
Infinite Evolution System Made Me Too OP!

[Ding!] [You have killed Elder Fuk Yu!] [You have obtained 108 Quadrillion Evolution Essence!] [Ding!] [Would you like to Assimilate the Stats or roll for a Racial Trait of Elder Fuk Yu?] "Roll for a Racial Trait." [Ding!] [You have acquired the Infinite Fuk Yu Mantra!] ... This is the story of Azmodeus—the only Trial Disciple of the Yang Sect—a boy who was born with everything and absolutely anything that could possibly impede his journey down the limitless road of cultivation. Weakest cultivation talent, weakest spiritual roots, weakest physique... However, it looked reality decided he hadn't suffered enough... On one day no different than the rest for the fourteen-year-old boy, as he was sweeping the courtyard's of the Yang Sect, misfortune struck once again, resulting in a Young Master killing him while in a drunken state... This was where his story ended, and also, where it began anew, and along with it, a system that guaranteed a new story for the boy—a story that would never end! [Ding!] [You have killed a Supreme Elder of the Godless Sect!] [You have obtained 500 Trillion Evolution Essence!] [Ding] [You have leveled up!] [You have leveled up!] [You have leveled up!] [Ding!] [Would you like to Assimilate the Stats or roll for a Trait of the being you just killed?] "Roll for a Trait." [Ding!] [You have acquired the Galactic Quantum Flux Racial Trait!] [Your overall combat power has improved by leaps and bounds!] [Ding!] [Are you ready to pay the price to ascend your plane of existence?] "I am." ... Join Azmodeus on his journey toward a limit that doesn't exist, as he figures out just how far he can Evolve through the killing and Assimilating of other existences! "You say I can sit in a cave and cultivate while having my clones do the killing...?" "There are other System Users!? And I can Assimilate their Systems into my own!?" "This will make too OP..." ... The book may have similarities to Top Tier Providence, but I have not copied anything, and made my own versions of the concepts centered around the book. - Astral_Pandemonium Extremely Fast-Paced System Novel with a bunch of realms and new worlds/areas!! Don't tell me I didn't warn you beforehand!! There will also be comedic and slice of life aspects, even dark at times, so be aware of that before going in... Azmodeus chills in a cave and cultivates while clones divide and conquer. He will become progressively more and more evil, so beware... MC is a Murderhobo and certified Loot Goblin, so keep that in mind as well. This novel is benefit-driven, and things happen for the sole reason of obtaining benefits, so keep that in mind before moving forward... No NTR, No Yuri, No Incest, No weak MC's, lot's of grinding those levels!! No Harem! There will be women who seem like they're part of MC's harem, but it's not what you think! Let the plot cook! All SUPPORT is appreciated, and I am able to release many chapters everyday as long as you lovely, avid OP readers yearn for it enough! [WPC June Entry] --> [I would appreciate the support!!] Next CASTLE Giver = 8 chapters!(Limited Time Offer) (I'm a hoarder.) Castle = 5 extra chapters 300 PS = 1 Extra Chapter 50 GT = 1 Extra Chapter Hundreds of chapters in backlog, so like, make me release them... https://discord.com/invite/FMHsSN3fN8

Astral_Pandemonium · Eastern
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121 Chs

Level 3 Super Strength Trait


"Hell yeah!" Azmodeus shouted with a fervent look on his face, as he had finally gotten what he wanted!

It took over 1100 Evolution Essence to obtain it, but it was all worth it in the end!

With this new Trait, my physical strength has taken another boost in the right direction, and if I'm correct in my speculations, then I should be close to reaching the Middle Stages of the 20% Tempering Marrow Realm in my overall combat power.

After coming to this conclusion, he decided to dump all of his remaining Evolution Essence into upgrading the level of his new Super Strength Trait.


*Ding!* *You have used up 11,100 Evolution Essence in order to take your Super Strength Trait from Level 0 [0/100] to Level 3 [0/100,000]*

*Ding!* *Your overall combat power has tremendously improved!*

Following these system notifications and a surge of strength from within him, Azmodeus immediately opened up his system interface.



{[Infinite Evolution System]}

[Host: Azmodeus]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 12/102]

[Cultivation: Absolute Peak Stages of the Peak Pulse Condensation Minor Realm (Body Refinement Major Realm.)]

