [Ding!] [You have acquired the Infinite Fuk Yu Mantra!] ... This is the story of Azmodeus—the only Trial Disciple of the Yang Sect—a boy who was born with everything and absolutely anything that could possibly impede his journey down the limitless road of cultivation. Weakest cultivation talent, weakest spiritual roots, weakest physique... However, it looked reality decided he hadn't suffered enough... On one day no different than the rest for the fourteen-year-old boy, as he was sweeping the courtyard's of the Yang Sect, misfortune struck once again, resulting in a Young Master killing him while in a drunken state... This was where his story ended, and also, where it began anew, and along with it, a system that guaranteed a new story for the boy—a story that would never end! [Ding!] [You have killed a Supreme Elder of the Godless Sect!] [You have obtained 500 Trillion Evolution Essence!] [Ding] [You have leveled up!] [You have leveled up!] [You have leveled up!] [Ding!] [Would you like to Assimilate the Stats or roll for a Trait of the being you just killed?] "Roll for a Trait." [Ding!] [You have acquired the Galactic Quantum Flux Racial Trait!] [Your overall combat power has improved by leaps and bounds!] [Ding!] [Are you ready to pay the price to ascend your plane of existence?] "I am." ... Join Azmodeus on his journey toward a limit that doesn't exist, as he figures out just how far he can Evolve through the killing and Assimilating of other existences! "You say I can sit in a cave and cultivate while having my clones do the killing...?" "There are other System Users!? And I can Assimilate their Systems into my own!?" "This will make too OP..." ... The book may have similarities to Top Tier Providence, but I have not copied anything, and made my own versions of the concepts centered around the book. - Astral_Pandemonium Extremely Fast-Paced System Novel with a bunch of realms and new worlds/areas!! Don't tell me I didn't warn you beforehand!! There will also be comedic and slice of life aspects, even dark at times, so be aware of that before going in... Azmodeus chills in a cave and cultivates while clones divide and conquer. He will become progressively more and more evil, so beware... MC is a Murderhobo and certified Loot Goblin, so keep that in mind as well. This novel is benefit-driven, and things happen for the sole reason of obtaining benefits, so keep that in mind before moving forward... No NTR, No Yuri, No Incest, No weak MC's, lot's of grinding those levels!! No Harem! There will be women who seem like they're part of MC's harem, but it's not what you think! Let the plot cook! All SUPPORT is appreciated, and I am able to release many chapters everyday as long as you lovely, avid OP readers yearn for it enough! [WPC June Entry] --> [I would appreciate the support!!] Next CASTLE Giver = 10 chapters!(Limited Time Offer) (I'm a hoarder.) Castle = 5 extra chapters 300 PS = 1 Extra Chapter 50 GT = 1 Extra Chapter Hundreds of chapters in backlog, so like, make me release them... https://discord.com/invite/FMHsSN3fN8

Astral_Pandemonium · Eastern
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119 Chs

Viscera Training Small Success


"..." Azmodeus watched the Direwolf tear out the innards of its prey, as he was reminded of just what lay in store for those who weren't strong enough to fend for themselves in this cruel world.

That was me at one point…

He recalled a time not too long ago, when he was lying on the ground just like the rabbit.

He thought about the helplessness he felt when he was in a similar situation, as that was all it took for his gaze to harden.

His emotionless eyes stared at the Direwolf like a predator who had found its next prey as his thin figure disappeared from sight and silently moved throughout the surrounding bushes.

This is the world of survival of the fittest… And if I can't understand that even with this cheat that decided I should be its host, then I am a failure…

His black eyes lit up as he whispered under his breath, "And I am no failure."

Following his self reaffirmation, he sped around to the far backside of the giant wolf and dashed out of the bush he was in.

Azmodeus didn't even give the wolf cub enough time to react as he circulated the strength within his body, directing it all to his fists before he silently enunciated his Tiger Barrage Fists.

"This is how the world is," he began with a cold gleam flashing past his eyes as he continued, "So just die and become my strength."


