
Indomitable Martial Spirit

In the beginning, an infinite expanse of empty space stretched across the vast universe, devoid of any form or substance. Then, from the void emerged something truly magnificent: Order and tranquility took shape, laying the foundation for existence. Yet, as time passed, the balance shifted, for where there is Order, Chaos follows closely behind - the eternal dance of Yin and Yang. Within this dance of duality, the universe as we know it came into being, teeming with life and vibrant energies. World Qi, the essence of life itself, permeated every corner, giving birth to creation and sustaining the cycles of existence. Through countless eons, human civilizations evolved and learned to harness the boundless energy of Qi. With dedicated cultivation, they embarked on the path to ascension and the promise of eternal life, forever intertwined with the ever-changing rhythm of Order and Chaos, the eternal essence of the universe. In a world of martial arts and profound mysteries, "Indomitable Martial Spirit” follows Fei Long Tian as he embraces his destiny, rises to legendary heights, and confronts powerful adversaries. With newfound power and unwavering determination, he faces countless battles that determine his fate. This epic tale of self-discovery, friendship, romance and the pursuit of truth in the Martial World is truly a thrilling journey of growth and enlightenment.

Kinjast · Eastern
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16 Chs

Silk River Pavilion!

In the days that followed Fei Long Tian's intense cultivation breakthrough, he had tested his newfound power with amazement and disbelief. To his shock, he had ascended three whole levels in the Qi condensation realm, reaching the seventh level. The mysterious dragon within his dantian seemed to be the source of this incredible advancement, and Fei Long Tian couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity about the true nature of this extraordinary power.

As he walked towards Crimson Flame City, the weight of the coin purse by his side reminded him of his newfound wealth. Inside were riches beyond his wildest dreams, but this was just a small portion of what he had left at his humble abode on the outskirts of the city. Fei Long Tian was eager to treat himself to something special, a reward for his hard work and determination.

Excitement filled his heart as he entered the grand city. His first destination was the Silk River Pavilion, an opulent shop that catered to the elite, offering exquisite silk robes and dresses. Fei Long Tian had always seen young masters and misses of prominent clans walk into this store with their attendants, only to leave adorned in luxurious clothing. He had dreamt of this moment, and now, it was finally within his grasp.

With a deep breath, he stepped into the pavilion, and the breathtaking sight that greeted him left him in awe. Countless robes of vibrant colors and delicate textures adorned the space, some embellished with magnificent depictions of dragons and phoenixes. Fei Long Tian was like a child in a wonderland, captivated by the intricate details and craftsmanship.

However, the shopkeeper's sharp and unpleasant voice shattered his euphoria. She belittled him, "The Silk River Pavilion is a reputable shop we don't just let any rif raf in." She said, Fei Long Tian turned when he heard the voice and noticed a ugly looking woman who appeared to be the shopkeeper of the first floor of the pavilion looking directly at him, the voice had come from her. "What are you not only street trash but a mute as well? I said we don't welcome you here." She exclaimed again.

Anger surged within Fei Long Tian, but he knew that he had to endure such judgments. He was aware that his appearance and background didn't align with the elite clientele of the Silk River Pavilion.

"But I am a customer." Fei Long Tian said "I came to buy clothes" he said again.

"Pfft" the shopkeeper laughed as she said, "if we let every piece of trash in here to buy clothes wouldn't we become a garbage collector? Get lost you aren't welcome"

Fei Long Tian turned around to head for the door, but right when he was about to leave a voice called out to him, "Wait! Don't go" a frivolous looking young man dressed in exquisite gold robes hurried his way towards Fei Long Tian, "Young master Fei please don't leave!"

Fei Long Tian turned around, shocked that someone here would know his name, he was even more confused when he realized he had never met this man before.

Before Fei Long Tian could respond, a shrill voice interrupted once more, "Vice master Fu, you must be mistaken, this beggar couldn't possibly be the person you think he is, let me deal with this trash" the shopkeeper from earlier made a motion to the guards to take Fei Long Tian away but before they could move Vice master Fu yelled with rage.

"Presumptuous!" "Who are you to question my authority and disrespect a precious customer. Guards! Take her away from here, from this day forward she will have nothing to do with Silk River Pavilion!" He ordered the shopkeeper to be removed from the pavilion, permanently banning her from any association with the Silk River Pavilion.

The surrounding customers gasped in shock, "who was this youth to warrant such a reaction from the Vice master of Silk River Pavilion?" They all thought.

