
The beginning

In the year 2081, Dr Drey was walking on a time machine, he was a very strict man and he doesn't have time for family EXCEPT work.

He has been working on the time machine for most of his years, he had two sons one of which was very reckelss his name was gerald while the other was david, his mother went missing on a train station, no one knew where she went, if using high tech in finding her was to no avail.

It been 5 years since she disappeared.

Finally the day had come to test his machine, that day he brought beck to his company. The company was about to start preparing for the time travel, when Gerald got distracted by a dog.

He started following the dog, he then got lost and he entered the fueling room for the time machine which was right below where the experiment was going on, amazed by the blue liquid (fuel) in the container he started moving round in the room trying to get a sample of the liquid.

He managed to open it, but there was no where to pour it. Then he left it open to get a container, due to his recklessness, then when he got there, the floor was already filled with the fuel.

Kaboom, the time machine started and due to the shortage of fuel, the container got stunned sending electric to the fuel, John in the other hand was already covered with the fuel, before he was able to make a move.

He was electrified and he fainted on the floor, when he woke up three week later just to find out that his body has already start to depreciate, starting from his fingertips.

It looked like his body was turning to dust, according to Doctor Wensling, the doctor in charge of him, john had less than three weeks to eventually disappear from this world.

Gerald was paralysed and couldn't move a finger all he could do was regret and cry with his father.

After few days, all that remained of Gerald was his head and shoulder. Gerald was thinking about his mother, where she was, how she was doing, hope she was fine. All the time he asked his father about his mother, his father will just walk out of him or shut him up or try to change the top

When it was his head left to depreciate

His father came to say his final goodbye to him as well as his father's first son Andrew

Dr drey said some regretting thing he faced. Right before then Gerald vanish away

Then Gerald woke up in a forest right under a giant status, when he couldn't walk well but he managed, then he looked up to the giant status, he thought he recognized that face but half of the face was already broken, he started wandering around the forest, then suddenly a giant wolf appeared out of nowhere, the wolf tried bringing John down with it first sneak attack but due to John great reflex he was able to evade the attack and he started running down the forest, screaming for help, the he found a very small hole where he could fit in and escape.

Just at the moment of jumping in to the hole, a boa came out aiming for John's head, out of fear, everything around him stopped moving except from him, then he noticed what just happen he had just stopped Time