
Infinite Evolution System Made Me Too OP!

[Ding!] [You have killed Elder Fuk Yu!] [You have obtained 108 Quadrillion Evolution Essence!] [Ding!] [Would you like to Assimilate the Stats or roll for a Racial Trait of Elder Fuk Yu?] "Roll for a Racial Trait." [Ding!] [You have acquired the Infinite Fuk Yu Mantra!] ... This is the story of Azmodeus—the only Trial Disciple of the Yang Sect—a boy who was born with everything and absolutely anything that could possibly impede his journey down the limitless road of cultivation. Weakest cultivation talent, weakest spiritual roots, weakest physique... However, it looked reality decided he hadn't suffered enough... On one day no different than the rest for the fourteen-year-old boy, as he was sweeping the courtyard's of the Yang Sect, misfortune struck once again, resulting in a Young Master killing him while in a drunken state... This was where his story ended, and also, where it began anew, and along with it, a system that guaranteed a new story for the boy—a story that would never end! [Ding!] [You have killed a Supreme Elder of the Godless Sect!] [You have obtained 500 Trillion Evolution Essence!] [Ding] [You have leveled up!] [You have leveled up!] [You have leveled up!] [Ding!] [Would you like to Assimilate the Stats or roll for a Trait of the being you just killed?] "Roll for a Trait." [Ding!] [You have acquired the Galactic Quantum Flux Racial Trait!] [Your overall combat power has improved by leaps and bounds!] [Ding!] [Are you ready to pay the price to ascend your plane of existence?] "I am." ... Join Azmodeus on his journey toward a limit that doesn't exist, as he figures out just how far he can Evolve through the killing and Assimilating of other existences! "You say I can sit in a cave and cultivate while having my clones do the killing...?" "There are other System Users!? And I can Assimilate their Systems into my own!?" "This will make too OP..." ... The book may have similarities to Top Tier Providence, but I have not copied anything, and made my own versions of the concepts centered around the book. - Astral_Pandemonium Extremely Fast-Paced System Novel with a bunch of realms and new worlds/areas!! Don't tell me I didn't warn you beforehand!! There will also be comedic and slice of life aspects, even dark at times, so be aware of that before going in... Azmodeus chills in a cave and cultivates while clones divide and conquer. He will become progressively more and more evil, so beware... MC is a Murderhobo and certified Loot Goblin, so keep that in mind as well. This novel is benefit-driven, and things happen for the sole reason of obtaining benefits, so keep that in mind before moving forward... No NTR, No Yuri, No Incest, No weak MC's, lot's of grinding those levels!! No Harem! There will be women who seem like they're part of MC's harem, but it's not what you think! Let the plot cook! All SUPPORT is appreciated, and I am able to release many chapters everyday as long as you lovely, avid OP readers yearn for it enough! [WPC June Entry] --> [I would appreciate the support!!] Next CASTLE Giver = 8 chapters!(Limited Time Offer) (I'm a hoarder.) Castle = 5 extra chapters 300 PS = 1 Extra Chapter 50 GT = 1 Extra Chapter Hundreds of chapters in backlog, so like, make me release them... https://discord.com/invite/FMHsSN3fN8

Astral_Pandemonium · Eastern
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121 Chs

Punching Strength Over 5000kg!



A loud cracking sound reverberated as the neck of the once-mighty Cockatoo was twisted two different ways!

The beast wasn't even given the chance to resist such overwhelming might, as it fell to the ground with a loud bam.

And as the light faded from its baseball-sized eyes, a few system notifications were ringing inside Azmodeus's head.


*Ding!* *You have killed a spiritual beast in the Middle Stages of the Viscera Refining Small Success Realm!*

*Ding!* *You have gained 1.1 Evolution Essence!*

*Ding!* *You have leveled up!*

*Ding!* *You have obtained 0.6 stat points in each of your basic attributes!*

*Ding!* *Would you like to assimilate the stats of the beast, or would you like to roll for one of its Innate Abilities?*

Azmodeus immediately clicked the 'Assimilate the Stats' option.


*Ding!* *You have obtained 0.5 stat points in Strength, 0.6 in Speed, 0.4 in Defense, 0.5 in Qi, and 0.3 in Cultivation Talent.*

*Ding!* *Your overall combat power and cultivation realm have tremendously improved!*


After getting these pop-ups, Azmodeus opened up his system interface while slicing off the talons of the Cockatoo.



{[Infinite Evolution System]}

[Host: Azmodeus]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 12/69]

[Cultivation: Absolute Peak Stages of the Viscera Training Small Success Minor Realm (Body Refinement Major Realm.)]