Fei Long Tian eventually found the opportunity to ask the question that was on everyone's mind, "You know me?" Fei Long Tian asked in confusion, "Yes young master Fei of course I know you, you are one of the renowned geniuses in the city, a soon to be disciple of the Seven Star Sect!" Fu Rong responded with a bright smile. "Please do come with me and pick out some clothes"

Fei Long Tian was just as surprised as well by the sudden revelation, The young man's bright smile, however, put him at ease. Vice Master Fu insisted on guiding Fei Long Tian to the second level of the pavilion, reserved only for esteemed guests.

Fei Long Tian felt a sense of pride and excitement welling within him. He couldn't believe how drastically his life had changed in such a short time, he was only a 9 year old kid after all. With Vice Master Fu's guidance, he was about to fulfill his dream of adorning himself in exquisite attire, a symbol of his newfound status and accomplishments.

As Fei Long Tian and Vice Master Fu ascended to the second level of the Silk River Pavilion, the sight that greeted him left him in awe once again. The robes displayed here were even more exquisite, adorned with intricate embroidery and delicate designs fit for emperors and nobles. Fei Long Tian couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the opulence surrounding him.

With a shy and self ridiculing smile, he turned to Vice Master Fu and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Vice master Fu but these clothes are simply too extraordinary for someone like me. I'm afraid I won't be able to afford them."

Vice Master Fu chuckled warmly, placing a reassuring hand on Fei Long Tian's shoulder. "My dear young master Fei, you needn't worry about the price," he said with a reassuring smile. "For you, these clothes are on the house." "And please, call me Fu Rong, vice master sounds so… Distant."

Fei Long Tian's eyes widened in surprise at the generous gesture. "On the house?" he repeated, unable to believe his ears. "But that's too much. I can't accept such a lavish gift."

Vice Master Fu shook his head, his smile unwavering. "Nonsense," he said firmly. "Consider it a token of my apology for the unfortunate event that happened earlier. You see, that shopkeeper has been causing quite a bit of trouble lately, and I've been meaning to deal with her for some time now. Your presence simply provided the perfect opportunity to put her in her place."

Fei Long Tian hesitated, still feeling uneasy about accepting such a lavish gift. "I appreciate your gesture, Vice Master Fu, but I couldn't possibly impose," he said politely.

Before he could decline again, Vice Master Fu insisted, "Please, I do insist. Take it as a token of my apology and a sign of our newfound friendship. Besides, I can see that these robes would suit you perfectly. It's the least I can do for someone as remarkable as you, young master Fei."

Fei Long Tian was touched by Vice Master Fu's kindness and sincerity. He couldn't deny that the robes were exquisite, and they were indeed a perfect fit for him. After a brief moment of hesitation, he finally nodded and accepted Vice Master Fu's generous gift with gratitude.

"Thank you, Vice Master Fu. I'm truly honored," Fei Long Tian said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I will cherish these robes dearly."

Vice Master Fu beamed with delight, pleased to see Fei Long Tian accept the gift. To some it may seem that Fu Rong was being wasteful but to him it was an investment, for who was Fei Long Tian? He was a young genius who's might was strong enough to put him at the top 3 in the martial arts tournament in the city a tournament filled with youths at the age of 14 and 15 but Fei Long Tian was only 9 years old.

On top of that Fei Long Tian was about to enter into the most renowned sect in the region the Seven Star Sect! If he could make an impression on this young genius his Silk River Pavilion would be set for life!

Fu Rong didn't do it all for benefit though, it really did make him feel sad to see a genius such as Fei Long Tian dressed in tattered and dirty clothes.

"You're very welcome, young master Fei," he said warmly. "Now, let us find you the most exquisite ensemble, one that befits a rising star like yourself."

As they explored the second level of the pavilion together, Fei Long Tian couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Vice Master Fu. The young man's generosity and sincerity had left a lasting impression on him.

Fu Rong was excited as could be, dragging Fei Long Tian around the pavilion to try on the most exquisite and frivolous outfits, but in the end Fei Long Tian decided on more low key attire, it was white robes with black embroidered accents, the robes looked classy as well as elegant.

When Fei Long Tian put on the robes it seemed as if his whole personality had changed, he went from looking like a poor orphan on the side of the street to looking like a handsome young master of a powerful clan. Fu Rong chuckled at Fei Long Tian's reaction to his own appearance.

Soon after, Fei Long Tian made his way out of the Pavilion, thanking Fu Rong profusely for his generosity, and continued on towards his next destination. Food! Fei Long tian made sure to buy all of the items of food that he had never tried before as he made his way back towards his home on the outskirts of the city.