
Infinite Dragon God Can't Find Silence

"I want to find... the original silence..." In the dark night, Orpheus looked up at the starry sky and muttered to herself. "It's just..." Orpheus looked at the 'lock' in her hand that connected her to reality. Because of you... the entanglement...is getting more and more... Current experience: FGO Chapter 7--Fate Zero--God Slayer--No Game No Life Zero--High School--Hokuniwa (Problem Child)

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3 The road ahead and my wishes

The mentally ill patient, whose name is tentatively Goldfinger, laughed for a long time...

Even Ophis, who doesn't care about time at all, felt that she laughed for too long.

However, she didn't interrupt.

I always feel that what she said before was just an excuse.

This crazy laugh is more like venting something...

───It seems that this is a Goldfinger with a story.

But Ophis didn't explore these...or rather, she didn't want to know.

Perhaps it was her nature. When faced with things that seemed irrelevant to her and seemed too complicated, she was always too lazy to care.

It's better to say that even if it was related to her, she might not care.

Rather than caring about these messy things, she still likes to stay still and think about people...or should I say dragon life.

Compared to dragons, she seems to be more suitable to be a salted fish.

However, no matter how much this Goldfinger sister can laugh, she can't laugh forever. When Ophis finally felt a little bored because of the continuous noise, she finally stopped.

[Although I don't have any particularly powerful abilities, I still have some uses.]

"What are they?"

Although Ophis was not interested, he still paid some attention to the conversation with the goldfinger.

[I think I can make you stronger without any detours... I mean, I have a huge amount of experience and knowledge that you can't get unless you spend countless years accumulating~~]


This time Ophis finally reacted.

Originally, she didn't pursue strength very much. After all, according to her idea, she would just stay in this dimension gap for the rest of her life and would not cause any trouble.

However, it was different after knowing some possible future.

Sometimes, it's not that you don't cause trouble, but trouble won't come to you.

[Ah... According to your understanding... Even if the master... Ugh, should I say the old lady... This is not right... Well, just treat it as a portable goddess... Hmm? Why does this feel the most wrong? ]

Mad Aqua

[Ah~~ Never mind this, anyway, the great me will lead you onto the right path. ]

Ophis finally focused all her attention on the golden finger, which had become a blue-haired girl in her mind.

To be honest, if it was just like this, Ophis would be relieved.

Among the pure-blooded dragon species with independent system trees and great individual differences, the inherited training methods can be said to be quite customized. She believed that the golden finger girl could only point out the way no matter what, and it was impossible to really affect the training method itself.

Even if the other party was wrong, at most it would take a few more detours, and she could afford it.

If the other party really achieved some other goals by doing this, she would also admit it.

At that point, it was either the other party was too smart or she was too stupid.

Of course, there was also the mentality that it was really difficult to raise any vigilance against this golden finger and the reason why she had no way to deal with the other party.

The most important thing was that she needed strength to face the Red Dragon God Emperor in the future.

Even if she knew that the chance of winning was slim, she would not escape.

Although she was more suitable to be a salted fish, she was much better than other dragons in this regard, but to a certain extent, she still retained the unreasonable arrogance of the dragon race.

Who will win, we have to wait for the last game to know.

"So, do you have any suggestions?"

After thinking for a while, Ophis asked directly.

Although she accepted the existence of the other party, she was still a little skeptical.

The training methods of dragon species are different, but in fact, they are just some differences in direction and energy operation. In general, they cannot do without sleep... Bah, time.

Secret manuals of skills? They don't exist.

If you want to become stronger, accumulate time.

Well, in fact, for them, it's just sleeping.

Often, they can rank among the top few in the world with just a close eye.

It seems very easy, but...

The training speed of this so-called strongest species is really much worse than that of humans...

Although the starting point alone is a level that most humans cannot reach in their lifetime.

Most dragon species need time, and Ophis is no exception.

However, her situation is a little different.

[Give me some advice...]

The golden finger lady in her mind seemed to be thinking a little.

[First of all, as an Ouroboros, you should know in which aspect you are better, right? ]


───Ouroboros itself has many meanings.

Including construction and destruction, birth and end, life and death, regeneration and eternity, infinity and perfection, etc.

In fact, every Ouroboros has all the above concepts, but each characteristic also has explicit and implicit differences.

