
Indomitable Swordsman

The first sword slice split the land, the second split the sea, and the third split the stars.

MadOtter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Master and student

POV 3rd

At the great expense of the demon desert place where salt is more valuable than gold and water is scarce, you can see a child who looks about seven or ehaght with long black hair tied to his back and squished down by a large wooden box that was slightly slanted as if not it would be dragging against the floor. His face couldn't be seen as it was being covered by a mask that was probably protecting it from the sand that spontaneously blows at high speeds he wore a a tan coat that was zipped up with belt buckles going down. It covered up until his wast where he had two swords the one on his wast a knight sword that was about an arm and a half long a plan handle grad wrapped in leather, and one on the back of his belt with a smaller design to the one on his side just shorter. he was waking steadily with no obvious signs of fatigue apart from the sweat dripping down his face. His appearance looked quite normal for the dessert but the same couldn't be said for the woman waking next to him. 

she looked to be in her mid-30s and was walking with no signs of the heat and if you looked at the ground for footsteps you would only find the boys. She had pale blue short hair with just as pale skin and was wearing a pure white form-fitting suit with pieces of silver armor where her heart, wrists, and side thighs to just above the knees. which was secured with a system of light gray belts that connected to the one around her waist that held, similar to the boy's, two swords but the difference was the style of them. She had a Rapier on her side with an exquisitely crafted black almost cristla-like guard that looked like a spider web. As for her second sword, it was in a glass scabbard so we could see its blade which was as thin as a peces of paper it also had many symbols carved onto it.

as they were walking the woman whose name was June Gram started to pick up her pace, the boy didn't folder and started to follow but June didn't slow down but instead sped up. she continued to speed up for about forty minutes until the boy who was behind her couldn't keep up but she kept the same pace for about twenty more minits till the boy finally dropped.

''Zeir!'' June rushed over to the boy whose name was Zeir, after noticing that he didn't respond to her. 

''you out?'' she asked while waiving a hand over his face. Not getting a response, her impassive face changed to a mischievous grin, and the hand that was still hanging over Zeir's face slowly had a water ball formed over, and when it formed a thin layer of ice had formed on it showing how cold the ball was. The ball dropped on Zeir's face, waking him up.

''AH!!''He. shouted feeling the cold water come down his face.

''You passed out again, you need to know your limits. If not you will just die if you collapse when an enemy attacks. You should keep 5% of your energy conserved to escape a dire situation.'' June's mischievous face was gone replaced with the impassive face that she had before.

''I'm sorry master, it's just that I'm not used to the sand and heat yet it's different from the jungles we were in last week, I'm struggling to keep my step on the sand.'' a childish voice comes from Zeir as he studs up wiping the wet sand off of himself. 

''that's the reason I brought you here. You need to learn how to keep your footing when fighting on different tarriness, if you are fighting a mage the first thing they do is change the ground to mess up your footing, now you've reset enough get up and swing your blade down 1000 times from the top to the bottom, then from right to left, then from left to right, and finally trust it 1000 times.'' After June finished, Zeir put down the box on his back, which landed with a weighty thump, took a stance, and started to swing.

Over the next two hours, he swung without stopping. June watched and occasionally corrected his form. 

When he finished the sun hung in at the highest point of the sky showing that it was noon but that was wrong as they had already been traveling since 6:30 and its been 12 hours since then so it should have been 18:30 but that was the wonders of the of the demon desert. The days are twice as long as the days but the nights are the same. This pondered the mage's guild put out many research mages and a reward but still no one had found out why it happened just in the desert

After Zeir finished resting he picked up his sore body and put the wooden box on his back. June was already walking by the time he finished so he jogged for a little to catch up.

They walked in silence for hours, they never stopped only occasionally taking a drink of the water jug that Jun carried, it was a mast produsd magic item from the spatial magic tower one of the eight great magic towers. the jug had a space on the inside that was far larger on the inside and it had a spell that would reduce the wheat and keep the heat of the water I've hot or cold depending on which one you brought. 

While they were walking June felt a rumble on the ground. ''people are coming.'' she said, Zeir went into a battle-ready stance, with his hand on his sword and his feat speed apart, while he was doing that June just stood there looking over the dunes waiting for what's coming. It could be the demon army, sand bandits, or merchants. She was hoping for the last option as that's the one where they probably wouldn't have to fight or explan their purpose here.

