
Infernal Monarch

John had always despised fire, the merciless element that claimed his family and left him alone. When fate cruelly throws him into the flames that were meant to end his life, he finds himself not in the afterlife, but reborn in a mystical realm governed by magic. Surrounded by arcane powers, John is compelled to confront and command the very force he loathes. Follow his transformative journey as he rises from the ashes to become the ruler of flames—the Sovereign of Fire. Dive into a tale of loss, power, and redemption where John must master the element he fears most. ***** 1. In this world, power comes to those who strive for it. Our MC isn't handed strength on a silver platter; he earns it through blood, sweat, and unwavering determination. 2. If you're looking for constant face-slapping and petty rivalries, this isn't the story for you 3. Forget the harem trope

Den_of_wolves · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Uncertain Sanctuary

The oppressive heat of the sun bore down upon Pyrrhus as he sensed the oncoming wave of malice. It wasn't just the heat from the sun, but the burning hatred from the three hundred souls riding towards them. Their numbers dwarfed their own meager group sixfold.

"I can fight," Pyrrhus muttered, the grit of the sand mirroring the tension in his voice and tried to get down from the cart but Anya immediately gabbed him.

"Battles aren't like hunts, Pyrrhus," Anya countered, her voice barely a whisper. Her eyes darted to Darius, standing rigid behind Bram, sword drawn. The worry etched on her face reflected the fear that gnawed at them all. "It's no place for a child. Anything can happen."

Bram and Sera, their figures stark against the harsh landscape, stood at the front lines. "Should we use our Manalocks?" Sera's voice was strained. "We need full power to survive this."

Bram hesitated, his gaze sweeping the horizon. "Vestin's men will definitely be able to track us then."

"We need to worry about surviving first," Sera argued, her fingers tightening around her bow.

"Let's wait for Jonathan," Bram decided. "If his power isn't enough, we'll use everything we have."

Pyrrhus felt the power before he saw it. A tremor rippled through the earth, originating from the frail old man they all knew as Jonathan. The ground beneath them shook, a silent earthquake that sent shivers up Pyrrhus's spine.

Then the ground beneath them shuddered, and then erupted. Pillars of earth, thick as tree trunks, burst from the soil, impaling horses and riders and sending them tumbling through the air like broken dolls. The air was filled with the sickening crunch of bone and the screams of dying men and terrified horses. Blood splattered the ground, painting a gruesome tableau of death and destruction. Cora gasped and covered her mouth, her eyes wide with horror. Owen buried his face in his grandmother's skirts, his small body trembling.

Pyrrhus, however, kept his focus on the enemy mages. He could sense their frantic efforts to counteract Jonathan's earth magic, but they were losing ground.

Sera loosed an arrow, a streak of silver that pierced the heart of a rider. The man toppled from his saddle with a gurgling cry, trampled under the hooves of his comrades.

Pyrrhus pulled out his enchanted needle, knowing it would take a lot of power to pierce through an armored enemy. It shot forward like a bolt of lightning, piercing through five armored riders before his power was spent. The men slumped in their saddles, blood blooming on their breastplates.

The remaining riders were closing in, their eyes wild with bloodlust. Jonathan raised his hands, and the ground before them began to bubble and churn. Orangish bubbles, each the size of a man's head, rose from the earth, their surfaces shimmering ominously. The air filled with a low, guttural hum as the orbs floated lazily, seemingly at random, filling the space between the riders and the villagers.

The riders hesitated for a moment, but then their commander urged them forward. They charged through the floating orbs, their horses' hooves kicking up clouds of dust. Suddenly, the orbs began to pulse with an eerie red light. Then, one by one, they exploded.

The blasts tore through the riders, shredding flesh and splintering bone. Horses screamed, their bodies ripped apart in a shower of gore. The air was thick with the stench of blood and burning hair. The charge faltered, then stopped. The remaining riders stared in horror at the scene of carnage, their faces pale.

"What in the world?" Pyrrhus muttered.

[Accessing Codex]

[Spell Name]: Inferno Spheres

[Description]: The user conjures a series of delicate, flaming bubbles that float ominously in the air. These fiery spheres, composed entirely of flames, are deceptively fragile. When a bubble is disturbed or reaches its intended target, it shatters explosively, unleashing a burst of fire that engulfs and incinerates the surroundings. Inferno Spheres can be strategically placed and controlled, enabling the user to create devastating chain reactions and manipulate the battlefield with precision and destructive force.

[Spell Type]: Variant

[Archiving Spell]

What kind of weird spell was that? Pyrrhus wondered in confusion but it was interrupted by movement from the soldiers.

A lone figure emerged from the smoke, his face grim. "How dare you!" he roared, his voice amplified by magic. "You have harmed the prince of the Azure Kingdom and now you slaughter our soldiers? You will pay dearly for this!"

Murmurs of fear and anger rippled through the villagers. "It's his fault!" a woman shrieked, pointing at Pyrrhus. "He's the one who brought this upon us!"

"Yeah, take him!" a man shouted. "Let him answer for this!"

But Jonathan silenced them with a look. The two sides stood locked in a tense stalemate. Then, a new sound reached their ears: the thunder of hooves.

As the two sides stood in a tense standoff, a new threat appeared on the horizon. Another group of riders approached, their armor gleaming in the sunlight. The villagers' hearts sank, fearing reinforcements for their attackers.

But the soldiers turned to face the newcomers, alarm evident in their movements.

Bram seized the opportunity. "Retreat!" he shouted, and their group slowly backed away.

A fierce battle erupted between the two groups of riders. The air filled with the clash of steel, the cries of men, and the shrieks of dying horses. The newcomers, though outnumbered, fought with a ferocity that quickly overwhelmed the Azure soldiers.

When the dust settled, the newcomers stood victorious over a field of corpses.

The leader of the victorious riders, a tall, broad-shouldered man with piercing blue eyes, surveyed the scene with a grim expression. He barked orders to his men, his voice carrying across the battlefield. A heated discussion ensued, and after a moment, the leader dismounted, his movements cautious as he picked his way through the remnants of Jonathan's deadly spell.

The villagers tensed, their weapons drawn, as the stranger approached. He raised his hands in a gesture of peace. "I am Prince Lysander of Ember," he announced, his voice clear and resonant. "I saw the battle from afar, and I must say, your mage is quite powerful." He paused, his gaze sweeping over the scene of devastation. "I would be honored to have you in my camp. You are welcome to stay as long as you wish."

Bram and Jonathan exchanged a look. "We appreciate your offer, Prince Lysander," Bram said cautiously. "But we are not familiar with the political landscape here. We do not wish to be drawn into any conflicts."

Lysander nodded understandingly. "I assure you, you will be under my protection. And I can offer you valuable information. The situation in this region is more complex than you realize."

After a moment of deliberation, Bram and Jonathan agreed to accept Lysander's offer. With a heavy heart, Pyrrhus followed his companions to the Eldorian camp. He couldn't shake the feeling that they had merely traded one danger for another. But as he looked at the weary faces around him, he knew they had no other choice. They were caught in a web of intrigue and violence, and their only hope was to find allies in this strange, dangerous land.



Thanks for reading Chapter 27! I hope you're enjoying John's journey as Pyrrhus. Your comments and votes really motivate me to keep writing.

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