
Infamous: Resurgence

far in the future, the number of people with unnatural powers began to increase. They were known as conduits. Eventually, there has been a divide between these conduits and normal people. To fix this divide an organization named D.E.A.L began to sway the world by eliminating conduits and convincing the world that they are the worst. Our story follows the shoes of Adrian Linch as tries to deal with his life as a newly formed conduit

new_one_9478 · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: The New Beginning

Right now there is a standoff between two D.E.A.L officers armed with SMGs and conduit with smoking coming out of his hands. In between their standoff is Adrain wondering how he got here in the first place.


"I said Let go!" The officer tried to shoot but in vain was shot in the head with a smoke projectile. Unintentionally, Adrain took the hand of the man before he could hurt anyone else.

"Hey! What is-!" Mike entered through the back door and was flabbergasted to see his co-worker in trouble.

When he grabbed his hand, he felt a connection. Like something pulling is him in. His vision started to change as he saw many images with some of was the man and his daughter playing to him being prisoned in some supermax facility. All those images entered his mind before he then fainted.

Adrian then woke up to find himself in an alleyway. He got up from the ground and started to dust himself off.

"Where am I? There was...D.E.A.L...Conduit...Mike! Shit! I need to save him before-WOAH!" as soon as the thought of dashing to save Mike came to his mind his body became smoke and moved forward.

"What the hell? I...What the hell is going on?!" his body then proceeded to turn smoke to move through the alleyway

"Stop, stop, STOP!" His body then stopped and hit the wall. As he stood up again he used the wall to support his body until he heard a cry for help. "Why is this happening to me? Why?!" He shouted while moving

"Anyone! Anyone help me!" It was mike shouting for help. His voice was coming from the other side of the burning and fallen rubble.

'How am I going to pass-' his body turned to smoke once more and pass through the broken rubble. 'What the hell is happening?! No, I've got to save mike!' He continued to move through the broken rubble by dispersing into smoke and then returning to his original form.

He passed through on more rubble before seeing Mike at the end of the alleyway and the main road stuck under a car.

"Mike, are you alright man?" Adrain said as he approached Mike to check on him to find his lower body stuck under the car.

"Adrain! What was that! What did you-" Said Mike while looking surprised at his arrival

"I've got to get you out of her man!" Adrain rushed over to him surprisingly not turning into smoke when he ran

"Alright! Just push with me" Mike said as put his hands on the car to push

Adrian put both his hands on the car and started to push with his entire strength. He then saw his hand collecting smoke from the car and laying over his hands. He then pushed more until the car was off and Mike could move but then his hands exploded and moved the car far away as he was pushed by the explosion.

"I can't stop it, man. I can't stop it! I'm one of them!" Adrain said as his smoke still came out of his arms. Mike quickly approached him and put his hands on his shoulders. "No, you're not! We are going to fix this, alright! I just need you to stay calm" Mike then stood up and helped him stand.

"For now, we need to look for that escaped conduit. He may know how this happened" Both of them began to move through the neighborhood looking for any signs of the conduit, they then stumble across people gathering in front of a gate for a factory.

Mike and Adrain took look around to find any way to access the locked gate and enter the factory, but to no avail, the control system for the gate was fried. "Damn, how did he enter?" " I think he just walked through it," Adrian said in a nonchalant voice." You can do that?" Mike said with confusion.

"Only one way to find out" Adrain stood back and then began running towards the gate. His body than dispersed into smoke to pass the gate, the smoke then grouped up to form his body more. " Conduit!" "Bioterrosit!" " Run!" People ran and screamed at the sight of Adrain turning into smoke.

"Wait! I am not!- Ughhh..." Adrain signed to himself as people ran away before he could explain anything. "Go find that conduit, I will try to find another way in" Mike said. Adrain planned to enter through the front door of the factory. But, his plan fell down when he found the front door locked by a couple of locks.

Adrian then looked to the side of the door to find an air vent. He then got an idea, he dashed into airvent while turning his body into smoke. He then saw himself being carried through the vent until he exited through another vent and rematerliazed his body from smoke. "Vents. Good to know". He landed on the side of the building and found another vent.

He dashed into the vent and it carried to the roof top where his body then rematerliazed again.but this time, he might overdone it and launched himself into the air. His body then fell through a broken window and one the ground of the factory. "That...didn't hurt...?" Adrain said to himself in confusion as he checked if his body is alright.

He then heard the scream of a woman. "Somebody! Anybody! Help me!" She screamed as loud as she could as Adrian heard he cries. He was about to get through a doorway, but some flaming rubble was in front of it. he tried to smoke dash through it, but was knocked back to due to the heat. "Ahhh, that hurts!" He stood up and tried to find anyway to get through the rubble.

He then saw a crowbar and picked up. Suprisngly, the smoke on his hand began to form on the crowbar. "God, I hope this works" Adrain then began to strike the rubble as he heard the screams getting closer. "Don't worry ma'am, I'm almost there" He said as he was still charging through the rubble with his crowbar. he then found a door and opened it to find the woman and the man.

"I am telling you to get out of here woman!" The man said while shouting at the woman, how was crying and backing away from him. "Stay away!" She said as she backed of more. The man then noticed Adrain and tried clear up the misunderstanding. "I swear I wasn't going to hurt her! I just wanted to make a diversion, I didn't know anybody was here!" The man tried to convince Adrian " You did this to me!" Adrian said as he held his balled fist and smoke was coming out.