[Overall Combat Power: Absolute Peak Stages of the Viscera Training Small Success Realm]

[Level: 6]

[Evolution Essence needed for the next level: 4.4]


[Strength: 3.7]

[Speed: 3.7]

[Defense: 3.4]

[Qi: 3.9]

[Cultivation Talent: 3.1]

[Spiritual Roots: Crystallized Embryo] (Rank: ???)

{[Assimilated Evolution Traits/Qualities]}

[Inherited Traits and Active Species Alterations: None]


After looking over his system interface, Azmodeus finished up his butchering as he felt a surge of strength wash over his body, increasing his physical strength up to 1100 kg!

He could hardly believe it himself, but if he were to be pitted against the him who was fourteen years old, then he would absolutely wipe the floor with him!

He was more than a little overjoyed by this fact, but in the end, his goal was far greater than what he had, so he continued his search for stronger opponents.

It was clear that the stronger the beast he fought, the more power he gained, and that was all the incentive he needed to actively hunt everything that was worth half its weight in strength!


A few hours quickly passed by as it was around noon in the Yang Sect, and at this time, everyone was coming back from various lectures and studies, hoping to obtain some more insights into their cultivation.

There were thousands of members of the Yang Sect, and every single one of them possessed a strength of the Flesh Refining Realm, while the strongest of them had already touched upon the fourteenth minor stage of the Body Refinement Realm!

And today, a few Yang Sect Disciples in the Viscera Training Large Success Stage were heading toward the outskirts of the Sect, aiming to find out exactly where that trash who skipped out on his sect duties had gone.


"I don't understand why it is that we have to go out to bring back that waste," a man with his long hair pulled back behind him said with a slightly vexed tone.

"Can't we just have useless trash like him executed or something?? I mean, he is still in the Lowest Stages of the Strength Training Realm even after nearly two weeks of cultivation! Does trash like that really deserve to be in the Yang Sect??"

A man with his hand always on his sword looked behind with a cold gaze as he said, "You know the rules, so just shut up and let's get this over with. After all, we still get sect contributions for doing these menial tasks."

The first man who spoke shrugged his shoulders before responding, "Ai, Senior Brother. Whatever you say…"

After which, he, along with the stern sect disciple and two others, walked into the deeper parts of the Yang Forest that lay outside the Yang Sect.


The Yang Forest.

A wide forest that stretched on for dozens of miles and covered up the Yang Sect from the rest of the world.

It made for great cover and added an air of mystique for the Yang Sect, as the Sect itself stood atop a mountain, taking up a small area of the Great Fire Nation.

The Yang Forest was a source of supplies for all those in the Yang Sect, and most of the Entry-Level disciples and the one Trial Disciple lived out in the forest.


In a part of the Yang Forest, thousands of meters away from the main Sect Grounds of the Yang Sect, a boy around twelve years old with slightly above-average facial features was walking back from a bountiful hunt.

And in his satchel, there were dozens of different sets of spiritual beast ears.

All of which had been cut with skillful marks at the base of the ears, leaving quite an abundant array of superior-quality spiritual beast ears.

This will allot me a number of copper coins and sect contributions when I bring them back to the sect…

Azmodeus was aiming to acquire a certain level of funding so he could obtain some refinement powder to improve his cultivation even faster.

And to do this, he needed to keep on hunting more spiritual beasts and cutting off more of their ears.

This was done so he could prove to the sect that he had actually been killing the beasts himself.

Nonetheless, it had been over four hours since he had begun his hunting of various Spiritual Beasts, and so far, he had killed a total of twenty-two beasts in the Strength Refining Stage, thirteen beasts in the Flesh Refining Stage, six beasts in the Viscera Training Small Success Stage, and three beasts in the Viscera Training Large Success Stage.

And it was through all of these kills that he was able to increase his level to 8 and get all his stats over the 5.0 mark!

Furthermore, his punching strength had already improved past 5000 kg!

All in all, his gains over these last few hours have been utterly insane, and if anyone ever caught wind of this ludicrous cultivation realm progression speed, then they'd surely hunt him down and extract all of his secrets by cutting open his brain.

However, he already planned on keeping his strength a secret for now, so that was highly unlikely to happen.

He didn't like hiding away like a turtle and only considered this as a temporary countermeasure, but in the end, it was necessary if he wished to keep his life intact.

After all, he still owed the Infinite Evolution System more than he could ever repay, and if he wished to stay alive long enough to pay his dues, then he had to keep it on the down low.

But unfortunately for him, things didn't always go the way that one hoped…


Sorry if this comes as an inconvenience, but all system notifications will be switched to '**' format instead of '[]'.

It became extremely tough to write the latter with my usual speed, so to increase future update rates, this change had to be made. Sorry...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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