

after trying so many times, a couple couldn't get a child. then they make a wish to a legendary dragon, and their wish is fulfilled. is that child, normal or not?

Utkarshuniyal · Fantasy
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18 Chs


Haldir said, " I want to see that monster."

Aldon said, "he is out there, come with me."

Aldon and Haldir went outside. Aldon said, "Eric, come here."

after hearing Aldon, Eric went to them.

Aldon introduces them "Eric. this is my friend, Haldir. who fought alongside me, in the battle of four races. he will teach you fire and earth magic. and Haldir, this is a kid that I talk about. Eric.

Haldir looked the kid

Eric greets him with elf tradition " may mother nature bless you. my name is Eric. I will be in your care...., sir.

Haldir said "good kid, know his manners. but why are you hiding your face?

Eric looked at Aldon.

Aldon said, " you can show your face to him."

Eric take off his mask

Haldir said "Oh!.. a human child. kid, I hear so many things about you. can you show me, first two forms of heaven slayer?

Eric takes out his sword " show first two forms of heaven slayer."

Haldir was shocked, not because of two forms. but the sword. thinking (that sword is a demon king sword. other than demon lord, no one can wield that sword. how can a 6-year-old kid have that. )

Haldir went near Aldon and ask "how can that child wield that sword. that's a demon lord sword."

Aldon said "I don't know"

Haldir said "you are his master and you don't know. you know it's a demon king sword, not an ordinary sword. other than demon king no one can wield that sword. how can a human child wield that sword? it's impossible."

Aldon reply with proudly "if it's him, then it's possible."

Haldir said " huh... what type of answer is that, again.

Aldon just smiling

Haldir looking at him with a cringe

(is he Aldon that I used to know)

Eric stops the demonstration. Haldir said "from now, you are my second disciple.

Eric ask " who is the first disciple? master.

Aldon said, "Hey.. you didn't call me master yet. and you calling him master, whom you just met."

Eric replies "shut up, grandpa."

hearing their conservation, Haldir laugh and said, " you have great eyes, Eric. I will teach you all my fire and earth magic. I will make you the best fire and earth attribute user."

Eric replies " it will be my honour to learn from you."

Aldon said "what do you mean by honour? is learning from me, isn't your honour. I think you want to get rid of me."

Eric replies " I am happy to have you as my grandpa, and I don't leave anyone dear to me."

Aldon couldn't say a word after that.

Eric said "master, who is your first disciple.

Haldir reply "she will be here soon, go upstairs and choose one room for you. I will introduce her later."

Eric went into the house.

Haldir said, " I can see, he likes you. he wanted you to be his grandpa."

Aldon said "hmm, actually I like the way we both are right now. I don't want to ruin this relationship. he is like a grandson to me.

I wonder what my son and grandsons doing now. you know about them, right? what are they doing? how are they?

Haldir said ( should I tell him?) "you'll know later.

After few hours

a carriage stop in front of the house. a couple with a little girl come out. Haldir takes them inside the house and starts talking. at the same time, Eric came out of his room, without knowing someone there. and hear a voice." who is that human kid" Eric look down and see a man and woman sitting on the sofa.

Haldir said "come here, Eric.

Eric went to them.

Haldir said " great our guests and introduce yourself"

Eric said "may mother nature bless you, my name is Eric. I am the second disciple of master Haldir.

woman said "he is cute and handsome"

Haldir said " he is our king 'king Arwen' and queen 'Aerin'

Eric said " it's my honour to be in presence of the king and queen of Elfeim.

kind Arwen said "this kid knows how to speak sweetly. when did you come here?"

Eric said "I came a few hours ago"

king Arwen " come here, Alma.

a girl hiding behind the king. came forward.

Eric was shocked by her beauty. thinking (She is gorgeous. If she is so beautiful at this age, what will she look like when she grows up.)

king Arwen said, " Alma, He is your new friend, Eric. he will study with you."

(Alma came forward, and look. Eric)

Alma said " may mother nature bless you. my name is Alma. I am the princess of elfeim. nice to meet you.

Eric said, "it's my pleasure to meet you too, princess."

Alma staring at Eric. saying "your ear look Short"

Eric said "because I am a human"

Alma said, " are all humans look like you?"

Eric said "yes princess"

Alma said "you don't look different"

Eric said, " yes, we look alike."

Alma said, "are you a man."

Eric said "ahh.. yes?

Alma said "you won't eat me. right?

Eric said, "why would I eat you, princess?"

Alma reply "grandpa told me, all man's are wolves. they want to eat me. I should stay away from them."

Eric replies "princess, your grandpa is a man too. you should ask him, why he is raising you? maybe, he wants to eat you, when you become... big."

king Arwen laugh after hearing Eric words. said this kid not only speak sweet words. but also sensible.

Alma was looking to her father and saying. "is grandpa really raising me to eat?"

Eric thinking (now I know, why grandpa wants me to act like my age. it's fun with children.)

after a few minutes, king Arwen see the ring on Eric's hand and said " come here, Eric "

Eric went near the king, The king gently held Eric's hand. see the ring and ask. "where did you get this ring"

Eric thinking, (what should I do. should I tell him about grandpa. after releasing from the sword. he haven't seen his family. he must want to see them. )

Eric said, "my grandpa gave me this ring."

king Arwen "who is your grandpa?"

Eric said