"You're a conduit!?" The man said in surprise and the woman gasped. "Lady, you need to get out of here" Adrain said her to break her out of shock, she than ran away from both of them. "I'm outta of here" The man said as he ran away. "You will fix this first!" Adrain turned to smoke and dashed at him, he then matterlised his body again and knocked him on the ground.

Adrian then stood up and grabbed his hands to stop him from moving, he then saw smoke coming out of the man's hands and onto his hands. Adrain vision began to become blurry as he saw visions and voices just like last time. He saw the man escaping police, being locked up in a cell, getting experimented on, destroying an amored vehicle and then entering a restaurant.

When Adrain came to be he found himself laying on the ground next to the man. " I saw you... poking around my head" the man said as he was trying to stand up. "Me? I thought that was you!" Adrain said as he also tried to stand up. "You saw it right? The D.E.A.L Prison...If she catches you that where you are going!" He said before turning to smoke and ran away through a door. " Hey! Wait!"

Adrain did the same thing and dashed through the door, he was then knocked on the ground by a smoke projectile. The man approached him, "I'm warning you kid, BACK OFF!" he then disappeared as smoke. "I'm not leaving until you FIX THIS!" Adrian shouted as he got on his feet and chased the man. He the saw projectiles coming near him, his body on instinct, turned to smoke and got in front the man.

Adrain then got his crowbar from his hand and started bashing his body in. He was interputed by him turning into smoke. "Look, I dunno what happened but be ready to disappear" The man said as Adrian chased after him. " Why!" Adrain said as he dodged the projectiles coming at him. "You're a conduit kid. This world will hunt you down and won't stop until you are dead." He said as Adrain got close to him again and strikes him again with his crowbar multiple times.

" You're not going anywhere until you fix me!" Adrain said as the man dissapered to smoke again and shot more projectiles at him and moved away from Adrain. " This ain't some thing that can be fixed" Adrian moved through the projectiles with his smoke dash until he reached cover. "Then...Atleast show me how to control it" Adrain said from his cover.

"Got no time, she knows I'm onto her plan and she ain't going to leave alone" The man said as he blasted through a door with his smoke. Adrain got up from his cover and continued to chase him down. "Good luck kid" The man said before exit through the factory door. 'Oh hell no! You're not escaping' Adrain thought as he kicked the door to find D.E.A.L surrounding the man and he was on his knees with his hands up in the air.

"Wait! Lets talk about this! I can- HMPH HMPH!" Concrete began to cover the man and a woman dressed very formaly walked over to him and spited on him. "You're not worth it" she said in a low voice. " Well, we got him. I uhhh flushed our mean old conduit right here" Adrain said in a pretending tone "Bio-terrorist" The woman said in a stern voice as she took out a cigarette and lighted it up.

"Yeah Yeah! Bio-Terroist! That was what I wanted to say" Adrian tried to diffuse the situation as quickly possible. The woman then took a breath of smoke from the ciggrate and approached Adrian. "You seem nervous" She said in a stern voice. "No, i'm not nervous" Adrian said in a quiet tone. "You've been in there for quite some time with that bio terriost." She then took another puff of her cigar.

"Did he share anything with you? any weird rambilings or consppircy theories?" She said as she looked at him in his eyes. "Oh,ummm....No he didn't share anything" Adrian said in a calm tone so as not to get supsicous. "That's good" The girl said with a small smile. She then backed a little from him as she did some handsigns to her D.E.A.L Soldiers. The soldier began to aim there guns at Adrian. "Woah wait! What are you doing! You can't shoot me I have rights!"

" And I have the ability to suspend those rights whenever I feel so" The woman turned to him again "So, I'll ask again what happened in there?" She said with a more stern voice " And I'll tell you again nothing-" He was interputeed by an aching in his knee as he found concrete shards on his leg. "Leave him alone!" Mike then appeared but was stopped by soldier grabbing him. "Really still nothing?" She said with a more stern voice as she then add more concrete shards to his leg to force him on the ground.

"Stop! maybe I know what happened in there" Mike said in a hurry "No Mike, don't!" This time the lady giggled a little bit. "Maybe I should 'chat' with your friend mike here to see if he knows anything" She then smiles more to Adrian. "STOP!" Adrain shout at her to stop, she then turns around with her smile gone.

"I'm Conduit, I caught it from that guy a second ago" Adrain told her so as not hurt Mike in the process. "Oh you caught it very funny" She said as she inserted more shards to his other leg making him fall over on the ground. "So Mike think you can give me a straight answer" She said as she looked at Mike. " I ain't telling you shit" He said to her in an angry tone. "Well...I tired" She said before forming a concrete shard in her hand and stabbing Mike's chest with it.

"No...NO!" Adrain said as he tore the shards from his legs and walked over to Mike on the ground bleeding. He then saw him losing a lot of blood before trying to help him. Mike then grabbed his ear and said this to him "Run...Adrian" His hand began to lose strength and fall on the floor. "Well that was the show, now how about you-" She said as she saw Adrain dashing through the streets to run away. "Shoot him!" She shouted at her Soldiers.

Adrain was now dashing through the neighborhood with smoke making him pass through every wall and door around him. He was then stopped suddenly as his leg was now more hurting him than ever. Two D.E.A.L catch up to him. But before they can capture him a Katana stabbed on of them while the other was shot down on the ground. The culprit then landed on the floor picking up the katan from the dead body.

Adrain watched all this as he started to fell his consciousness falling asleep. He then heard one more thing before he fainted. "You are in bad luck, dude"

Hope you enjoyed it!

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