
Infinite Dragon God Can't Find Silence

"I want to find... the original silence..." In the dark night, Orpheus looked up at the starry sky and muttered to herself. "It's just..." Orpheus looked at the 'lock' in her hand that connected her to reality. Because of you... the entanglement...is getting more and more... Current experience: FGO Chapter 7--Fate Zero--God Slayer--No Game No Life Zero--High School--Hokuniwa (Problem Child)

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4: Vow to Reclaim

In the same kaleidoscope-like dimensional gap, Ophis has transformed into a human form, casually wearing a magic robe, and looking at the scene in front of him with half-open eyes.

A huge red head, and a pair of golden eyes.

"Ah, it's so big..."

The body is completely blocked by the head, and it can't be seen...


It's only been a hundred years...

Let alone control, even the precise extraction of energy is not yet proficient...

[Ah, I forgot to tell you that the information you got is just a higher probability among many possibilities, it may be a 0.02% mixed in 9,998 0.01%... or even more exaggerated, so the reference level... you can consider it yourself... After all, there is almost no complete information, right? ]

At this time, the voice of Qi Shi Bu Yi sounded in my heart.

Why didn't you say it earlier...

Indeed, there is no record of how and when 'Ophis' was driven out by the Red Dragon Emperor in those broken memories. Originally, Ophis judged based on some relevant clues that he would have to wait until he had some strength...

Now it seems that he thought it was a bit natural.

If someone wants to take your territory, they have to wait until you grow strong and resist?

So, it should be useless to say hello to the same kind now?

Should I run? Or run? Or should I run?

Although she wanted to act according to her heart, Ophis still hesitated.

She liked this place very much, not only because there was the tranquility she loved in the gap between this dimension.

This place, after all, was where she was born, her 'original'.

Ouroboros itself has the concept of the beginning, and the place where she first lived naturally has a very special meaning to her.

At least, it is definitely not a place that can be abandoned.

However, Ophis also knew that she had no other choice.

"Do you want to expel me?"

Finally, Orpheus asked the real Red Dragon God Emperor in front of her.

Yes, in front of her was the legendary strongest dragon born in illusion and in charge of fantasy, the Red Dragon God Emperor known as the real dragon.

Ophis had never seen any big scenes, and just standing in front of this existence made her feel overwhelmed by the opponent's power.

"This is my territory."

The Red Dragon God Emperor expressed her thoughts in a concise manner, which fully reflected her rogue spirit.


Seeing that the other party seemed to have no intention of attacking, Ophis also relaxed a little and looked at one of the Red Dragon God Emperor's eyes.

There was no way, it was too close, and I couldn't see both at once.

After thinking about it with his head tilted, Ophis still stepped back a long distance and looked at the Red Dragon God Emperor again.

Looking at it this way... it was indeed terrifying.

My body, which was still growing, was at most only one-third of this magnificent red dragon.

Although thinking so, Ophis still looked straight into the huge golden pupils.

"One day, I will take back my silence... the great red."


[... Although I said it so handsomely, I was still driven out by the other party. ]

"There is no way, after all, the strength gap is too big."

Looking back at the slowly closing entrance of the dimensional gap, Ophis turned away expressionlessly.

"Qi, it's rare for you to get up?"

[Well, after all, a guy with such a terrifying presence suddenly appeared. ]

Qi has always been in Ophis consciousness, but in fact she is not there most of the time... In her words, she falls into sleep to save energy, and the sleep cycle is completely irregular.

Sometimes Ophis can't wake up no matter how she calls, and sometimes she suddenly appears.

In general, the time spent sleeping is much longer than when awake. In the past hundred years, Ophis can only feel Qi's consciousness for at most one ten-thousandth of the time.

Even when he wakes up, he will only observe whether there is any problem with Ophis's practice, and then at most give a few pointers, and then continue to sleep.

But Ophis herself is used to silence, and it is also good that no one keeps chattering in her heart.

[So, what are your plans next? ]


Ophis was silent.

Her home had disappeared, and she didn't know what to do now.

Become stronger and fight back?

That was a long, long time in the future.

Even after she saw the Great Red, she had a feeling.

Unless she broke through a peak that was extremely difficult to reach, it would be impossible to defeat the opponent...

That was at least a level that could ignore the constraints of the world, and Ophis couldn't even guess it now.

Ophis couldn't help but think of her own approach in the 'knowledge'.

