
Infernal Monarch

John had always despised fire, the merciless element that claimed his family and left him alone. When fate cruelly throws him into the flames that were meant to end his life, he finds himself not in the afterlife, but reborn in a mystical realm governed by magic. Surrounded by arcane powers, John is compelled to confront and command the very force he loathes. Follow his transformative journey as he rises from the ashes to become the ruler of flames—the Sovereign of Fire. Dive into a tale of loss, power, and redemption where John must master the element he fears most. ***** 1. In this world, power comes to those who strive for it. Our MC isn't handed strength on a silver platter; he earns it through blood, sweat, and unwavering determination. 2. If you're looking for constant face-slapping and petty rivalries, this isn't the story for you 3. Forget the harem trope

Den_of_wolves · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Grazers and Gazers

Bram had dispersed some of their party into the surrounding woods, using the hunt as a pretense. But Pyrrhus knew better: the hunt was a ruse. A necessary one, to thin the crowd and send them into the relative safety of the forest while he dealt with the unexpected arrivals.

Surprisingly, Cora had been included in the group.

"I've never seen people from outside before!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder. "And he's a prince! Do you think he's lived in those tall castles grandpa Jonathan talked about?"

Owen, his cheeks flushed, gently plucked a leaf from her hair. "You had a leaf in your hair," he mumbled, barely audible.

Cora beamed, her smile bright as the morning sun. "Thank you, Owen."

Pyrrhus, however, couldn't share their youthful excitement. He watched as Sera and Waed, their faces etched with concern, whispered to each other a short distance away. The unspoken tension between them hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the otherwise cheerful atmosphere.

When Sera caught Pyrrhus's eye, she offered a reassuring smile, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. The conversation between her and Waed ended abruptly, and they turned to face the group, their expressions carefully neutral.

"Attention, everyone!" Sera's voice rang out, drawing the children back to the present. "We've located a small herd of Grazers nearby. Prepare yourselves for the hunt."

Pyrrhus's knew it was a distraction but his eyes sparkled with anticipation, while Owen paled slightly. Cora tilted her head, her brow furrowed. "Do we really have to kill them?" she asked, her voice soft. "I heard they're peaceful."

Sera knelt down, her expression gentle. "I know, Cora," she said softly. "But sometimes, we have to do things we don't like for the sake of survival."

With a final pat on Cora's head, Sera rose and led the way deeper into the woods. "Stay close and keep your voices down," she instructed. "And Pyrrhus," she added, fixing him with a pointed look, "keep your eyes and ears open."

As they ventured deeper into the woods, Pyrrhus couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. The tension in the air was palpable, and the whispers between Sera and Waed only fueled his unease.

"Do you know anything about the Azure Kingdom?" he whispered.

"Never heard of it," a response came.

Pyrrhus turned, noticing it was Waed who answered.

"Do you know anything about the Azure Kingdom?" he repeated, turning to Sera. She shook her head.

"I said the same thing," Waed muttered, shooting a confused look at Pyrrhus.

"I know," Pyrrhus responded, his tone flat.

Sera paused, studying the forest floor intently. "I've already scouted the area, and there shouldn't be any immediate threats," she explained. "But keep your eyes and ears open." Her gaze lingered on Pyrrhus, a silent understanding passing between them.

Pyrrhus nodded, his senses already on high alert. Ever since the ambush, he hadn't dared neglect his soul sense. It was exhausting to maintain it constantly, but the alternative—being caught off guard—was far worse.

The forest around them was eerily silent, the only sounds the rustling of leaves under their feet and the occasional bird call. Sera paused periodically to study tracks and droppings, her movements fluid and graceful.

Both Waed and Sera looked relaxed as they ventured deeper. Owen, on the other hand, seemed perpetually on edge, his eyes darting nervously between the bushes and the thick canopy above.

The adults attitude was so unlike the fear they initially had towards the forest, he found it a little strange. "Are you not afraid of the forest?"

Waed scoffed. "Afraid? Of course we're afraid. We're in the Elderwood, boy. Its existence predates any known history in this world. No man, woman, kingdom, or empire would dare to enter, let alone invade it."