But of course, you never get what you want. Jane thought as she watched the horses and wyvern come over the arizen. ten twenty forty eighty a hundred, it never stopped hundreds of armored war horses with armored knights atop of them, and in the middle convoy you could vaguely see a golden embedded wooden carriage that was floating over the sand and pulled by the biggest horses that were almost two times as big as the others.

''Zeir stand behimd me.'' June said as the convoy got closer soon it got about fifty meters in front of them where June could see them clearly. Golden armored horses with mincing riders who also wore a white tunic with a red lion simple. Zier instantly stood behind her hand till on his sword scanning the knights in front.

'The Kindom of pride's royal knights, what are they doing all the way out here?' June thought when she saw the logo. In the Demon desert, there were seven kingdoms also known as the Sin kingdoms as they were all named after the seven great sins. The Kingdom of Pride was a kingdom that sat in the far north of the desert millions of kilometers from where they are now in the far south in The Kingdom of Lust.

As June and Zeir stopped waiting for the convoy's next move ten knights of the convoy split off and started advancing toward them and stopped just over five meters in front of them trying to intimidate them with the size of the horses who looked more like giant bulls.

''Stat your business!'' The knight upfrontnt rord.

''Where just passing throgh there were no reports of The Kingdom of Pride coming through here,'' June said while signaling to Zeir that there would be a battle. when the demon nations move like this, their normal notice that people will know when they're coming by but if they don't give that notice and move where there are not many people. There are two possibilities that lead to the same outcome first is that they transporting a magic artifact that they won't know anyone knows of, or seeing how fancy that carriage was the second option is probably right where they're coming for a secret meeting of some sort with the Kingdom of Lust and won't want the other kingdoms to know of it. so for either option, they would kill anyone on their way so they wouldn't be found out, a brutal but common occurrence when dealing with these types of nations.

The tension was palpable as both sides knew what was going to happen but the knights knew that June wasn't an easy opponent just by her aura so they were careful to not make any openings.

The first knight to move was a female knight with a spear hidden in the back knight in the back behind another knight she was so small that behind the biggest knight to not be seen and when she taught June was distracted by the leader of the group and snuck around when the wind picked up making cover for her. 

Just as her spear was about to hit June's neck someone shouted ''Stop'' from the convoy but that wasn't the reason she stopped no, not even the blade at her throat it was June her hand holding Zeir's blade and staring at her with glowing blue eyes that dug into the knight's soul. 


The knight's body screamed but she couldn't move, all she could was sit there quivering until June moved her eyes to the convoy where two people rushed out of the carriage to which the knight collapsed onto the ground with a yellow liquid seeping into the sand while she was shaking in fear.

June turned her attention to the two people rushing over. The rest of the knights who were in a stupor from the unexpected events quickly came back to their senses when they saw the two people who were cloaked, coming over and dismounted their horses and knelt in rows making a gap where the two people went through.

As soon as the two people arrived they went up to June and pulled down the hoods so they could clearly see them, the one on the left had a tall but slender frame and a human face that looked odd for this regen as he was extremely pale he also had four horns, two on either side of his head that could be seen clearly as he had short heir. the second man looked much less human a body that had what some people would think was too much muscle with red skin and black markings he was a red orc. just like how chimpanzees are related to humans it is like that for red and green orcs it is just that the red ones are the ones with more intelligence.

As they arrived in front of June and Zeir they stopped and bowed. ''where sorry for our rudeness.'' the red orc spoke. 

''We would have never shown such rudeness. if only we had known that you were in the is territory we would have been more careful and made sure to greet you correctly'' the tall man said.

''so you mean it's my fault that you tried to kill me and my disciple?'' June said with a cold tone filled with a heavy aura, much different from the impassive voice that she used with Zeir.

''O-of course not we would never have blamed you, It's our foolishness for being so hasty please allow us to repay you for our rudeness.'' the Red orc said, opposite to his looks he seemed to be the more diplomatic.

''It's fine I will let you off of it because of your sincereness but how did you know who I am?'' June asked as he was quite sure that she had never met the man.

this time it was the skinny man who spoke up, ''You probably don't remember me since we never talked, but I was one of the soldiers in the human-elf war and at the Grasse plan battle ten years ago where you single-handily beat the nature tower master.'' 

June nodded understanding and turned to Zier sighing that they were about to leave to which he just nodded having understanding but still not putting down his guard that had been up since the very moment the convoy arrived. 

Just as they were about to leave a faint buzzing sound started to get louder and louder everyone looked to see what it was only for a scared voice coming from the rad orc to say what it was. 

''Black demon bees!''