
Indulging myself to my lust

Mukan, who is a loser that doesn’t have anything going for him. He was avoiding to be that one guy who gets bullied every single day. Fortunately for him he avoided that situation, he was able to graduate middle school without getting noticed or bullied by anyone. Going to high school he swear to change himself and be more friendly to the people around him, but since his classmates found his face to be ugly they avoided him from the start of the class. He would say hello to his classmates and he would be met with a gaze that seems to look at someone with disgust and get ignored, especially all the girls no matter who he talks to they would look at him with disgust. This is my first novel that I will make, The story is all around the mc and his perspective, I will only change it to the other characters perspective when needed. I won’t repeat the story with other characters perspective....

ilikesoba · Urban
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2 Chs


Mukan, is a normal student who just likes to study more than anything. He likes to have that peace and all of that. In middle school he was happy that he had a peaceful school life without anyone bothering him or bullying him.

Graduating from the middle school, he was able to go to a good school that is popular for its good education, zenbon koukou and almost all the rich successful people in japan graduated zenboand was able to go the college that the school made. The important part for mukan is that he needed to go to that college, so to be able to go there he needed to graduate to zenbon koukou.

Mukan's family is poor, since his father died his mother has been trying her hardest to feed mukan. Knowing this, he decided to focus on school and being able to go to a good school was his gift for his mother. His mother was happy, since he got a scholar to the school. If he keeps this up and was able to get the support he would be able to pay his mother back and give her a good happy life.

Going to school by bus, mukan needed to walk for 20 minutes to be able to go to school.

"Mukan! All you need to do is to have one friend this time, yosh! I'm gonna be able to make one good friend!" He encouraged himself silently as he walk towards the school.

Suddenly he was bumped making him fall down.

"Get the fuck out of the way!" The guy said angrily at him as he continued running as if he is in a hurry.

Mukan, stood up then started to walk towards the school as he look at the guy who bumped into him. He has the same uniform as him and he has a pretty good build.

'He is from a sports club or something?' Mukan thought as he remembered what the guy said.

He sighed as he knew that he can't be friends with someone like that.

He walk towards the school as he hummed away, he was happy as he imagine himself being a ceo of a company.


Soon he arrived at the school, he got overhelmed as he looks at this students who have colored hair, pretty faces and big titty girls.

'Am I in an anime?' He thought as he look around the school packed with students almost all of them looks good and only some being ugly.

He looks below and see his belly that is coming out.

'Haa, I should exercise more...' he thought as he already felt out of place here.

As he walk towards the gate his anxiety grew as he look at a guy getting picked on in front of the school gate.

'Fuck... I got to remember their faces, so I can avoid them!' He thought as he look at the guy carefully, he looked away as soon as his gaze was noticed.

He checked where his class is then walk towards it as he followed the map that he memorized. Mukan might be a loser from the outside, but his memory is pretty good as he can mostly remember what he see. Even now he can remember the faces of those two who is picking on someone in details.

'This school is really big and clean! Unlike the middle school I went into that one is a garbage truck!'

The middle school that he went to was not bad, but this school is on a whole another level, no it's 1000 times better.

'Thank you mom! For your hard work!' He thought as he started to tear up in the middle of the hallway.

"Did he got bullied?"

"Why is he crying here? Disgusting pig" a girl said as she looks at mukan with disgust.

He went to class and saw a full packed with student, he frowned as he see a lot of them are already talking to each other and it seems like no one is lonely.

'Am I gonna have zero friends again?'

'No! Don't think negatively!'

Soon the chime rang, mukan look in front of him and saw a beautiful young woman, he looks at her hand and noticed that she is not married as he thought that he might have a chance. But facing reality he remembered he is a fat loser.

'Haa, I wish I could stop studying for a second and just exercise!'

"Okay, listen class! My name is kaneda saya, call me kaneda. The chime will ring again later on.... so I'm gonna take the attendance now"










"Hai!" Mukan answered as his full name is tanaka mukan. 'Mukan' might be a strange name, but for him it's a good name as it means 'no emotions'.

He looks over the teacher as he lock eyes with her. Locking eyes with mukan, she give a visible disgust to mukan.

'What is that face for?' He thought then rubs his eyes he looks over again and saw a smiling teacher. He remembered it clearly there is no doubt in his mind that she look over to him and make a disgusted look at him.

Mukan ignored it as he didn't let that get into his mind.

Even though he has a picture perfect memory, memorizing and understanding is different. He might remember a formula, but if he doesn't know how to use it, he won't be able to solve it and it's not like he will remember all of it. During his middle school, he has been training his mind to be able to remember everything even if time passes by.

'This time I will focus on training my body!' He thought as he had done training his mind.

Time passes by, the chime rang and they went outside to the gym. All the students sang the song of the school except for the first year students as they don't remember it yet. Mukan is the only one who was able to sing it as he remember the lyrics.

