
Infinite and Eternal

Walk, Walk until the end of the road... walk unit it reaches the one point where this nigh infinite path ends.. if it doesn't end END IT.

GodOfLiterature · Fantasy
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2 Chs


In the absolute silence with no sound other than the wind in the dark night of the ice desert,

with nothing that could move in a temperature almost Absolute Zero

A lonesome figure of something continued moving without any stop or a stutter in between,

like a long learned and perfected technique of the ages it continued the same movement of walking forward with only it's unremarkable yet unremovable footprints as its companion

each step efficient enough to bring it the most distance away,

yet not too much to cost extra energy.

like an artwork perfected through the ages ,the picturesque nights continued

the nights soon became day and days similarly nights.

a night or day here was both 300 Hours of an Earthian's clock each.

a cycle of eternal brilliance showing the beautiful yet lonesome sight of a lonsome human figure moving in a land filled with only dead ice and his footprints

this began at a time immemorial,

maybe even the gods had already forgotten that they had once seen something like this at the start of this eternity.

the sight of...

the lonesome figure of a lonsome man walking on his own lonesome path.

on a lonesome world




that straight back was no more,

it had faded with the winds of years past

That gleaming pair of bright and cunning eyes were no more,

it had become too cold in the land of ice and winds

That smirk of confidence was no more ,so was the bussiness smile, as they too had drifted in the river of time.

The man's name was unknown ,

at some point he was a human ;

one of the only things that the husk of a once intelligent being remembered.

it had already been too long for a mere mortal brain to keep up

1 year?










it took 1 year of this walking to make the man's straight back bend,

an entire 3 years for his body to die,

Becoming nothing more than a corpse withot a beating heart and an unyielding Will , even the energy of the world can't sustain a body without food and water for more than that

the body had died and become 'Dead'

it took an hundred years to make this 'god' of a man to have his Will be Broken by the world.

Now truly becoming a walking Dead.

a zombie of sort.

even though the body and soul died

with no beating heart nor an active brain

it continued moving


and walking ,

this continued for 1000 years, 4 months and 29 earthian days,

when the land of Ice and wind turned into a land of snow and serenity


the 'thing' continued to try walking even after it got buried under snow slowly throughout the next few days.

first , the legs.

then the torso

finally until it's whole bosy.

it tried it's best to move with a body forged by the world itself for a thousand years,

with even cold ice running through its veins instead of blood

but even the body worthy of carrying a small dinosaur worth of load was stuck after a 'while' of mindless moving

it was just a husk

it was unintelligent

it got stuck..

it couldn't move.




after thousands of years


for the first time

it stopped......Walking.