
Section 102: I'm sure the groin is the bat monkey's weakness.

Zhenjin locked onto his target and flung out the flying dart.

With the full force of his bear-like arm, the flying dart burst forth with lethal power, posing a deadly threat to even the Black Iron Bat Monkeys.

The Black Iron Bat Monkeys remained spiraling at the highest points in the air, their turning far more agile than that of the Bronze Bat Monkeys, and their flying speed was faster as well.

Zhenjin tried several times but met with failure.

Then, an idea struck him: he fired his crossbow with his left hand first, and immediately afterward, he hurled the flying dart forcefully with his right hand.

The Black Iron Bat Monkey was forced to dodge the crossbow arrow, its maneuverability restricted. At that moment, the flying dart struck, leaving the monkey unable to evade in time or with limited space to do so, resulting in it often being hit.