
Chapter 267: "I'm Just Passing Through"

Tony and Bruce left the private island and headed back to New York. It had been over a year since Bruce had last seen the bustling streets of the city, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement. But what thrilled him even more was his newfound freedom—he could now walk among crowds without the constant fear of losing control.

Thanks to the billion dollars Tony had given him, Bruce was on the lookout for a new place to call home. A mansion was out of his budget, but a multi-million-dollar villa in New York was well within reach. However, as Bruce went from one luxury home to another, he kept encountering the same name on the deed—Harvey. It seemed Harvey owned nearly every property Bruce had his eye on.

With Tony's help, Bruce had also established a new identity. Now, he went by the name Bruce Hulk, posing as a recent university graduate from a wealthy family. The name change, along with his relatively low profile, allowed Bruce to move through New York without drawing much attention.

Meanwhile, Steve had taken Tony's advice and, after hearing more about Tony and Bruce's new lives, whisked Peggy off to Europe for a romantic vacation.

A week passed.

One day, while Harvey was out cruising in his luxury car, Bruce was driving his Lamborghini, contemplating how to approach the woman he wanted to meet. Stopped at a red light, Bruce glanced to the side and did a double-take when he saw a familiar figure in a convertible.

He blinked, rubbed his eyes, and looked again. There was no mistaking it. It was Harvey.

"Ha-H-Harvey, sir!" Bruce stammered, his voice betraying his nerves as he greeted him.

"It looks like you've got the Hulk under control and can finally enjoy being out and about," Harvey said, turning to Bruce with a smile.

"Yeah, thanks to you. I wouldn't have been able to manage without your help," Bruce replied, nodding, still feeling a bit anxious in Harvey's presence.

Even though Bruce was no longer intimidated by crowds, and he could face Tony and Steve with ease, standing next to Harvey brought all his old nerves rushing back. It was as if Harvey's mere presence commanded a kind of respect that Bruce couldn't shake.

"No need to be so nervous," Harvey chuckled. "You're on Earth, not out in the cosmos. So, out here trying to meet some ladies, huh?"

"Well, I've been cooped up for a long time, so I figured I'd take a break, and enjoy myself a little before helping Tony with his research," Bruce said, his tension easing as he spoke.

"You're free to do as you please," Harvey replied casually. "As long as you don't break any of the Void Church's rules, you can live however you like."

Bruce processed this, nodding thoughtfully. "And, uh, what about you, sir? What brings you out here?"

"I'm just passing through," Harvey said with a grin. As the light turned green, he revved his engine and sped off, leaving Bruce still processing their encounter.

The honking of horns from the cars behind jolted Bruce back to reality. He quickly hit the gas and drove off, but instead of continuing his search for a date, he headed straight for Stark Manor.

"Tony, Tony, you won't believe who I just ran into!" Bruce exclaimed as he burst into Tony's lab.

Tony, focused on fine-tuning his propulsion system, glanced up. "You run into S.H.I.E.L.D. or something?"

"No," Bruce shook his head. "I ran into Harvey!"

Tony raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "You got me all worked up for that? Bruce, Harvey's always around New York. You know the stories—this is his playground."

Bruce, still a bit rattled, tried to explain. "I know the rumors, but this was my first time meeting him in person. You don't understand—I was so nervous I thought my heart was going to explode."

Tony chuckled as he turned back to his work. "Harvey's just living the life here. He's always out eating, drinking, and flirting with women. You're out cruising around in New York, so of course you'll run into him."

"You're part of the Void Church now. Just stay respectful, and you won't have any problems. Heck, if you're lucky, Harvey might even help you out with something," Tony added, still tinkering with his project. "Next time you see him, don't be shy. Ask him whatever's on your mind. He might not answer, but if he does, it could save you a lot of time."

Bruce considered this for a moment, intrigued. "So, I should just… casually run into him again?"

"Only if it happens naturally," Tony cautioned. "I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to seek him out. Who knows how that might turn out?"

Tony's relationship with Harvey was different—he'd known him long before their involvement with the Void Church, so their dynamic was more like that of old friends. Bruce, on the other hand, didn't have the same history, and Tony wasn't about to gamble on how Harvey might react to a forced meeting.

"Got it," Bruce nodded, feeling a bit more prepared for the next time he saw Harvey.

"Alright, enough chit-chat. I've got a propulsion system to figure out, and I'll need your help with it eventually. So, enjoy your time off, but don't forget—when you're ready, come back here. This is crucial if we want to get Earth to the next level," Tony reminded him.

"Give me another month. After that, I'll be here, ready to work," Bruce promised, giving Tony a firm nod before heading out, once again slipping into his Lamborghini and driving off.