Her power was unlimited. If she found a few cannon fodders to share her power with them, it would be a super buff that would not weaken herself and could directly enhance the strength of others.

If enough people were gathered, could they take down the Great Red's head?

Although it felt that the possibility was very low... but maybe she could try?

With knowledge, she could at least judge who could be trusted to a certain extent.


People who can be 100% trusted generally don't have big ambitions, and their desire for her 'snake' is not that high, so the possibility of them being willing to help is relatively small.


Thinking of the Milk Dragon Emperor in his memory, Ophis became even more silent.

I always feel a little disgusted... That kind of guy...

It's better not to rely on these people.

And to deal with the Red Dragon God Emperor, it's better to have quality than quantity. The small fish can only be gloriously delivered in the first wave of range skills.

Let it go...

Orpheus shook his head and put this idea aside for the time being.

[Looks troubled? ]

"Well... I feel that Great Red is difficult to deal with."

[Oh, it's true, such a guy... After all, he is a bit special. ]

Ophis also felt the specialness of the other party, but she didn't ask Qi who seemed to know more about it.

If the other party is willing to say it, he will say it himself. If he doesn't say it, there is no point in asking it───This is Ophis's understanding of the other party who lives in his consciousness for more than three days in a hundred years.

"Now I can't fully control my power."

Ophis looked around and looked at the two approaching humanoid creatures.


No wonder the color here is dark, it is indeed the underworld...

Looking at their malicious expressions, Ophis frowned and waved his hand gently.

The terrifying energy that did not match the action burst out and directly flattened the land in this area.

As for the two cannon fodder-level demons, naturally not even a slag was left.

[Ah, this is indeed a bit horrible. ]

Such power can cause considerable damage to the upper-level demons if they do not defend themselves well, but if it hits the Red Dragon God Emperor, it would be like tickling.

Ophis could not integrate the energy that reached that level just now and concentrate the attack.

"It takes... too much time."

Looking at his palm, Ophis shook his head.

[Okay, the movement just now was not small, and it should be noticed by some powerful guys... Leave first, you don't want to face those demon king-level guys now, right? ]

Indeed... the demons of this era are not very friendly.

But where can she go?

[If you are in trouble, why don't we help you? ]

"Help me?"

[In fact, as long as there is enough mental power, I can let you travel to another world. I have been sleeping before just to accumulate enough mental power. ]

"Is it enough?"

[It's far from enough... But although it's quite small, I also left a very special energy before... With that, I can give you some special effects. If combined with the mental power I currently have, it should be able to directly transfer you to another world. ]

"What effect?"

From Qi's words, Ophis still keenly noticed this word.

[Destiny replacement... As the name suggests, it is to directly transfer a person's destiny to yourself, or it can be said that you completely replace the other person... With the remaining power before, I can only implement this ability once. ]

After hearing this, Ophis frowned.

Replacing the destiny of a life... This seems a bit disgusting.

As if seeing Orpheus's thoughts, Qi began to explain in his mind.

[You have to make it clear that this is replacing fate, not replacing existence. Replacing existence means you replace the other person, but replacing fate means the other person does not exist in the first place. If you cannot accept this, I can also find a place with a parallel world. Replacing one individual will not make the other person disappear. ]

It is not unacceptable, but it is a bit awkward...

Ophis thought about it and finally asked the question that she was most concerned about at the moment.

"Can I become stronger?"

[I cannot control the object of replacement, but it is definitely a good result for the future. In addition, replacing fate does not really require you to follow the original fate line. The real replacement is only the timeline before the replacement. From the moment of replacement, it is your own path to go. ]

Ophis thought about it and realized that there was nothing good for her to stay in this world.

In this era, maybe even the artifact has not been created yet.

Although finding a place to stay and practice for countless years is also an option... But in that case, at most you can only reach the level of Ophis in the knowledge, right?

Then still, it will not be a match for the Great Red.

If you choose to travel through the world... Ouroboros has the ability to complement itself by comparing its surroundings. As long as you go out to see more and experience more, your final result will be different from your original future... right?

"Then, let's decide."

Finally, Ophis nodded in agreement.

[Really? Then get ready to start. ]

"Well, I swear to take back the original silence..."

Ophis looked up and made a shooting gesture to the sky.

"At any cost..."

Babylon of the Age of Gods

(End of this chapter)