A hole was blasted through the large body of the Direwolf as its organs and intestines were sent flying in every direction.

Azmodues's face was painted with the color of the Direwolf's blood; however, his natural expression never left his face as he pulled out a knife and started sawing off the ears of the Direwolf.

While he was doing this work, a few system notifications were ringing in the background.



[You have killed a Lowest-Ranked Minion Beast in the Late Stages of the Flesh Refining Realm!]

[You have gained 0.10 Evolution Essence!]


After these system notifications rang out, Azmodeus paused his butchery for a second as he clicked on the option that would allot him stat points.



[You have partially assimilated the stats that a Flesh Refining Realm Direwolf possessed!]

[You have gained 0.5 stat points in every basic attribute!]


[Your overall combat power and cultivation have tremendously improved!]

[Your overall combat power and cultivation have increased from the 'Peak Stages of the Flesh Refining Realm' to the 'Initial Stages of Viscera Training Small Success']

After all these pop-ups appeared and the subsequent rewards were allotted, Azmodeus instantly felt his strength skyrocket!

"My punching strength is around 900 kg now…"

He could hardly believe it himself, but his strength and cultivation realm had already entered the ranks of the Viscera Training Stages!


The Viscera Training Small Success Stage.

It was the third realm within the Body Refinement Realm, and was one where the cultivator diverted their focus from improving the resilience and strength of the muscles of one's body, and instead focused on improving the functionality of the body's organs.

This was done so as to better accommodate the future strength that the cultivator would obtain.

After all, if one didn't possess even the smallest modicum of balance within their very body, then it was highly likely that organs would begin exploding due to the stress put on them by the power contained within your physical form.


"If I have already achieved the Viscera Training Small Success Stage, then I am one step closer to being able to apply as an Entry-Level Disciple of the Yang Sect."

At this thought, a small smile emerged on Azmodeus's facial features as he looked forward to such a future.

Nonetheless, after getting a good feel for his energy strength, he moved onto his next target.

He placed the two fuzzy ears of the Direwolf inside a tatchell he carried around, while heading toward the next set of spiritual beast tracks he observed earlier.


Half an hour passed by, as Azmodeus had successfully hunted a total of four Lowest Ranked Beast Minions.

Namely, there were three more baby Direwolves and one mutated raccoon beast called the 'Raccoon Terror'.

And out of all the beast one could find in the Strength Training and Flesh Refining Realms, the Raccoon Terror was definitely one of the most feared.

This was because these beasts were over two meters large and tended to travel in packs, with all of the pack being literal savages when it came to the art of battle!

Though, luckily for Azmodeus, the Raccoon Terror he encountered was a light red in color and had clearly been ostracized by the rest of its dark brown and white-colored pack.

Which eventually led to him quickly dispatching of the Peak Flesh Refining Beast, as he digested his recent gains while looking over his system interface.

A bright blue and golden light flashed.



[You have killed a Lowest-Ranked Minion Beast of the Peak Stage Flesh Refining Realm!]

[You have gained 0.25 Evolution Essence!]


[You have leveled up!]


[You have reached Level 5!]

[You have obtained 0.5 points in all of your basic attribute stats!]


Azmodeus clicked the same, 'Choose to Absorb Stats' button, as a few more system notifications rang out.



[You have obtained 0.2 points in the Strength stat, 0.1 points in the Speed stat, 0.2 points in the Defense stat, 0.1 points in the Cultivation Talent stat, and 0.1 points in the Qi stat.]


[Your overall combat power and cultivation have tremendously improved!]

[Your overall combat power and cultivation have increased from the 'Middle Stages of the Viscera Small Success Realm' to the 'Late Stages of the Viscera Small Success Realm'.]

[Your organs have been automatically refined to accommodate this strength gain. (Part of the stats you absorb from beings will be stored within the system and used to fill in any gaps that may or may not appear in your cultivation.)]


[However, it is recommended that the host cultivate himself to fill in these gaps so as to not use up any potential stats points that may or may not be allotted to the host.]


Reminder: The Realm and Overall Combat Power will not be the same forever...

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