

after trying so many times, a couple couldn't get a child. then they make a wish to a legendary dragon, and their wish is fulfilled. is that child, normal or not?

Utkarshuniyal · Fantasy
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18 Chs


Neutral city

Eric and Alma reach the Neutral city. both went to the Elfeim embassy. they saw their ring. they are treating them VIPs. as long as the embassy master hear someone from the royal family has come he runs to meet them. Alma and Eric sitting on the sofa. embassy master runs to them.

embassy master (kneels) " may the mother nature bless our royal family. my name is Austin, I am the master of this embassy. your Highness."

Alma stand up and said "may mother nature bless you. I am Alma"

embassy master recognizes the name. and said, "it's my honour to be in presence of the princess."

Eric looking around, see a girl cleaning the windows in another room. he recognizes her.

Eric said, "embassy master where is your secretary?"

embassy master (why is he asking about secretary) "he went to do some important work, your highness."

Eric said "he? isn't your secretary a girl?"

embassy master "no sir, my secretary is a man."

Eric said "I remember when I come last time there is a girl"

embassy master "you must be talking about Ember. your Highness. she was my secretary about 2 years ago. she made a big mistake, then she got demoted."

Eric said, "where is see?"

embassy master "she is working somewhere in the embassy"

Eric said, "bring her here."

embassy master order someone to call Ember. Ember came.

Ember recognizes Eric mask.

Ember said(kneels) "may mother nature bless you, you Highness. I heard you call me, what can I do for you, your Highness."

Eric said "why did you demote"

Ember said " your Highness, last time when you came, I tell about it to embassy master. he said he never hear of news for someone from the royal family will come. he thought I take in some stranger in the embassy. then I got demoted."

Eric said, "what's this embassy master, do you think this ring is an ordinary ring that anyone can get it."

embassy master "your master it's my mistake, please forgive me. I didn't do it on purpose. because whenever someone comes from the Royal family they send a notice first. it's was the first time someone without notice comes. that's why I suspect her."

Eric said "now, what will you do as you know the truth."

embassy master "I will compensate her, I'll give her former position back to her."

Eric said "what will you do to your current secretary?

embassy master " I...."

Eric said " I need an answer by tomorrow. none of both should feel a little bit of injustice.

Ember prepares two-room......

(Alma hold Eric's hand, Eric understood )

prepare a room for two. "

Ember prepare room for Eric and the princess.

Alma hasn't gotten up from the last accident. so Eric holds her hand till she sleeps.

next day

Eric gives a mask to Alma. they both went to Neutral guild.

Eric looking around the neutral. then went to registering counter.

Eric said, "we want to register as an adventurer."

receptionist " your name sir."

Eric said, "my name is Indra and her name is El."

receptionist "your race?"

Eric said "pass"

receptionist "sorry sir but you need to tell us about your race without that we can't accept you."

Eric saw her token. The receptionist recognizes it and said "wait here sir. I'll come soon. "

the receptionist went upstairs. Eric and Alma went waiting for her after a few minutes receptionist came and said " dear sir please come with me."

Eric and Alma went with her.

Eric looking around observing the building. receptionist take them to a door.

the receptionist said "you both can go inside"

Eric feels a high-level pressure coming from the room, he knows someone very strong is in the room. he opens the door and ...........

let start the game..........