"He remembers the song, but he isn't able to sing it, fufuufu" a girl laughed at mukan.

"Hehehe, loser only knows how to read!"

Mukan was able to hear them make fun of him as he stopped doing it.

'Embarrassing!' He thought as he look down.

"Hahahha, the loser stopped!" A girl said

"Ahem! In this time, the new students who chose this school and passed the exam, I congratulate you!"

*clap *clap *clap

"During the exam, there is one student who was able to get a perfect score... his name is tanaka mukan san!"

Surprised mukan got up from his seat.

"Come up to the stage!" His teacher said to him.

He came up to the stage, then stand before the principal.

"This is tanaka mukan, so be just like him as he was able to join this school through scholarship!"

Everyone clapped then praised him.

Mukan was pretty happy as his hard work was recognized.

He looked at his teacher and noticed that she was smiling sinisterly.

'What is with that smile? Is that how she smile?' He thought, but ignored it as he thought that's how she smile.

Mukan went back to his seat then heard laughter around him.

"Fufufufu, he thinks he is great when he came from a poor family!"

"Hahaha, he is a loser that has no money"

"Fatass loser thinks he is the shit hahaha"

He heard all sorts of things about him as it made him anxious if he will get bullied this time.

'Why are they judging me already? You know I can hear you, your words hurts' He thought as he clench his fist

'I'm just gonna try my best at school!' He said

Soon they went back to the classroom, but as they walk back, he was hit on his head and kicked around while walking. Being fat, he was easily losing his balance.

'That teacher she clearly saw me getting kicked! She didn't even stop it!' He thought as he looks at the teacher who is feigning ignorance.

'Fucking pieces of shit!' He thought as he feels his body hurting all over.

'This fucking teacher is she blind or something? Why didn't she stopped them?' He thought as he listen to what the teacher was saying.

"Okay, that's all of the class!" The teacher said then sat down as she wait for all the students to leave. Mukan didn't left then he went to the teacher.

"Hey, mrs. kaneda, why didn't you tell them off when they were kicking me and punching me?"

He asks her making her angry.

"Huh? Can't you even protect yourself? That is not part of my job!" She said angrily then slammed her table.

"Now, go back home!" She said as she pick the key up.

Mukan walked outside then whispered "fucking useless bitch!"

"What did you just say?"

Hearing mukan she got angry even more.

'How dare this poor loser call me a bitch!'

"Well, you are a bitch. No matter how you look you are a slut who wants to fuck her own student. I bet you want to marry one student here, so you can have an easy life as a wife"

Is what he want to say, but didn't as he say "sorry it was nothing! ... bitch"

He whispered the bitch part as he walk away from her.

'Hmph! That's what I thought no guts!' She thought as she look at mukan leaving.

He went back home then started exercising as it's his goal for this year.




After doing 20 pushups he was already spent.

"Haa! Haa! My body is weaker than I thought!"

"Son! Dinner is ready!"

Hearing that dinner is ready he went down and saw that it's his favorite food, curry.

"Uwwoooh! Thank you mom! I love you!" He said then was about to chow it all down, but stopped.

"What is it, mukan? Is there a problem?" Noticing her son stopped as he was about to eat she asks him.

"M-mom, I want to go on a diet...." he said in a sad voice as he wants to eat everything his mother made.

"I will support you, son! You can left some and eat it in the morning!"

"Thank you mom, itadakimasu!" He said then started eating slower as he chew it more.

"It taste good! I want more!" He said as he tried to get more, but his mom stopped him.

She looks at mukan with a smile that made mukan shudder.

"Thanks for the meal!" Mukan said as he cles his palm together then left to his room.

"Good boy!" Her mother muttered as she clean the table up.

Mukan went back down then took a bath.

"Good night mom!" He said then went back to his room. He didn't study today as he doesn't need to since it's the first day of school.

The next day....

He woke up early in the morning it's still 4 am in the morning he stretches his body to get ready for a work out. He started his day by running around randomly as he wants to time how long he can run.

"Haa....haa...haa..hii!" He breathed heavily as he felt his leg aching and hurting, but he still did his best to run.

'I'm dying! Just let me have more energy! My stomach is hurting..... my back is hurting!' He complained inside his mind, but still kept going.

"Fuck this is my limit! Haa! Haa! Haa!" He held her knees as he breath heavily.

'Fuck, this is harder than I thought!' He thought in his mind as he pulled out his timer.

"20 minutes?....Haa.... That's it?" He muttered while breaths heavily as he put his hands on his hips.

He went back home and ate his breakfast with his mom, after taking a shower and changing to a school uniform. He went to the bus stop as he listen to a song. He went inside the bus after he checks where it stops. Since this is the first stop of the bus, he was able to sit down.

'Huu! My body is aching, all I did was exercise for a bit' he thought as he relaxes his body.

Going to school, he went inside the class as he relax himself. Since his work out was pretty hard for his body, it hurts all over.

