
Inferno Heart

A no strings attached night of pleasure with a hot stranger turned sour for Gemma when she woke up the following morning to find out that she had been kidnapped by no other but the same hot stranger, who happens to be one of her mafia family's rivals. Unable to escape, she decides to piss off her captor in every way she could. But what she didn't know was that pissing Miguel off would do her no good. ~Excerpt "Just this once, after tonight, you aren’t going to see him again." These were the words that Gemma kept saying to herself in her head as she and Sebastian stumbled into his hotel room, their lips locked in a searing kiss, and their hands fumbling to take off each other’s clothes. "I…. I usually don’t do this," Gemma murmured into Sebastian’s mouth. And then, She reprimanded herself for sounding so cliche. Isn’t that the sentence that every girl says to their one nightstand? "I know," Sebastian said as he kissed his way down her throat. "How do you….." Gemma forgot what she wanted to say when he kissed her pulse point and sucked on it. Gemma nearly drowned from the noise that was inside her head, asking her to leave before things got out of hand, before her father and her brothers found out that she was missing. "I think I should be…." Gemma didn’t get to finish her sentence because Sebastian shut her up with a kiss. He slid his tongue into her mouth and Gemma opened up for him. "Oh…."

Gina_rites · Urban
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163 Chs

Falling For His Wife

Gemma doesn't know how come, but she noticed her back was now resting against a wall and she had her legs wrapped around Miguel's waist.

She groaned when Miguel squeezed the bare flesh of her thigh. Her dress was already hitched up to her waist, exposing her thighs.

Gemma was panting as she ran her fingers through his hair, fisting a handful. She wanted him to do things to her that she knew she would regret later, but at that moment, she didn't care about regrets, all she wanted was for him to touch her in all the forbidden places.

Miguel groaned as he removed his lips from hers and kissed the nape of her neck.

She angled her neck to the side giving him room, a moan escaping her lips when

he bit her flesh, that was going to definitely leave a hickey but she didn't care at

moment, and when Miguel started carrying her upstairs, she allowed him.