"Why would no one enter it?" Cora chimed in, her curiosity piqued. "It's so beautiful and peaceful. Can we make it our home?"

A heavy silence descended upon the group. Sera and Waed exchanged a pained look, their eyes filled with unspoken memories. "No Cora," Sera finally replied, her voice soft and tinged with sadness. "But we will find a place to call home. Eventually."

The weight of their shared loss hung in the air. But before the gloom could fully settle, Owen spoke up, his voice barely a whisper.

"Are we safe here, then?"

"We have the forest saint's blessing," Sera replied, a faint smile returning to her lips.

Again with the forest saint, Pyrrhus thought, his curiosity growing with each mention of the mysterious entity.

Sera raised a hand, signaling for the group to halt. Waed and Pyrrhus froze, but Cora, lost in her own thoughts, bumped into Sera's legs.

"What is it?" she asked, rubbing her head.

"We're close," Sera whispered. "I'll sneak up on them. Stay with Waed. Watch and learn how to hunt."

She moved with the grace of a panther, her lithe form blending seamlessly with the shadows as she ascended a nearby tree. Her long, dark hair cascaded down her back, contrasting with the vibrant green of the leaves. Pyrrhus watched in awe, his own desire to join her growing stronger.

"Wow," Cora breathed, her eyes wide with admiration.

Pyrrhus, eager to follow, turned to Waed. "Can I go too?" he asked.

Waed chuckled. "You can try if you want."

"It's dangerous," Sera warned from her perch above.

Waed simply shrugged. "I'll catch him if he falls."

Pyrrhus, his excitement bubbling over, focused his mind, drawing mana through his Manalock. He felt the familiar warmth spread through his body, enhancing his strength and agility.

With a burst of wind magic, he launched himself into the air, soaring above Waed's head. He bounced off a tree trunk, using another burst of wind to propel himself to the next branch, his movements swift and precise.

Within moments, he was swinging through the canopy like a monkey, his laughter echoing through the trees. He landed beside Sera, a triumphant grin on his face.

Sera watched his progress speechless in disbelief. "Do you know how many years it took me to learn those skills?"

"One?" he asked.

"Remind me never to challenge you to a contest," she scoffed, shaking her head.

"That's unfair!" Cora protested from below. "I'm coming too!"

"Be careful," Owen mumbled, his voice laced with worry. "It doesn't look that safe."

Cora gathered her own wind magic, but her ascent was less graceful than Pyrrhus's. With a determined grunt, she launched herself upwards, but her timing was off. She missed her target and tumbled towards the forest floor, only to be caught by Waed's strong arms.

She scowled from his arms. "I hate you."

"Don't worry," Pyrrhus called down to her, grinning. "I'll teach you."

Unbeknownst to them, deep within the Elderwood, three figures watched the scene unfold from beyond Pyrrhus soul sense. They were the forest saints, guardians of the ancient woods. Two of them were young, a graceful female with flowing hair adorned with wildflowers, and a lean male with eyes as green as the moss-covered bark. The third, their elder, was a towering figure with large, curling horns and a body adorned with leaves and vines. His ancient eyes, wise and knowing, were fixed on the small group of humans, a flicker of interest in their depths.

"Why are you so interested in that child, Elder One?" the young male asked, his voice tinged with frustration. "Why allow them passage through our forest?"

The Elder One remained silent, his gaze fixed on the small group below. Most of their souls appeared as ordinary orbs, but the smallest child's was different. It was a flame, a vibrant, pulsating flame that flickered with an otherworldly energy.

"He is a curious one," the Elder One finally spoke, his voice deep and resonant. In all of the long years he had walked the land, he had never seen anything similar.

The young female stepped forward. "Is he a threat," she asked, her voice hushed with reverence.

The Elder One smiled, a mysterious twinkle in his eye. "He might be a blessing or a curse. Only time will tell," he said.

Her expression became somber as she considered the words. The Elder One walked the world since aeons past and was one of very few who could use soul magic. His words should never be discounted.



I know quite some things happened in the last few chapters. The plot will be more focused now. Hope you will enjoy it.