

Warning: The following work is not for weak minds; it has gore and really shitty things and villain here sometimes feels convincing and has nothing to do with real world or intend to create or support conspiracies or groups of any kind, so don't get offended If you still do, please read the warning again Here is what you can expect: fast passed 1. MC is average but uses his brain as much as possible and does have the possibility of dying, and I am being serious here. MC pretends to have a split personality for... 2. story is good It revolves around 17-year-old Mc and his friends Hruday and Haru, who seem to have had scary dreams before the apocalypse. Is this what made him different? But some seem to real to be fake. Is he suffering from memory loss or a secretly only memory regreeser!!? he doesn't know how to follow his journey in the apocalypse and how he manages his base while still being at his late teens, full of adults . it also follows of the villain, or you can call him antihero too 3. Well, think of MC as a veteran of zombie content; he thinks about almost everything, but he will die if your choices are bad. Well, until i put out the choices, he won't. and this isn't your typical fantasy zombie, rather a sci-fi one Also, if you don't know what audio theater is, i have a hidden gem called "We Are Alive." It is available in spotify for free ////// why are you still here? go try one or 2 chapters; i am sure you will like it 4. This was the ultimate entertainment when we had free periods (ahh, I miss those times ). i made it such that each choices had different impact. i will do that here too, on request 5. i don't make stories which aren't unique or I crave that kind of book to be created 5. this has some cool concepts; some might even create conspiracies so be aware Also, the first chapter is little long as it has dialogue and foreshadowing 6. i am doing this because i want others to watch my stories so i will try to make audio theater if requested and also search for a good editor who could correct my grammar mistakes. the credit for art goes to ArtStation remove this cover contact: hrudayjh1@gmail.com also to encourage or support

dreamy_charcoal · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
39 Chs


hruday was sleeping when he heard a swishy, slimy sound like a pouch of water coming towards him He opened his eyes and looked at the incoming creature. It was a red blob, some kind of bloody slimy creature, and before he could react, it attached to his face

like a face hugger and entered into his wounds, terrified as the thing crawled under his skin but he realized this was a dream. The last second he woke up, he thought, did I get this dream because of the thought that I might be infected? Yes, that might be. but why slimy thing? 

Then, as he tried to get up, he staggered to the bed. He thought, remembering what he had done, Ahh, sh*t, why did I keep doing it? I was proving myself Ahh, man, that book really did a number on me. I shouldn't have tried to do that Now they think I am infected 

Why didn't I think about that? No, I would never get that uncontrollable anger Ah, that's probably a lie Fuck. I have the same disease as my father.

what should I do? Now I won't be able to move freely Ah, my back hurts he looked at himself, covered in bandage patches He felt an ache all over his body He felt extremely thirsty for water he called in his dry voice, water

Mark quickly came, holding water. hruday drank uncomfortably. Michael came in worried and said, I thought you would never wake up

hruday asked, knowing the answer, what do you mean?

Mark said, I think you were a comma or something because we had to remove glass shards by digging in to make sure that no glass particles were there and you didn't react It's been a day since you passed out 

Michael said you know people were spreading rumors about you being infected, and we had to tie you up because we couldn't prove it. 

Mark said it probably was true, and Michael replied, What? Do you like them too?

Mark said no. Based on what you guys noted through the internet, the symptoms are high fever aggression, and uncontrollable salivary secretion He checks all the boxes 

Michael said no, it was sleep drooling Mark said even if it is, he still checks 2 boxes

hruday nonchalantly asked for more water this martk little taken back as hruday asked Michael how long do you think i would be strapped like this 

Michael said no; we can convince others if you wear a helmet. hruday said if that didn't work, how long do you think I will be strapped for? 

i dont know if even Hector is strapped right now. The scout leader railed up everyone hruday dude. If my fever is gone and little bit of my wounds is healed, will they let me go? 

Michael thought, ya, i guess unless that scout leader cooks up something, hruday asked, how long do you think it will take to heal? Michael thought a week was the minimum. 

hruday thought shit it's too long, Michael nodded in agreement. hruday asked, where is roy? Michael said, Ahh, he is with his father 

hruday thought, now that I am like this, that the scout leader will do something What would I do to overthrow him? 

as he was thinking, Mark came with a big jar that was marked and a mug that too was marked H 

hruday asked Mark, can I get some movement space? it's hard to drink while sleeping; you can make a line mark whispered, "No, not now," his eyes hinting about someone's presence 

scout leader came oh Fridayson, are you alright? hruday said, gritting his teeth Ah, yes, i feel better scout leader continued you were uncontrollable what happened were you unconscious when you acted frency when were you bitten please dont lie to us 

you know how important it is hruday wanted to scare him but noticing the other people's presence, he sighed and said, i am alright. i was very angry, Towrds, because he had kept our friends death a secret and cursed at me 

but your friend Michael said something else, which he said with an annoying smile Michael signaled that it was a lie hruday said no way he would lie 

Could you please not bother us? i feel uncomfortable with you being in my house. i am ashamed of your habits 

scout leader's smile got creepier as he left hruday thought sh*t, when did he turn into a complete villen? 

shit i shouldn't have made him scout leader, he thought as he realized what he was up to too. hruday asked, hey Michael, have winners been calculated? 

Michael, no, I don't know. It might have been why?

hruday quickly asked, could you please free me? i will wear a helmet You know I am not infected, right? i don't want too fall for this bullshit ploy 

Michael asked, Where do you want to go? hruday said i was going to announce the rewards for the winners 

he quickly got the list form Shophia Michael said Ahok and went to ask Shopia, only to find that the scout leader had taken it Understanding his intention, he asked for the list 

he quickly went towards the scout leader who was spewing bullshit taking a deep breath he asked 

Michael said calmly "Hey, I need to verify the list of winners for the mosquito-killing competition. Could you hand it over?"

Scout Leader with a smirk "Oh, we've checked it twice. Everything is good. We're making arrangements to announce it."

Michael: louder, so others can hear "That's great. But it's important for everyone to see that we're being transparent and fair. As you are a participant and as a leader we need to review it "Scout leader looks around at the nearby survivors.

his mouth twitched as he handed the book over here and commented "Take it I thought hruday was grounded you know"

scout leader was pissed he absolutely didn't wanted to hand this over because this wasn't just a list that could be manipulated to gain some small rewards it was a tool an opportunity to gain power with the right play he could have sidelined hruday taking everything over 

scout leader was pissed he thought no need to hurry he will turn anyway I still have more opportunities let them work hard and build it for me because in the end, i am the one who talks with others the most haha he smirked looking at Michael backs 

micheal said we are still alive