
My Fiancée Has a Chamber of Commerce

Editor: Henyee Translations

In the early morning of the third day, Aupin gradually woke up.

He felt a sense of tranquility.

He had a good sleep last night. He no longer slept on dry stone ground, rather a layer of fluffy dry branches and leaves.

These were gathered by Violette for Aupin.

Aupin's heart surged with warmth as he thought of his fiancée…

But Violette was not nearby.

Before going to bed last night, Violette suggested to take some of Aupin's blood, to check whether there was still Fire Venom in it. Perhaps, it could tell them Aupin's true state of condition.

Aupin agreed.

"This girl… She didn't stay up all night, right?" Aupin's heart sank, he became worried.

Although he was sleeping, he was confident that if there was any noise or commotion around him, he would immediately notice it.

Aupin looked at the other stack of leaves nearby, it was fluffy, but there was no trace of imprints at all. Aupin was pretty sure that Violette didn't fall asleep here last night.

After she went deep into the cave, she never came out again.

Aupin got up and went deep into the cave.

In the depths of the cave, Violette formed a temporary potion creation site.

During Aupin's two days of rest and recuperation, she rarely went outside. Even if she did go out, it was only near the cave. Aside from taking care of Aupin, she fiddled with her potions.

Aupin walked into the cave and, as expected, he saw Violette kneeling among the pits.

These pits varied in sizes. The large pits contained many kinds of beast blood, bones, furs, etc., while the small pits were filled with various potions, like a colorful paint workshop.

"Sir, you are awake?" Violette looked back at Aupin, but she didn't get up, her hands kept moving, still configuring the potions.

"Excuse my rudeness, I am preparing a potion." Violette shook the glass bottle in her hand while she sprinkled in a dry powder from her other hand.

This glass bottle was only the size of an adult's finger, the medicine inside seemed to be bear blood and it had a dark red color.

The powder was absorbed in the medicine, some sticking to the walls of the glass bottle.

Violette stared at the glass bottle closely, occasionally adding more powder, sometimes scooping some bear blood from the pit in the ground and adding it in.

Finally, it seemed that a certain balance was reached. The powder particles stuck to the inside of the glass bottle completely melted away.

Violette nodded slightly, then corked the reagent glass bottle in her hand and placed it on a wooden shelf.

This wooden shelf was constructed from a few dead tree branches and it was full of glass bottles.

Aupin saw these glass bottles filled with blood potions, he couldn't help but ask, "So, you prepared these potions all night? Aren't you tired?"

"Sir, thank you for your concern." Violette smiled and immediately explained, "If I don't make them, the blood of the bear will expire. These are all good materials. It's a pity that I don't have refining tools in my hands. This Silver-rank bear blood is perfect for making Gamey Potions. It would be a waste to not use it!"

Most magic materials were time-sensitive. After the time limit, the value of the materials would be greatly reduced.

Aupin nodded and recognized Violette's efforts, "Thank you for all of this."

While talking, he locked on to the glass bottles.


He seemed to sense the sweet smell from the glass bottles and he had an urge to drink the bear blood from the deepest part of his heart…

Is it because I am so hungry? Aupin immediately suppressed the strange feeling.

To be honest, over the past two days he didn't have a full meal. Although he knew that he was recovering well, he still carefully controlled his appetite.

"Just like this, the bear blood and panther blood are all used up. The next step is to dispose of the meat." Violette licked her dry lips, after working for a long time, her forehead was covered with sweat.

Violette took out a piece of animal meat from a pit, covered it with a layer of green and yellow herbs, then took out a small tube of medicine from her small leather pouch and poured it slowly.

This medicine was not in a glass bottle, it seemed to be made of black wood.

Only a small amount of liquid was poured, but it quickly spread and gave off a pungent smell.

It gave off a corrosive and bubbling sound and the beast meat suddenly became extremely dry.

Violette reached out her hand to tear the meat, then continued to twist it. The meat was first turned into strips of jerky, then into balls of meat floss.

Over the past two days, besides eating dry rations, Aupin only ate meat floss.

They did not light a fire.

On the one hand, the blood and tears from the Fire Venom Bees made them very cautious about starting a fire.

On the other hand, it was inconvenient to start a fire in the cave as it could easily cause oxygen deficiency, smoke pollution, and even poisoning.

Meat floss made this way was extremely unpalatable, but it retained its nutrients and killed the bacteria and toxins that might exist in the meat.

"These are all amazing magic materials. They can sell for a lot of gold coins. It's a pity, I would trade them all for an ordinary crucible!"

Violette shook her head, expressing regret.

Aupin smiled. He didn't persuade Violette to rest, but rather sat cross-legged beside Violette and said, "How can I help you?"

Violette smiled. "Since you're asking me, I won't refuse your offer."

Afterwards, Violette was responsible for the delicate work of pouring the medicine, while Aupin was responsible for tearing the jerky and turning it into meat floss.

The two divided their labor, the efficiency suddenly increased.

When working together, Aupin was embarrassed to find several pits in the corner that stored the urine and feces he had excreted these past few days.

"Saving these will allow me to detect your physical condition, Sir… But it's a pity that I can't detect your true strength…

"One more thing, I also want to reproduce the medicine that cured you. If my medicine was what cured your injuries, then this medicine recipe will be valuable!"

"With a research attitude like this, no wonder you're a mage," Aupin muttered. He said, "Did you learn anything?"

Violette sighed and said with a sad expression, "The situation was urgent at the time, some of the key steps were done by instinct. I can't even estimate the proportion of the various materials used. It's impossible to reproduce the medicine completely. I can only do my best.

"However, I did learn other things. I used bear blood and ore to prepare two potions, one that is flammable, the other that is a flame retardant."

Aupin nodded. After he helped Violette prepare all of the beast meat, he patted Violette on the shoulder and suggested, "Let's eat some together."

The two ate some dry rations, freshly made meat floss, and water.

The water was warm.

Although they did not make a fire, they could rely on the ore for heating.

Under such circumstances and conditions, a sip of warm water could bring someone the greatest comfort. As the warm water flowed through the throat and into the stomach, a person's soul felt comfort and ease.

There was plenty of food, but not much water. Both of them were being frugal. After drinking a few sips of water, Aupin said, "Tell me about you, Violette."

Violette nodded. "Sir, I am your fiancée, this is absolutely certain."

"So, which clan are you a member of? Where is the clan territory?"

Violette smiled and said, "Sir, you overestimate me. I am not a noble, I am just a merchant. My family has been in business for generations."

"Oh?" Aupin couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, this answer was a bit unexpected.

Almost all nobles married another noble.

Some nobles even wedded their relatives in order to maintain the purity of their bloodlines.

"So, you inherited some kind of noble bloodline?" Aupin asked.

This was also possible.

Although nobles usually only had one wife, they usually had a large number of lovers, illegitimate children were not uncommon.

It was difficult to confirm the true bloodline by looking at the family tree alone.

Historically, there was no shortage of low-rank nobles who had a high-rank bloodline. Sometimes the children of common people suddenly exploded with amazing potential. After tracing the roots, they often discover that their bloodline came from a certain upper-class nobleman.

Often these people with strong bloodlines would be recruited by nobles and introduced into their families.

But Violette shook her head again, revealing a bit of bitterness. "I'm sorry to disappoint you, my Sir. The blood in me is unremarkable. In fact, reaching Black Iron rank has almost exhausted my potential.

"I am not a noble, my ancestors are not nobles. My father was the previous president of the Purple Vine Chamber of Commerce, and now it is my turn to take charge of the chamber of commerce."

"Purple Vine Chamber of Commerce? The name is a bit familiar… Wait, is it?"