[Overall combat power: Late Stages of the 20% Tempering Marrow Minor Realm]

[Level: 29]

[Evolution Essence needed for the next level: 15,000]

[Evolution Essence Bank: 14,000 → 2,900]


[Strength: 178 + 84 (262)]

[Speed: 176]

[Defense: 179]

[Qi: 185]

[Cultivation Talent: 161]

[Spiritual Roots: Crystallized Embryo] (Rank: ???)

{[Assimilated Evolution Traits/Qualities]}

[Inherited Traits and Active Species Alterations:

[Stealth - Level 4] (J Rank)] → [0/100,000]

[Mirror Mirage - Level 3] (I Rank)] → [0/100,000]

[Super Strength - Level 3] (I Rank)] → [0/100,000]


After understanding just how his new strength was quantified, Azmodeus looked around the fighting ring and saw that the last of the opponents were battling it out against each other.

And of the last thirty or so contestants, a few of the more sinister ones were looking to take advantage of the boy who was 'dozing' off in a corner of the ring…

"We should just go right up to him and knock him out! Taking out the trash before the real fights start will be beneficial for us brothers!" A young man with more facial hair than muscle remarked, his hands already tightly gripping onto a longsword.

"I agree! Let's just go and kick him out of the ring, real quick and easy like!" Another young man around fifteen years old agreed with the first man while conjuring up his inner strength, preparing to launch his most powerful technique.

Another young man with blonde hair added, "I think we should have him let his guard down first. What do you guys think?"

"Yeah, we can do that! Simply play the kind and magnanimous seniors willing to help out the newbie!"

After the man with facial hair spoke, all three of them, with their Viscera Training Large Success cultivation bases, moved in the direction of the lone twelve-year-old boy.

Upon making it a few meters away from the boy, the leader with the facial hair asked in a 'kind' voice, "Why don't you let us seniors-?"

However, before he could even finish his sentence while rubbing his hands like a schemer, a kick came flying out of nowhere!



The man with the facial hair was knocked outside of the ring in a split second, given no time to react!

And before he even knew what had happened, his head hit the back of a hard concrete wall that separated them from the spectator stands!


The wall had a large spider web crack spread throughout, as the scrawny man was left unconscious, sliding down the wall before eventually hitting the tough ground floor.


"..." "..."

Both of the two other sinister men watched this scene play out as they wore dumbfounded looks on their faces.

However, they were soon taken out of their reveries by the voice of the man who caused this all to go down as it did…

"I don't like people like you—people that use their power to bully those who they assume are far weaker themselves look like nothing more than trash in my eyes."

Azmodeus felt nothing but disdain for these three losers who really thought it was best to take out the 'weakest' person in the competition before moving onto the strongest ones.

First of all, that doesn't even make any sense, and second of all, can't you aim for higher?? Try to fight something stronger!

He couldn't understand the thinking process behind these fools, but regardless of his disgust, his figure blurred as he dashed in the direction of the first young man before moving onto the second one.

And without anyone in the crowd being able to see a single thing, both of the young men were shot into two separate arena walls, froth coming from their mouths!



A hush fell over the Yang Sect Arena as all of the spectators and even some of the VIP members honed in on the small frame of a boy—a boy who took out three Viscera Refining Large Success Stage Cultivators as easily as breathing…

There were only five of them in the entire competition, you know!? And now, three of them were taken out of the game just like that!

"Just how the hell was that boy able to accomplish that…?" Elder Yong mumbled with a tone of disbelief.

"I don't know, Elder Yong, but the one thing I know for sure is that this boy could be something big, something that our sect has been looking to find for the last century…" Elder Dong murmured, his antiquated gaze never leaving the sight of the black-haired boy nonchalantly sitting down on the fighting arena.

"Is he taking a break??" Elder Bin inquired with shock etched across his face.

He had never heard of someone who had the guts to take a break during the middle of a competition…

Just how brazen can one boy be?? And especially one who, a couple days ago, was deemed nothing more than irredeemable trash of the highest caliber! It doesn't make even the slightest bit of sense, no matter how many times I think it over!


Err... I know what some of you are thinking, but fret not, for there will be no 'I shall save everyone I see!' justice mumbo jumbo in my Infinite Novel.

There will simply be absolute carnage... Simply wait and see what I mean...

How does one Evolve? What is the most efficient way to evolve?

If you were given a system like this one, what would you do?

Answer in the comments!

The (+) at the end of the Strength Stat indicates the boost alloted from Traits and such. Is short lasting and eventually taken off, so don't sweat it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Astral_Pandemoniumcreators' thoughts