Although some of these concepts seem similar or even repetitive, there are still differences in performance.

As for Ophis...

"I am... Infinite."

The Infinite Dragon God is naturally the most prominent in the concept of infinity.

The cycle and immortality of other Ouroboros may be that the energy is used up and replenished instantly... or die and then resurrect directly, but Orpheus is different.

She is infinite. As long as her infinity is not broken, her power will never be exhausted and she will never have to face death.

However, as a price, she needs to learn the abilities related to destruction and rebirth and other abilities that the original Ouroboros can use as instincts before she can use them.

And this is not a goal that can be started in the short term.

As an Ouroboros, Ophis is quite different from other dragon species.

Her energy is "infinite", which means that she does not need to work hard on energy like other dragon species, but it also means that she must spend several times more time than other dragon species to control this energy.

Now she is just a child who owns countless nuclear power plants, but does not know how to use them.

It takes time like other dragon species, but compared to training, Ophis needs more control.

This also caused her to not be able to spend time by sleeping, but to stay awake to practice controlling the power in her body.

Of course, if Ophis' body is really filled with infinite energy, she will not be able to fully control it without spending tens of thousands of years, so Ophis is not really like this.

In fact, there is no energy in Ophis' body under normal conditions, but there is the concept of "infinity" as an energy source that will not be exhausted. When Ophis needs it, he can directly extract power from it.

Under the condition that energy can be used without limit, how much can be controlled at a time, how much can be released at a time, and how much can be controlled after release, this kind of energy release control skills are the problems that Ophis must overcome.

Even if these are not mentioned, whether the amount of use can be accurately controlled is already the first difficulty.

Taking too much or too little at a time will have a significant impact on the subsequent use of energy.

And although the super obvious flaw between using up and replenishing is avoided, the use of energy requires an extra step of taking, which will also have a considerable drag on efficiency, and the speed in this regard must also be practiced.

In just a short time, Ophis made a plan for his ability.

If the suggestions put forward can only be some of these, then this crappy golden finger can be ignored... Ophis thought so.

"Is it really infinite... Ah, the training on energy control is your own business, so let's not worry about it."

So we're just going to skip this part...

[So, how are you going to use this infinite energy? ]

"How... to use it?"

Ophis blinked his huge eyes.

Probably means how to fight, right?

Isn't that very simple?

There is nothing in the world that cannot be solved by a magic cannon.

If there is, use 10 million rounds.

If it still doesn't work, then add another 10 million times.

It doesn't require too much energy and has powerful destructive power, as well as that gorgeous shining light. It can be said that it is the dream of countless people.

Naturally, Ophis told his idea to Sister Goldfinger.

[Ha... Although I have guessed it a little, it is really such an idea...]

"... Is there a problem?"

[Although it is indeed a method that suits you very well, the battlefield adaptability is too poor. Do you still need to use a magic cannon to attack a group of friendly forces on the opposite side? And what if the opponent is immune to energy? ]

Ophis turned his head and thought for a few seconds, and rolled his body.

"I, gather magic power in my hands and use fists."


Sister Goldfinger seemed a little speechless.

[Listen carefully, you are infinite! The so-called infinity is not as simple as being a perpetual motion machine. ]

"What else?"

[You are an individual with 'infinity', which means you must develop towards 'infinity', but there is only one of you, which means that your 'infinity' must return to the final 'one'. Do you understand? ]

"... I don't understand."


"Let's not talk about the final one... Although I have the concept of infinity, as you said, I am just an individual after all, how can I develop towards infinity at once?"

[Well... infinity is just a metaphor, and the real infinity is indeed impossible to achieve, because if it can be achieved, it will not be called infinity... You have to figure out the meaning here by yourself...]

"... It means to obtain it without an upper limit?"

[You can explain it this way, anyway, the extent of 'infinity' depends on your own ability. With a certain ability of yours, it may not be impossible to achieve the real 'infinity'? It doesn't matter what the number is, as long as the final 'one' can be strong enough. ]


Ophis was silent for a while, and finally asked:


[What? ]

"I don't know your name yet."

[Aha... Indeed...]

Goldfinger sister paused.

[I used to have many names, but some of them have lost their meaning, and the rest have been abandoned by me... But if you just want to call me...]

[Just call me 'Qi', the 'Qi' of prayer~~]

(End of this chapter)