Soon class started and their seat was arranged. He was sat down next to a beautiful girl. When they were in the gym she was the only one who didn't laugh. But he didn't let himself get tricked by her as he noticed her whispering to a guy then soon that same guy kicked mukan.

"Hey! You're that guy who got a scholarship, Congratulation!" She said with a smile on her face, but for mukan it wasn't a good smile nor her face attracted him. He was more of a personality type guy since he knew her personality he could only see her as an ugly person.

She has a pink hair, even though she is only in high school. Her body was sexy and her cute face doesn't help as mukan found her outer appearance attractive.

"Thank you, and nice to meet you my name is mukan" Mukan smiled as he reach his hand out. He was testing her if she will shake hands with a 'peasant' like him.

"My name is ichika, nice to meet you too!" She said as she shook mukan's hands.

'She got soft hands, just as I thought for a spoiled brat' mukan thought then look towards the black board.


Getting punched on the back of his head. He looks at his back and saw the guy who hit him back then when they were heading back to his classroom.

'Why does he look angry at me?' He looks at this brown haired guy

"Hey, don't talk to my girl that easily, you fucking digusting fat ass!"

"Huh? Didn't your girl talked to me first?"

"Tsk! Even If she did don't talk to her again"

Mukan looks at her with a side glance that she wouldn't notice then saw a disgusted look on her face.

"Haa! I understand! It's my fault!" He apologized as he doesn't want any trouble.

Time passed by, as he was going home the guy from earlier called him.

"Hey, friend here!" The guy called out to him.

Right now, he is near the train station since the bus stop is nearby it.

'Friend? When did we become friends?'

He walked towards them

"Go there and buy us drinks, we're friends so you will pay, right?"

"Huh? We're not friends, though"

The three guys look at each other as they laugh to each other.

"Don't you get it? We are ordering you to buy us drinks! Peasants should sacrifice for us!" The guy whispered.

Mukan ignored his words and decided to walkout of the alley.

"Fucking trash!" The guy yelled then grabs his bag as he threw him. Even if he is heavy his balance is not good, resulting in him being thrown.

"I've had enough of you!" Mukan said then started swinging his fist.

"Hahaha! Too easy to dodge!" The guy laughed as he dodges his punch.

Mukan then launches himself towards him. Successfully taking him down he used his weigh and sat on his stomach, making it hard for him to breathe.

Noticing what mukan was about to do he protected his face. Mukan didn't care as he started punching him even though he is blocking him.

"Fucking bitch! Stand up! I can't breathe! Help me!" He said as he block mukan's punches

"Hey! get off him!" The other guy's said as they punch mukan.

Noticing that the punches didn't work, they started grabbing him, but as mukan is heavily locked down on the guy they weren't able to lift him up.

Losing his mind from rage mukan's vision went blank as on his mind is to beat the guy up.

"Stop! Please! I won't do it again!" The guy pleaded with a quiet voice like someone who couldn't breath properly after swallowing a mouthful of water while swimming.

he cried as he felt like he was about to die from not being able to breathe properly.

Waking up mukan stood up then run towards the bus stop.

"Haa! Haa! Haa! Have I lost my mind? Why did I do that? I will get expelled for sure" he said then started crying as he remember his mother's hard work will go to waste.

He went home looking sad as he went to his room. He slept all the way until the morning.

Waking up, he checked the time since he has a lot of time he figured he should look for a long road to jog. He changed his clothes to his workout one and went outside.

He started jogging the route that he remembered in his mind.

"Haa! Haa! Haa! I finished it in two hours!" He said as he went inside his house.

"Son, are you okay? You went home and didn't ate dinner, come and eat your breakfast"

"What about your work? There is only a little bit of time, you will be late..."

"It's okay, I'm more worried about you!"

"Sorry to worry you mom, but nothing happened, I was just tired!"

"I'm glad! I will go to work now... remember to eat breakfast! Good bye!"

"Goodbye mom!"

Mukan nodded then started eating breakfast. After eating, he went inside the bathroom and put his workout clothes inside the laundry and washed it before going inside to take a shower. Since he sweat a lot he needs to wash it everyday.

After showering he felt refreshed, he put his clothes in the dryer.

He went to his room and started changing to his uniform.

He put the clothes to dry then went back to school.

He listened to songs as he wait for the teacher. He noticed that that asshole hasn't came to school yet.

"Hey, Where is your boyfriend?" Mukan asks ichika.

"I don't know...why did you asks?"

"Is that so? I thought you were his girlfriend"

"Doesn't mean that I should know where he is, right?" She said expressionlessly, but I noticed it, a tinge of smile on her. It made me feel something was up.

The chime rang...

*Ding dong ding dong*

"Hey, mukan! Come to the principal's office!" His teacher saya, said. Mukan felt a chill run down his spine as he thought of the possibility of getting expelled.