
Indian girl travel back to Ancient China with portable space

Anika, age 28 ..foodie chubby indian girl travel back to ancient China which is far different from her planet earth. She has space with her which give her unlimited foods, material supply with refill powers in it. She meets main lead qin mufeng and and his three brothers...they were waiting for their destined partner to arrive and bring happiness and blessing to their kingdom..in their kingdom where there is less population of females and females where regarded as queen. Anika was excited as she treated beautiful in that kingdom.Anika introduces her indian cuisine and customes . With the help of space she enjoy richness in ancient time and enjoy the love and care of her 4 partners

Daoistfrdcyk · Fantasy
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Qin Mufeng

Anika opens book "swapan" It's written in sanskrit and had it's translation in hindi.. It's says your all dream will come true... It's gives his reader the spell in sanskrit from which get his wish Fullfill. He gets his desire. The only demand is that he or she has to believe in destiny and have immense faith in God.Futher the books reads about the wish of prince mufeng who lives in ***** kingdom which comes in northern part of China.. This place is like parllel space with earth.. Totally different from where anika came from. 

Books says that he had granted the wish of finding true love for prince. She will be his qizi ( wife) in future. Able to give him love and care he desire. Able to bring happiness in his life.The desire person will come from very different time on a certain day at the alter in front of bhudha statue in his home and fulfill his life and improve the lives of Citzen in his kingdom. 

Latter book provided the dictionary and knowledge about hindi language which will help mufeng to communicate with that fated person. 

Anika completed reading book.. Still try to process the information about the book. According to this book she was the fated person which will change the lfe of this state. But the question is why her?? She doesn't have any uniqueness like female leads in nobels have.. She doesn't have any medical, business,or any farming knowledge.. Then how will she help them. And why would she would assigned with such responsibility.. It's her own life is well messed up. She don't want to be in jump it in another mess. She wants to go back.. How frightened babu will be.. If he didn't find me in bed. He is just a teenager all alone in that big city.. Anika thinks.. "No I have to go back.. I have to return back to my old life.. 

She pointed towards book and ask mufeng about it.. " From where did you get this book?? "

Qin mufeng has just started learning hindi.. And unable to understand fluent hindi of her. 

Seeing him not understand.. She try to simplifies her wors words "kon diya" ? ( who gave) .. 

This time mufeng understood. He said "shifu".. Anika stare him blankely.. Seeing she doesn't understand. He he said again shifu..(guru). This time Anika reacts.. Ohh. Guru.. Means teacher.. She hold his hand and single him to take her to this shifu..

Seems like she talking about shifu and want to him.. He sadly retracted his hand from her.. And pointed his his finger upwards.. It's take time to understand the sign.. Anika react .. She said " Mar gaye " ( dead).. Show petrified face.. Seems like understanding her words and action he reply positively. He sat back in bed. Seeing him reply like that. Anika has only one word in her mind " It's over ".. She won't be able to go back.. How will be survive in this place?? What will happen to her family.. How sad will they feel about loosing their eldest daughter. She also sat back dejectedly.. Seems to be understand her emotions he hold her both hand and try to cheer up with smile.. And said "mai hoon na "( I am there) .. Listening to his sentence which is same as famous bollywood movie from her place.. Which had romantic superstar SRK.. She was bit stunned and laugh self depreciatingly.. 

She thought how the life changes.. How she get from being to have a such cute chocolate boy as a partner. How the hell will she communicate with him. She only knows hindi and english as she was English teacher in past. She only knows to enjoy Chinese drama, love Chinese food.. But how the hell will she love and live with the Chinese guy.