
Infinite Death Games Apocalypse: The Rise of Villains

"You have three lives - One as a human, one as a survivor, and one as a hunter." In the year 202X, a chilling phenomenon grips the globe as 20,000 individuals vanish without a trace overnight. This eerie occurrence repeats every Sunday at midnight, sending shockwaves through society. Despite the escalating disappearances over 20 consecutive weeks, the world remains indifferent to the growing crisis. Among the missing is Vesper Pallas, whose fate thrusts him into a realm of perilous existence. Confronted with life-threatening situations, he unravels the sinister truth behind the abductions and the ensuing terror. Following a fateful encounter with a mysterious figure resembling the Grim Reaper, Vesper is forced into a triad of roles: a father, a prey, and a relentless hunter in pursuit of answers.

DamnPlotArmor · Fantasy
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72 Chs

"The Supreme Saint is the true humanity's salvation! Only he can help us overcome the global crisis," declared the ring leader, urging local Mexicans to support for their cause.

Chapter 63 - Stage 2 (Survivor) - 3

- Pendulum Trap (Non-Element) (4th Grade) (Active)

(General) Spend 100 Energy. Create a pendulum trap of your choice. 300 seconds cooldown.


This skill replaced the rune scanner ability. The trap deployment was easy to use as Vesper could see the demo of the trap with his left eye while visualizing the trap's placement and appearance.

However, its long cooldown time was a weakness of this ability. Vesper couldn't afford a mistake.

Vesper calculated the strength and size of Jackson's physique, the ceiling's height, and the shape of the pendulum trap. After some adjustments, he created a guillotine-blade pendulum and placed it directly on top of Jackson, who was busy cutting the acid water pipe.


The trap was instantly activated, releasing the blade downward.